Progress Report

Things have been moving along, albeit not as quickly or in quite the direction that I’d have liked.

On the Legion front, my agent got back some constructive criticisms from an editor. Good points, and to be honest, not really surprises. I spent a good portion of the last couple of weeks editing and revising Legion to suit. The book is now in more chronological order, even if that makes some of the sub-plots a little clumpy. In addition, the Sol System war sub-plot now ends in book one with colonists settling in Omicron(2) Eridani. For the trek-nerds among us, that’s the home system of the Vulcans. One benefit of the extra work is that the book now tops out at 84K words, which is a little more reasonable than the former 75K.

So Ethan will resubmit, I guess, and we’ll see what happens. Funny, as hard as it is to get an agent, it seems that’s actually the easy part. Getting the publishers to pay attention is the toughie.

Meanwhile, I’ve started back up on my sequel to Outland. It was originally about 1/3 written. I’ve just been going through all my files, making sure everything is synchronized and that I’m working with the latest versions of everything. I don’t think I’ll have it done by the end of the summer, unless you count summer as lasting until Sept 22nd 🙂 .

I’m not sure if I’ll be doing any more work on my Blender space ship, at least for a while. Since I’m no longer in charge of producing my cover, it seems like a bit of a time hole. My focus will have to be getting the Outland sequel out, then getting the Legion sequel going.

Legion will be a trilogy, at least for the immediate story lines. The universe that I’ve created for it is good for many more standalone novels.

Well, back to work…


    • Ron on August 26, 2015 at 10:12 am
    • Reply

    Enjoyed Outland. Well done.
    I have not read any of your other works or even seen them listed.
    Looking forward to your sequel on Outland.

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