I’ve been perplexed by some of the comments on book 2 (on Amazon), where they’ve been saying things like “now I have to wait a year for the third book.” It finally came clear when someone posted this response on goodreads:
I’m assuming you mean June 2018? A turnaround of just a few months between books is too much to ask for
(Slaps self upside head) No, actually I mean 2017. But unfortunately, I now mean August 2017. Editing took a little over-long, and I think the production queue is a little too busy at Audible to just slide it in. But summer this year, for book 3.
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I just finished book 2 today and was feeling bummed about having to wait but now I feel better (and very excited) knowing I only have to wait 4 months!
August is no problem and it’s a helluva lot shorter than other waits I’ve had to endure for sequels. Put up a link when it can be pre-ordered!
Agreed… Where are you Kingkiller Chronicles #3? And then feeling like a series will never get finished like the Hell’s Gate series….
Seriously… I’ve been waiting for Doors of Stone, and Winds of Winter, and Song of Spring, and Oathbringer… Drives me up the wall. I’m super happy that the Bobiverse books come quickly and are such engaging reads at the same time.
At least Brandon Sanderson gives updates and a timeline, Oathbringer is coming November so not too long between Stormlight books.
Indeed, Sanderson is admirable when it comes to communicating his progress. Doors of Stone? I once cared so much for Rothfuss, maybe the best book I have ever read (tnotw) but now it’s more like…meh. Can’t keep up the tension.
So Mr. Taylor, this is excellent news! Looking forward to hearing from Bill and Bob again.
Thank you so much for creating one of my most favorite Sci-Fi universes I’ve ever delved into (not as much as some, more than most). The combination of humor, actual science and writing style had me hooked. I’m also super impressed that you’re able to pump out the sequels with what seems like impossible speed. Any future chance of a hardback release, and have you ever given any thought to attending Salt Lake Comic Con?
Hardback? Not even sure if Createspace supports that.
The thing about the sequels is that this was essentially a 250k word novel. I had written most of it by the time book 1 came out. I just had to figure out where to end each book, then get it edited and cleaned up.
As for cons, I think in 2018 I’m going to start attending as many as I can.
Keep on keeping on! You are the man!
I knew it! After my first reading (er, listen-through?) of the first book, I turned to my husband and said, “THAT’S HOW IT ENDS???” I said the same thing after finishing book 2. Knowing that the trilogy was essentially written as a single volume, but that that doesn’t go over well with publishers and retailers unless you’re well established in Epic Fantasy, makes all kinds of sense to me. They’re great chapter endings, but maddening book endings because of the obligatory wait for the next one.
I was kind of bummed how 2 ended! I was all into it then just BAM..a quick wrap up. It made my heart hurt!
Any chance for more than three books in the series?
There are 3 books in the trilogy. The series is open-ended, and I have several other ideas for books in the bobiverse.
That’s good to know. It occurred to me in the second book that even once the trilogy is complete, you could write any number of standalone books that each portrayed an interesting adventure/challenge undertaken by a single Bob, somewhere else and sometime later. First contact situations are always fun to read, and it seems like the Bobs are uniquely positioned to uplift and interconnect different species as they find them.
Thank goodness – this is a fantastically open ended concept – I doubt I’d be tired of it if you kept me in the Bobiverse for 20 books. From the audible side of things – keep the narrator if you can – it’s finally a brilliant maneuver for all the characters to have the same voice.
I second that! The Audible Narrator is Su-perb! Just as space is seemingly endless, so are the stories that can be told in the Bobiverse. I’m especially excited to see how Butterworth and other new replicants play into the mix.
After all the Bobs are immortal! Incorporating Frank Tipler’s Omega Point into the story might be cool if you ever wanted to end the series.
Please keep it up. This is the most engaging sci fi since Ready Player One. I absolutely loved these two novels Denis you are very talented.
I just finished the second book via Audiobook and I loved it. Thank you for releasing both at the same time!
The summer will be a long wait and once that pre-order comes out, I’m pre-ordering asap.
I think you are underestimating how good your story is. You are selling yourself short and leaving money on the table. Make the hardback. I’d like it for my collection.
