Dennis E. Taylor

Most commented posts

  1. No, no, THIS year! — 156 comments
  2. Some Updates on, Well, Everything — 150 comments
  3. Update On Book 2 — 148 comments
  4. Heaven’s River – A Quick Description of the Megastructure — 115 comments
  5. Genealogy of the Bobs — 111 comments

Author's posts

Retiring to Write Full-Time

  As I write this, I am patiently enduring my last day at the day-job. Starting tomorrow, I am a full-time writer. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to put out at least a couple of novels per year, although the afternoon naps may get in the way. 🙂 I’ve had a preliminary talk with …

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A Good Start

A good start for book 3. This is the Best SF&F list on Audible. #11, 12, 13.      

And Now the E-Book

E-book is now up on Amazon. Not the paperback, yet, but soon… I guess I should put up the URLs…  

Audible Pre-order is up

The pre-order for “All These Worlds” is up on Audible. The e-book version should be up within a day or two.    

Release Date, er, Released

Audible has set the release date for book 3, “All These Worlds” to be August 8, 2017. The e-book will be released on the same date, and the print version might be a day or two later, because of delays between Createspace and Amazon. Also, an update to my earlier post: Audible will be re-recording …

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On Audio Books and Pronunciation

For We Are Many came out recently, and I’ve received a surprising number of comments on some pronunciation changes. The three words mentioned are: Archimedes, Eridani, and AMI. So here’s the thing. Ray corrected his pronunciation of Archimedes in book 2, thanks to some feedback after book 1. Although several people have commented on the …

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No, no, THIS year!

I’ve been perplexed by some of the comments on book 2 (on Amazon), where they’ve been saying things like “now I have to wait a year for the third book.” It finally came clear when someone posted this response on goodreads:   I’m assuming you mean June 2018? A turnaround of just a few months …

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Well, it’s out there.

Two down, one to go. 🙂

Genealogy of the Bobs

I’ve been asked a few times about the Bob family tree. This one is in the appendices of book 2, so there are a few names in here that will be new to you. If I’ve missed anyone, let me know. It’s too late for the first edition of For We Are Many, but I …

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Audible is turning up the heat

Dang it, I should have posted this on Friday. Audible has sent out a pre-release email for For We Are Many. And the email drove FWAM to #2 on Audible (for a while, anyway). Woo hoo!