Category: Pilgrim’s Progress

Announcements, updates, or just general whining about my progress (or lack of) on my writing projects.

Summer Update

It has been a busy month! I have done an edit on Outland, arranged for a new cover for it, approved the cover for Legion, and written about 75% of the new novel that my agent and I discussed. This is the third year in a row that we’ve gone up to Whistler in the …

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Vacation starts tomorrow

My last day of work before vacation. Woo-hoo! I have a laundry-list of things to do, of course, as mentioned in my previous post. But add to that some software updates that I need to make. I wrote a couple of apps in aid of the plotting of the Legion books. In particular, an XNA-based …

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And, they’re off!

Ray Porter contacted me this week. Woo-hoo! Looks like my book is now in process. He asked me about how I see my characters and I provided my opinions. There may or may not be further questions, and I’ll be happy to answer them. In other news, after some critting on Scribophile, I’ve decided that …

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Writing Redux

I’d like to go off on a slight tangent with this post. I’ve been working madly on book 2 of Legion, and I am pausing to think about how the process has evolved for me. When I started writing Outland, end of May 2014, I basically just fired up WORD and started typing. But I’m …

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Progress Update

My agent and I have gone through several iterations of editing. I’m just finishing what I think is probably the final revision. I’ll be emailing it to him by the end of the weekend, then it’s fingers-crossed time. I was feeling a little bummed about this process, but after reading some other peoples’ experiences on …

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Progress Report

Things have been moving along, albeit not as quickly or in quite the direction that I’d have liked. On the Legion front, my agent got back some constructive criticisms from an editor. Good points, and to be honest, not really surprises. I spent a good portion of the last couple of weeks editing and revising …

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Continuing to work on my spaceship

I’m still hacking away at the render for the Heaven vessels. Here’s my latest:      

I now haz agent

Yeah, little bit of a curve ball in the ol’ long-term plans. I still haven’t figured out how I managed it, but I now have an agent for We are Legion. Of course, this means the schedule’s gone all bust, but c’est la vie. I am now signed with The Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency.   …

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New video clip of Bob’s travels

I’ve created a new video clip from my Stellarium app, of the various Bobs’ travels through near space. This is for We are Legion. I changed Mario’s destination from GL 41, which was too far, to Beta Hydri. This works a little better with the overall timing of the novel. I’ve also reworked the app …

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Done and almost done

I’ve finished writing Legion. Which is not to say, I’ll be publishing tomorrow. It means I’ve finished adding plot. Now I have to go through a couple of edit passes. I tend to use certain words too much: just, fairly, appear.. minimizing words. I see it as dry understatement, readers see it as wimpy. Sigh. …

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