Yes, I would love to own the trilogy in hardcover, preferably signed by the author :]
Is there really any other way to own a hardback? I have a first edition of “Magic Kingdom for Sale: Sold!” that I’m waiting to get signed, and it killed me that I was too late to get in line when Brooks came to our Con…
I don’t buy dead tree books, and I have both of these on audible. But if you released these in hard back, they would find a place in my office. Oh and Ray Porter is an excellent choice for narrator
Just get us a preorder link for book 3 at the 90day mark (that’s the earliest possible on Amazon, right?..) and we’ll all be happy & smiling
I was hoping to interview you for my new website http://www.bookishventures.com. The website focuses on authors, books and marketing. I am particularly interested in authors as entrepreneurs and writing schedules.
II look forward to hearing from you!
Just finished book 2 via audio.. So 3 will be out this Summer in audio? That is fantastic news!! With my schedule it very hard to find time to actually read. But audible has changed that – now every morning I get 1.5 hours as I walk. And then another 30 min each way to and from work.. So its easy to kill a book in a few days.
Now very much looking forward to how the bobs takes care of the others..
And looking forward to 4 and 5 and etc.. in the series as well!!
Excellent story!!! I am not sure how you found the narrator, but he does the story extreme justice. Like every one else here I am looking forward to the final book. Btw, will you have a bootj at Comic Con 2017?
LOVE this series. Just started listening for to both for the second time. I hope you keep writing these beyond three books. Super excited about only having to wait till august for book 3. Thanks man. Your awesome
Just had to let you know how much I’ve been enjoying the Bobiverse series. You have tickled my funny bone so many times that the wife has forbade me from reading in bed after the outbursts of laughter. (Rocky 2 giggle snort)
Wanted to add..I think bobiverse would make a great movie but an even better PC video game.
Finished book 1 in a couple of days and just started book 2 so it’s great news that 3 is on at way!
Hi Dennis, I have enjoyed binge listening to your Bobiverse books on Audible. I’m happy to hear the next book is going to be released so soon, but I still wish it could be sooner. I’m dying to know what happens next! Have you considered using a subscription or ad supported podcast to release new chapters individually as they’re written?
LOVED book 2 as much as book one, and I’m thrilled to hear book 3 will be out so soon. Thanks for writing!
Great to hear!
I LOVE the Bobiverse! I have not been this excited over a series since Potter came out. Really! I love the humor, the nerdiness, and the humanity. Thank goodness August is only a few months away.
Thank you!
Just finished book 2 on Audible. I absolutely LOVE these books – please know that you have truly made another person happy through your work! I also love the narrator – just perfect. And, one more thing I love … the fact that I only have to wait until August for book 3!! Can’t wait! Thank you for the bobiverse!
I’ve finished my second read of For we are many this week. Already read the first one 3 times, I think. Really glad to hear the next one will be out this soon. As soon as the pre-order is up, I’m in!
I just finished Greg Egan’s Diaspora and this popped up. As a akindle unlimited book. Do you make any money from KU downloads?
I very much enjoyed the story and I’m looking very much forward to the third book!
Generally, an author gets about half a cent per page read in KU. My agent tells me it works out to anything from half of sales royalties up to equaling sales royalties, depending on book, author, and genre.
That’s actually an interesting model, it would hopefully encourage better writing, but it could also just encourage low-brow entertainment for the masses. I find it sad that intelligent TV shows fail so often, and I’m happy when they can stick around for a little longer, like Fringe. But so often it seems that only the dumb survive, like the simpsons and what the Big Bang Theory has become.
WHAT?!?!? BEST News all month, other than than Book 2 releasing.
Oh thank Bob. I thought I was going to have to wait a year instead of a few months.
This post made my day. Love the Bobiverse, was bummed about the wait for a new book. Four months is absolutely stellar!
Just finished Book 2, just a great work of fiction on all counts. I’m starting a second listen now in preparation for Book 3. Also, this cannot be the end of the bobiverse. There’s still so much to see! Great work, sir. Keep’em coming.
Gosh, I was bummed to wait but this made my day. Again.
Ray Porter narration and your great story made this book super duper great.
