I promised to put up a timeline of the book. So here you go. Note that this is from before the last round of edits, so something might be off.
Feb 13
Video Interview and other stuff
Hey, I got interviewed by Keystroke Medium this morning. Live. That’s amazingly scary. But I didn’t screw it up. 🙂
Here’s the URL: https://youtu.be/9Z-dSzeDpT8
On another subject, I realized I haven’t posted up all my new book covers. So, here they are:
Jan 25
Miscellaneous News Items
For those who haven’t found it yet, I have a Facebook page: @DennisETaylor2 .
And I’m on Twitter: @Dennis_E_Taylor .
I’ve been using this blog as an announcement platform, but it’s really supposed to be more of a, you know, blog. I’ll still use the mailing list for book announcements, but for updates and such, Facebook and Twitter will be my primary medium, with more detail here as necessary.
And with that in mind, we’ve contracted with Kathleen Howard to edit book 3 of the bobiverse: All These Worlds. Book 2, For We Are Many, is in production at Audible. I’m still hoping for March and June release dates, although I’m hearing some rumbling of slippage.
There will also be a preorder date on each book, and the e-book, paperback, and audio versions will be released simultaneously.
Dec 21
And more neat stuff
It seems Legion is on a Washington Post Best Audio Books list, as well as Omnivoracious, Amazon’s book blog, as a book to listen to this holiday season.
The editor and I have finished working on For We are Many, and I’ll be sending it in by the weekend. Of course, not much will get done over the holidays…
Nov 20
Bob’s Travels
Here’s a short video displaying the paths taken by Bob and his clones through near space.
Nov 17
New Book (eventually)
I’ve posted up information on my latest book, The Singularity Trap (working title). It’s in to my agent, and we’ll see where it goes from there.
Nov 01
Paperback is Up
The paperback version of We Are Legion is up on Createspace. It usually takes a day or two for Createspace and Amazon to sync up, so you’ll be able to buy from Amazon by mid-week or so.
ETA: As of Wednesday afternoon, 11/2, the paperback is now on amazon.
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