Hardcover set (Signed Limited Edition) is available

Today is release day for the signed, hardcover limited edition of the Bobiverse books. Not problem-free, sadly. The books were boxed in the wrong order, which is not a big deal but looks hokey. Ethan’s getting the supply company to rebox them. It shouldn’t delay shipments, though, as long as they can stay one box set ahead of orders.

There are also some issues with non-USA destinations. I tried to order a set from the Canadian website, and couldn’t find it. Tried from the US website and it refused to ship to Canada. Ethan & Co are working on it. It seems to be Amazon’s byzantine setup and options process. The only way to really tell if you get it wrong is when things don’t work. But we’ll get there.

Edit: Link to the sales page: Signed Limited Edition Hardcover

For those who are asking, The Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency is my agent, and they’re handling the sales and distribution of the set.


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    • Gwyneth Hannaford on August 21, 2018 at 11:52 am
    • Reply

    Link to these as I can’t see them on Amazon USA?

    1. Bobiverse Limited Edition Hardcover

        • Curt on November 1, 2018 at 12:52 pm
        • Reply

        Is there any way/chance of having the signature personalized? Or is everything in an Amazon warehouse already?

        1. Already warehoused.

            • Curt on November 2, 2018 at 12:33 pm

            Thanks. Please excuse the duplicate of the question that I posted today. For some reason my browser didn’t show my original post until AFTER I submitted another.

          1. NP, I just deleted one of them.

            Regarding the personalization, you’re talking about shipping it to Canada, having me open it and personalize it, then shipping it to wherever you are (presumably the US). That’s a lot of shipping, with UPS trying to charge brokerage fees in both directions.

            OTOH, if someone with a hardcover edition (or any of my books, let’s be honest) comes up to me at a con or something, I’ll be happy to sign and add whatever personalization is desired.

    • Eva on August 21, 2018 at 12:42 pm
    • Reply

    Where can I buy them? I have been checking Amazon all day!

    1. It’s only available through amazon.com (US site). We’re looking at alternatives, but Amazon really doesn’t make it easy to do international sales.

    • EvilTexan on August 21, 2018 at 1:22 pm
    • Reply

    Hey Dennis,

    Very excited to finally get these books in hardcover print format. The fact that they’re signed is an added bonus.

    Hope all is well, here’s to you pumping out great novels for many years to come!


    • Armando on August 21, 2018 at 1:23 pm
    • Reply

    Yay! Placed my order. I’m guessing the “The Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency” seller is legit even though it’s newly established (with no feedback)?

    Link for the US store : https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1680680722/

    • Michael Wilson on August 21, 2018 at 4:26 pm
    • Reply

    Amazon says “only available through 3rd party sellers.” from “The Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency” Is that the legit one?

    1. Yup. Ethan Ellenberg is my agent. He’s handling the hardcover publishing and sales.

    • Jesse on October 1, 2018 at 8:43 am
    • Reply

    These look great, but I was really hoping for a premium edition (like an Easton Press release, or one of the LEs that Subterranean Press does). Are there any plans on anything like that? I realize you might not want to hurt sales of the current set by getting people waiting for a future set, but we’re starting to talk about real money here. I’d be bummed if I spend $150 for this set, and then in a few months find out that there’s a $250 Easton version or something available.

    1. There’s nothing else planned at this time, not even in general terms.

        • Jesse on October 2, 2018 at 2:20 pm
        • Reply

        Great, thanks for letting me know!

    • J to the P on October 8, 2018 at 2:42 pm
    • Reply

    Ouch! I would really, really love some hard covers. I knew they were coming and kept checking amazon. But that price tag is a bit……..heavy. :'(

    • Nathan Lennon on November 1, 2018 at 9:06 am
    • Reply

    Took a bit of effort but I managed to find a way to ship them to Ireland. Can’t wait to get them and then never touch them because they look too nice.

      • Conor on February 8, 2021 at 6:34 am
      • Reply

      Can you possibly tell me how you managed this?

      Im in Belfast

    • Dirk Berger on January 2, 2019 at 6:19 am
    • Reply

    Hello and greetings, can you please tell whether these books are printed off-set or on digital printers?

    Thanks and best Dirk

    1. I can’t for sure, but considering the size of the run (1000 units) I’d imagine digital. Offset would an unreasonable amount of setup time for that number.

    • James Krasinski on March 20, 2019 at 8:43 am
    • Reply

    Just picked up the set. I’m more of an audio book kind of guy and only buy the books I really like and very few hardbacks but I’ve enjoyed the Bobiverse so much I wanted to support (no matter how small the chance) future books in the series past Vol 4. I’ve been listing to the audio books over and over. I am quite sure I look like I am talking to myself or yelling at clouds while laughing to other drivers who try to avoid the strange man on the motorcycle. I hope you can secure Ray again for the audio versions. While every story has to have an ending I hope you find the creativity to keep the Bobiverse or spin offs coming. Not sure how well compendium books sell but a special edition Bobiverse Bob and beyond with character bios, timelines, planet, species info and artwork would find a place on my shelf. We all want movies around the books we love but they rarely live up to the books. The old mini series or special edition DVD, digital download could allow the story to be properly told. I think a well animated edition would resonate with most of the Bobiverse demographic. Thanks for the laughs.

    • John Hoh on May 6, 2019 at 4:22 pm
    • Reply

    You are a truly gifted and visionary writer. Love your We Are Legion (We Are Bob) book. It captures the best writing of StarTrek and adds much better science. Some of your writing reminds me of the themes implicit in “The Measure of a Man,” regarding person-hood and sentience.

    Will obtain others. Amazon seems to not sell signed hard cover version anymore. Hope that is temporary just from your not wanting your fingers to cramp.

    eBay has bootlegged audio version from a person that claims he is the legal owner! Not clear how they / he can be shut down. He needs an attitudinal correction or a size 10 suppository. Or maybe have Ethan Ellenberg make an example of him. Author’s choice. But hope this helps makes the miscreant a more honest person.

    • Martin Schiphauwer on August 17, 2020 at 4:15 am
    • Reply

    Is there any chance there will be another hardcover version in the future? I would love to have those ..

    1. Hardcovers are still available.

    • Lexx on December 9, 2020 at 10:04 am
    • Reply

    Will there be “add on” signed copy of heaven’s river to add on to already owned signed collections? It would be awesome to have the 4th book with the same style art signed with a new 4 book holder… Just sayin.

    • David on December 29, 2020 at 8:45 pm
    • Reply

    Is there an easy way to order this set to Australia please?

    The Amazon link does not allow for my country, but I noticed someone managed to get a set sent to Ireland; so there seems to be a way. Just wondered what that way was?

    Also wondering if there was to be a revised box with “Heaven’s River” added?

    Cheers, Dave

    1. Contact my agent, The Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency. They have inventory and might be able to arrange a shipment.

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