The Brazilian Empire salutes you my friend, thanks for the awesome work once again!
Sweet!! Keep them coming and I’ll keep throwing cash at you!
Whoa, you mean books don’t write themselves overnight? Who would have thought…. Anyhow, awesome work on book 2!
If you haven’t quit your day job yet, I just want to say that you should, asafp!
Is there a map of the bobiverse? Did some googling and found Dennis’s ship designs for Bob but no Map.
Thank you!
There’s a short video of the local sphere, somewhere on my posts. I’m hoping to improve the quality at some point.
I second the request for a map — low-tech is fine! I was thinking Solar system in the middle and the various other key systems pictured in their relative positions. Distances probably could be to scale, but you could just draw a dotted line from Sol to the center star of each system with the number of light years. Then maybe something showing the voyage of the Bobs — kinda like this one for GoT: http://static6.businessinsider.com/image/5624fba7dd089593688b45db-1200-992/ti_graphics_got-maps_full-map.png
I’m very visual and this would help. While I’m here — just finished We are Legion and going right on to We are Many — just a rolicking good time and great story! I could see this as a series like GoT, but you need to get more women in there
And, uh, for a series, they’d have to find a way to get some sex in there, too 
Finished book #2 last night and I was sad. Very sad. Sad enough to think about writing you and letting you know that I truly enjoyed this series and expressing my sorrow over having to wait for the conclusion of the series. You’ve done a bang-up job of creating compelling characters and situations.
I was sad.
Then I read this post and I was happy.
Not only did I get a chance to bask in Bob-i-verse glory for a week, but I now only have to wait 4 months for the conclusion.
(That’s a much shorter period than waiting for the next Star Wars movie!)
Kudos, Mr. Taylor, on creating such a truly savory series!
Please tell me you play Elite: Dangerous. I play it with an Oculus Rift and a Saitek X-55 HOTAS mounted to an office chair, and for me, it’s the most killer app for VR to date. That experience of traveling the stars is exactly what got me hooked on Legion; and now FWAM. I would love to logon one day and see a “Greetings, CMDR PHOKUZ. CMDR BOB has sent you a friends request.” We could meet up in Epsilon Eridani. LOL!
Super dooper awesome second volume! looking forward to the next!
Just finished the 2nd book and love the series. I noticed that the last Bob created (presumably the ‘war’ Bob) is named Andrew. Is that a send up to Andrew Wiggin aka Ender (and to Orson Scott Card)?
As far as you know.
This has been my favorite series in a long time. Thank you for the great news on book 3 coming soon. I wish you well!
Oh thank God… I can wait a couple of months. Another year and I’d have to re-listen to the other 2 books to re-familiarize myself with the characters.
Good effort that man! I’m a bobaholic, I need you to be productive!
is there a link to pre order the book on amazon us/uk when it arrives in kindle format
Not yet. I think it’ll be up about a month or two before it’s available.
Mr. Taylor, this series is fantasic! I rank it up there with Frank Herbert, Orson Scott Card and Larry Niven in terms of how much I’ve enjoyed your books thus far. Most importantly, it’s just so much freaking fun to read!
When are the movies coming out? I’d suggest starting Ryan Reynolds as Bob.
So excited its coming out this year! A fantastic series.
Hi Dennis!
Can I buy your 2nd book somewhere in a Kobo supported format? (NOT Kindle, but something like MOBI or KOBO EPUB?)
The e-books are exclusively Amazon (MOBI) format. Distributing in other formats would disqualify the books from KU, which is a major piece of the revenue.
I, like others, have just finished the second book (audio format and just a few minutes ago in fact) and like others I presume, literally (yes literally literally) hit the table with my hand at the line “end of book 2”. I took a breath and thought I would check your site of which I found while enjoying book one to see how many years I might need to wait for the final book and to add my little “Type faster” encouragement to the demanding fan base, when, to my joy I see the “no, no this year” post.
WooHoo! And much thanks.
But here is my question and reason for adding my post to this reply:
Will you be considering a hardback set or hardback versions of these books? Audio books are great ( I stopped counting after completing 100) and I won’t knock the digital versions, but I love the feel of hardback books and seek out hardback versions of my favorites when they exist, and yes if I can get first edition I do but that is never a deal breaker.
