Dennis E. Taylor

Most commented posts

  1. No, no, THIS year! — 156 comments
  2. Some Updates on, Well, Everything — 150 comments
  3. Update On Book 2 — 148 comments
  4. Heaven’s River – A Quick Description of the Megastructure — 115 comments
  5. Genealogy of the Bobs — 111 comments

Author's posts

We’re Baaaaaaack

Some of you might have noticed that the site was down for about a day. That’s because yesterday my Graphene theme wanted to be updated from 1.9.something to 2.0 . Fine, sez I, and hits update. Turns out 2.0 is incompatible with older versions of PHP. This is the second time I’ve gone down because …

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My first short story

I just got my first short story published. It’s in Explorations: Colony . It was an interesting experience–turns out writing short stories requires an entirely different mindset from writing novels. I have to admire authors who do this as their primary focus, and I especially have to admire authors (like many golden-age greats) who did …

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Soundcloud samples

Audible has sent me soundcloud samples, so here’s a recap of samples for all 3 books:

Some Updates on, Well, Everything

The storm seems to be about over. Audible has fixed the truncated audio file, re-enabled Whispersync, and emailed customers about it. However, I’m still getting some reviews and comments about the “cliffhanger” nature of All These Worlds, so not everyone apparently reads their email. Or, more likely, they figured it was another marketing email and …

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Review on CBC Radio

Here’s a good review of We Are Legion on CBC Radio.

An Update on Whispersync

I’ve been in contact with Audible, who are responsible for setting up Whispersync for Amazon/Audible books. Apparently there’s more involvedĀ than just flipping a switch. When they had to re-upload ATW on Tuesday, they essentially had to re-do the Whispersync setup, which is not trivial. I’m told it’ll be up by end of day today, though …

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Audible Release

So, the glitch is fixed and Audible is going to try to email everyone who already downloaded it. Meanwhile, I got this email from Audible. I love their graphics work.  

Well, That was Suboptimal

As I write this, there are about a dozen comments awaiting moderation, pointing out that All These Worlds is missing the last dozen or so chapters. Not really the debut I was hoping for. šŸ™ I’ve already contacted Audible, and they’re aware of the problem. They’re working on it, they say it’ll be fixed this …

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The Trilogy is Complete

  I opened the box and found 20 of ALL THESE WORLDS. The trilogy is now complete. Waiting for the 8th, and I have to admit I’m sweating a little. Don’t worry, though. I still have a lot of bobiverse books in me.  

Audio Books Fixed

I’ve gotten word from Audible that they have fixed the pronunciation inconsistencies in books 1 & 2. If you re-download the books, you should get the new versions.