Dennis E. Taylor

Most commented posts

  1. No, no, THIS year! — 156 comments
  2. Some Updates on, Well, Everything — 150 comments
  3. Update On Book 2 — 148 comments
  4. Heaven’s River – A Quick Description of the Megastructure — 115 comments
  5. Genealogy of the Bobs — 111 comments

Author's posts

Spike and Lucy

Spike and Lucy keep making appearances in my novels. Kind of like easter eggs. Just for visualization, here they are…   Spike:   Lucy:    

We Are Legion (We Are Bob)

Legion is up on for pre-order! We Are Legion (We Are Bob) The release date is now officially Sept 20th. The e-book will be released on the same day. Woo hoo!  

Summer Update

It has been a busy month! I have done an edit on Outland, arranged for a new cover for it, approved the cover for Legion, and written about 75% of the new novel that my agent and I discussed. This is the third year in a row that we’ve gone up to Whistler in the …

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Vacation starts tomorrow

My last day of work before vacation. Woo-hoo! I have a laundry-list of things to do, of course, as mentioned in my previous post. But add to that some software updates that I need to make. I wrote a couple of apps in aid of the plotting of the Legion books. In particular, an XNA-based …

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And, they’re off!

Ray Porter contacted me this week. Woo-hoo! Looks like my book is now in process. He asked me about how I see my characters and I provided my opinions. There may or may not be further questions, and I’ll be happy to answer them. In other news, after some critting on Scribophile, I’ve decided that …

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Writing Redux

I’d like to go off on a slight tangent with this post. I’ve been working madly on book 2 of Legion, and I am pausing to think about how the process has evolved for me. When I started writing Outland, end of May 2014, I basically just fired up WORD and started typing. But I’m …

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Audible is Moving Right Along

It took very little time between when I sent the completed manuscript in, and Audible’s production department got back to me. My wife and I had been discussing who would be a good narrator for the novel, and I was chagrined when the email from Audible indicated that they’d already assigned a voice actor. But …

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Editing Done. Fer shur.

I just sent off the final version of my manuscript to the publisher. Wow, nerves, much? And it doesn’t matter how many times you look it over before hitting send, you’re still positive that you’ve forgotten something. I’ve also asked my agent about narrator’s voices. I have an opinion or two on that subject, as …

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Editing Done. Maybe.

Today, I sent my edited manuscript back to the editor. She was surprised that it was so fast. And there’s another source of anxiety. I know that I have fast turnaround. When I was doing my query on absolutewrite, there were comments made about how fast I was turning around the versions. And I don’t …

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I Have an Edit!

I received the completed edit yesterday, a week early. And it’s not bad. There were the expected spelling and syntax corrections, and some suggestions for wording changes, of course. She indicated where things were vague or confusing and needed further explanation. There were a couple of suggestions for putting in more backstory–those were a little …

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