If it must be paper back I will patently wait for the third book to come out in paperback and along with my audio version I will get a paperback set for the shelf to admire, but I thought it would be worth checking … or hinting at.
If you haven’t guessed I think you are doing solid work and I am (metaphorically this time) bouncing on my toes waiting for more.
I just talked to my agent today about hardcover books. He’s talking to people, but he thinks I’ll get a better deal after the third book is out. The problem is that publishers want it all — e-book, audio, and print. And my current publishing model pays me a lot higher per unit sold than a publisher would. So I have to be ‘big’ enough that a print publisher could make some money on hardcover only. Not there yet.
I’d buy the hardcovers just to have on my home office/library shelves, for what it’s worth.
I will preorder the HC trilogy today!!
Where can I find the MOBI format then? On this Amazon page I only see the Kindle format.
Sorry, by MOBI I meant Amazon. That’s the only e-format available.
Awesome series. I submitted across it on audible and i am hooked. I can’t stop listening to them. We are many is the first audio book i have ever pre ordered. Thank you for making my long commute go by so much faster. I look forward to anything else you put out.
I have joined the legion (pun intended) of fans of the Bobiverse series. This is such a unique and refreshing take on the sci-fi space epic. I love the whole concept.. completely.Such a vast array of potential story lines and the characters so alike and yet so very unique. I have been impressed with the depth and breadth of the characters. You’re style and wit is truly engaging and very relate-able. Please continue with the good work. The narrator is so spot on as well.
I am looking forward to many, many more books.. now.. MUSH BACK TO WORK!!!
Thanks! We appreciate your prolificity. I listen to audio while I work and have been lucky enough to get hooked mainly on series that are already well established or completed (e.g. the Aubrey/Maturin novels, Discworld, etc.) This is one of the first that I got hooked on when it was relatively new. It’s now my favorite recent series and definitely among my favorite series ever. I hope that you’re able to keep them coming out so quickly, as I hate being left in suspense. I could listen to tales of Bob forever.
Shut up and take my money! LOL
I’m so excited, August really?!?! That’s not a bad wait at all.
Have listened to book 2 twice already and now am skipping around chapters to get each story in order.
Love these books, you do great work.
Thank you for the entertainment.
I love your interactions with reader posts. Thanks for being accessible to us. And with the rest above, I loved both of the books, pretty much becoming unproductive while absorbed in them. Thanks for such an engaging story and universe.
I would like to echo Pete’s comment. It’s encouraging to read author’s that are willing and able to interact with their readers. Thank you for such a great book. I just bought it for my grandmother.
I might just have to drop out.
Loving the new book though. We are Legion was fucking awesome and it made me a dedicated reader for the rest of the series. Surprised I haven’t heard of any plans for movie/TV adaptation attention because it’s such an entertaining and quasi-possible fictitious story about the future.
These are fantastic, Dennis. I recently got an audible account to help break up some of the monotony while I work, and I BLAZED through these books ( and it helped me get a ton of work done!) You do a wonderful job getting us to empathize with the Bobs, I’ve had way too many too-loud guffaws than are appropriate while working, and I can’t wait for your next release.
Keep up the awesome work, and thanks for sharing the Bobs with us all. Cheers.
The real question I don’t see anyone asking is:
“What has happened to Bender?”
“The Search For Bender” is one of my ideas for a follow-on bobiverse book.
That’s awesome. Thanks
Obviously Bender has gone off to create his own Bobiverse. With hookers and blackjack.
Thanks Joe. Best laugh I’ve had all week!
This comment was a good laugh. Thanks
As a BOB myself, I’ve enjoyed exploring the Bobiverse even more! Great books! Looking forward to #3 this summer!
Summer this year? Yay! a fresh book touring the Northern Hemisphere.
I’m going to be honest, I found this purely by accident. I was moving and needed to keep my mind occupied for a long drive. I was hooked after 15 minutes! The story, the development of each of the bobs, the galaxy you created…it was mesmerizing! I’m glad I won’t have to wait very long for book three. Road trip or not, I’m listening!
Just discovered the Bobiverse. Loving it. I am ASTOUNDED at how quickly the next one is coming out. Make sure you leave enough energy for future books. (I’m self centered like that.)
If I remember correctly, Dennis said he had all 3 books written out by the time the first one was release. Book 2 and 3 just needed editing and narration.
This is true. Well, 3 needed a little more than editing, but it was close.
Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere but will Ray Porter be returning as narrator for book 3? I personally feel like he nailed it in the first 2.
Yes, he’s confirmed.
So, I just picked up Bobiverse 2, and finished it all in one go. I love the series and the universe!
I had an interesting thing happen when reading it – my Spotify playlist queued up a song that is pretty much Bob’s theme song Obey The Groove by No More Kings.
Seriously, listen to this one.
LOLOLOL! That is fantastic. And worth listening to on its own merits.
Hi Dennis! I am trying to find the second book in audio on regular MP3 CD. Any idea when it will be available? I dislike Audible’s front end.
No, once Audible gets hold of it, it’s out of my hands. However, I didn’t have to ‘arrange’ the CD for book 1, so I imagine that’s a regular offering. I do remember there was a significant delay before it came out, as I had ordered one for my mother-in-law.
Really enjoyed Bobiverse 1 & 2. The balance between sci-fi, physics, and pop culture is perfect. Also, the Bob’s are such a relateable character(s). Definitely one of my favorite series of all time. Looking forward to book 3!
Username checks out
The best sciene fiction I have had the pleasure of listening to in some time!
AWESOME! I cannot wait! Can I preorder now?
Well finished book 2 a bit ago then felt sad book 3 would take forever to come then found this made my day so much happier, keep up the good work loved both books so far
Love the books. Some of the best new Sci-Fi I’ve read in years. Right up there with Ready Player One. Keep ’em coming. Also: thanks for the quick turn-around. Can’t wait for Book 3.
This would be such a great television series… “Taylor” made for weekly episodes. Seriously though, this has the right balance of humor, suspense, appealing and interesting “characters”… It’s fresh and original, which is hard to pull off with the quantity of SciFi that is being issued currently.
It’s a story that could potentially have no end. A series could play for as many seasons as the writer(s) could hold the viewers interest. There’s no end to the stories that your core structure could convey… It’s truly “Universal” yet original.
I can’t wait for 3.
Thanks for entertaining me,
Hi Dennis
Just want to say HOLY HANDGRENADE! 3 books in under a year and of such riveting, high quality story line that has three generations of my family (Grandad, Dad, Me and my brother) addicted.
My Grandads a physicist and he loves how close to reality your keeping it!
Dad’s a Engineer and he loves the fact you including Megastructures and the harvesting for materials
I LOVE the combat and how it’s not like planet based dogfights but in space (like some writers) that waste human lives but how actual space battles are because of our reality.
I dont care what my brother thinks! xD
Keep up the hard work, You’re Killing it!
Kind Regards
The Graham Family
I just finished book 2 and am thrilled to find that book 3 will be out in a few months! I listen to/read about a book every 5 days and these have by far been my favorite books this year.
Keep up the good work Sir!
I’ll be queuing for the Preorder to show up.
Rock on!
I drive 3 hours a day to work and back, i listen to ALOT! Of audio books…that being said, this has got to be hands down my favorite! I just finished book 2! Loved it, now hurry bob vers i need book 3!!!!! Hurry up bob!!!!
This year!!?? SQUEEE!
I’m happier than a Deltan taking their first bite of jerky.
Hey Dennis – I felt compelled to stop by and say that I LOVE your work. Thank you so much for producing the Bobiverse. I really admire the authentic dedication you’ve put into this story and it’s characters.
Bob reminds me of a more relatable version Elon Musk; Engineering and tech background with a genuine care for humanity.
Thanks again, Dennis. Your work is inspiring.
I think the Bobiverse are my favourite books. Have you ever thought about making these a monthly or weekly paid podcast of half hour episodes?
TBH, I’m kind of hoping to avoid anything that smells like a schedule in the future.
I have a single piece of feedback for Ray Porter who did the voice (assuming you can provide any to him for the next book). Stick with the book 1 pronunciation of Eridani (er-i-dah-ni) as opposed to book 2’s (err-id-ini). As for book 3. I cannot wait. I really hope you expand this universe beyond 3 books. It’s got such spirit and humanity in it. I’d love to see how Bob and his kin evolves over the centuries.
Um, funny thing about that. Most people seem to expect ERR-i-DAN-ee. But I did some googling, and it looks like err-ID-an-ee may be the correct pronunciation. Audible is looking at doing some corrections, and since Archimedes is definitely right in book 2, it means all corrections would be in book 1. As for ammy/Amy, it’s an acronym so there’s no standard. If they bother to correct it at all, they’ll probably do that in book 1 as well.
Whoa really? I just finished 2, love your books. Cant wait for 3! I’m used to George RR martin so waiting was just something I expected.
Holy crap that’s fast! Woohoo
Any idea how many series is this going on? I love it and so glad BOOK 3 is in Augt. So sad that i finish the Audible version a couple days ago!!! This is a great sci fi series and i wish it would not end so soon or ever. The narrator is spot on. Can’t wait to see how this develop, hopefull Howard BOB get to nail his love of his life using Manny. LOL!!!!
I’ll say it as many times as necessary: the trilogy is not the end of the bobiverse, not by a long shot. It wraps up the current storylines, but there are an almost unlimited number of other storylines available. I might or might not do another trilogy or a duology, but mostly I think I’ll try to keep future bobiverse books to singletons.
Heck, some new ideas have already come out of comments from readers, so I don’t anticipate ever catching up.
Please try to make the new stories farther in the future.
Almost all spin off I read of other series take place before the end of the original, and what I enjoy most is how everything evolves (the android project, FTL communication, the planet mover) and its ramifications, it’s sad to know I won’t get any new technologies if it’s set in the “past”.
Looking forward to how everything evolves in book 3, will we get FTL travel? Teleportation? A society of replicants? Time travel?
Love the books and the progressions of everything, thanks for creating the universe!
All of those things are possible. Future books, past books, books about the evolution of human and replicant society, books about various Bobs roaming the galaxy, encounters with less advanced civilizations and more advanced ones… It really is wide open. You’ll start to see the beginnings of some of this in book 3.
Hey Dennis, the Bobiverse books have been great! Really looking forward to the third and final installment of the trilogy. I’ve often found it hard to keep to books, start and never finish, but your writing really kept me going. Really engaging stuff. Just wanted to say thanks for your work, and I wish you all the luck in the world with your future works. I’ll certainly be checking them out.
Seriously! AUGUST!!!
Hey this is a great ntews for me!
Dennis you are very productive and quick!
You can really write my man, been looking forward to the read on book 2 for what seems like eternity. It certainly didn’t disappoint, epic as anything! You give me inspiration, and errr, just keep doing what your doing! Stoked for August and book 3!
Just finished we are many in audible. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Great to hear next part is out in August. Any title for the third one yet?
Thank you thank you thank you!
I listened to the second book on audible up to the part where the bobs were about to butt heads with the others. I stopped, went back and listened to all of book one and then all the way through book two again because I couldn’t handle it being over so soon. I am sooooo happy that book three is released THIS summer. Thank you!
Good news!
I took up the audiobook also, and hot damn, this is one entertaining series – just wanted to say thank you (and to Ray Porter for that matter) for these awesome books/audiobooks.
If I have to put any critique on it, it would have to be, I generally find it a bit too PG13. But hey, I can manage.
Lastly, wanna applaud your productiveness – don’t know how you do it, but keep doing it!
Hope you enjoyed this feedback sandwich – brought to you by random internet guy.
Great news! Thank you so much for not making us suffer the cliffhanging for too long! You’re an ace, Ace….. err Dennis.
Are there any plans for making this great concept into a TV series? Surely Amazon would pick this up and make it an epic.
God I hate The Others, I am so invested in this. I will be in total distress until knowing what happens in book 3.
Don’t believe the whole, “I wrote the complete trilogy before releasing book 1 and that’s why your getting the final installment so quickly” thing. Isn’t it obvious?! Dennis has discovered a way to replicate himself and his clones are helping him turn these out so quickly. Don’t hold out on us Dennis! Share the replicant tech!
This is a great series! I listen to them as Audiobooks while travelling and it really makes the trips easier and more enjoyable.
And since space is, well…big, then if Dennis does not get tired of the series, these can really go on a bit…I know I will keep on buying them.
Love the Bobiverse. Please write many more books for my husband and I to enjoy. I actually enjoyed these two so much, I started them over as soon as I finished listening to them.
Will there be a book 4? Cause the story on audible ends rather…well it ends midsentence to something that might, or might not be a clifhanger!
You have the truncated version of the audio file. Delete from your device and re-download. There are 76 chapters in the full version.
I was having the same issue, thank you Dennis.
What chapter did the truncated version end on?
Chapter 63. There are 76 chapters in the full version.
Just finished book 3, fantastic job! I am looking forward to your next book, whether it is in the Bobiverse or not.
Love the Bobiverse. My only thought is missing the human- dog relationship. Also, What if the others had dogs like we do?
Loved the first 2 books but I got to say that I really was super disappointed by all these worlds. This was a snoozer and I was so looking forward to it. There are just too many Bobs now and so much going on that the whole thing is convoluted. I don’t give any bad ratings because I thoroughly enjoyed the first two so I will just pretend that the second book was it. Just not fun anymore.
I finished book 3 from Audible. It left it open for book 3. I noticed that the book was only 6.5hrs long. Is that correct.?
Thanks for your hard work Dennis. Love the series.
Nope. 7 h 50 m . If you only have 63 chapters, delete and re-download.
Thanks very much for clarifying this! I thought it was out of character to end so abruptly, even with the “Thanks for listening to Audible” tag message.
Keep up the great work mate.
I Love the books I’m not really one for Si-fi but I punched through all three books in the past week on audiable I’m hoping and looking forward to the fourth book, fingers crossed! Of course keep up the awesome work. P. S. My son’s love the book as well 7, 8 Yr..
Love all three! Great work. Brought back the sense of imagination in me that’s been missing for a few years!
Just wanted to say thank you I capital L loved these books and can’t wait for more. The Bob’s life of exploration and study is my idea of heaven, just imagine all you’d see! Also I wanted to say your themes of life death and consciousness are fascinating and hit close to home I am terminally ill you see so these are things I think about regularly. Keep up the good work. Oh BTW I laughed so hard at the monolith joke that the chemo nurse rushed over in a panic so my wife thanks you.
Please don’t let this just be a trilogy.
Audio books have made my job as a trucker a lot more enjoyable. But this series has made it even fun. Thank you, Dennis! I’m looking forward to your future books.
Just finished the third book and the trilogy was amazing. Going through the third book though, I couldn’t help but think to myself that this is really just all a prequel to BSG and we’re learning how the Cylons were created. Can you talk with the BSG folks and make that happen?
Thanks for an awesome trilogy. Hope there’s more to come! You’ve really created an incredible story foundation.
Absolutely outstanding! I’ve been reading Sci Fi for over 40 years and I truly enjoyed the Bobiverse! I am anxious to read your spin off novels. I truly like the Bender idea. Thanks for doing such a great job. You are very talented. I am signing up for updates as to when your next piece of the saga is released!
David Watson, DDS
Great. Loved all three books. A great job. Thanks.
Fantastic set of books. A fresh perspective on sci-fi. Having recently read RP1, this captured my attention in a similar way.
A friend recommended them to me shortly after you released the 3rd book. It was nice to listen to the entire trilogy straight through.
Like a couple of others have mentioned a star chart would really help with the visualization, especially as I am now listening to the series again as it is very entertaining on long drives.
Fellow programmer, engineer, scifi buff here. Fantastic. Loved it. Just finished book 3. Probably the most enjoyable thing I’ve read for a few years. Can’t wait to see where it goes from there.
Fantastic Books! I loved them all. I am a mail carrier for the post office here. I listen to books every day for hours. I’ve listened to these books twice already, and I’m going to listen to them again. Such a great universe! I hope we get to see more of it.