Great book! I am about half way through now. I like it a lot so far.
Do you have any plans on translating the Books? My german friends and family would very much like to read it, too
Just finished it (I am a resident on nights right now and had some extra “free time”) and it was AWESOME! it’s a tough month for me thanks for the making it a little easier with this great book.
I sincerely hope this is only the end of the trilogy and not the Bob’s or their universe. I doth need my fill and three nary do come close to quenching my thirst. You’ve created something on par with Iain M. Banks universe. If anything I like to picture your novels as the beginning of the culture.
Darn, finished it in less than a day. Now I have to wait for book 3. Thank you for another fun book. If you ever get into book signing I’d love to know. I’d love to add a signed book one to my collection. Maybe one day it will be setting on the shelf in my VR lol.
Been looking forward to this for awhile now…. BUT WHY has the pronunciation for some words changed! Err-ee-darn-ee is now Er-rid-en-nee for example. I don’t care what the correct version is, I just want consistency between books, its very frustrating.
Stand alone stasis pods could be used to solve the Earth food problem, the climate problem while waiting for transport and could be moved on to a colony/transport ships.
Seems like if you used the local power grid it wouldn’t affect the schedule badly.
Heck you might even be able to launch them through a rail gun towards a destination and catch them at the other side.
Also, that Dyson sphere looks to be a good target for a rouge moon (using the surge drive plates). I mean a moon would be easier than a planet and the star’s gravity would give a nice pull at the end.
I bet this will solve the problem with Others! What else would be Bill’s invention for? Killing the Prime with some big rock should affect the whole hive significantly.
Knowing how Bobs are fond of redundancy – multiple rocks will be in use
Let me place another bet: they simply must mention Bruce Willis/Armageddon movie during the execution of this plan!
My friends have complained about aspects but just a sample of my imagination and why yours appeals so much to me.
“The end into the beginning”.
No dreams, and fresh. His two first thoughts in billions of years. Old hands gripped the sides of the metal casket and eased him from his resting place. A stretch of old tired muscles and he rubbed his eyes. Neither was necessary but habit was hard to shake. The old man gazed around at the observation deck were he had been placed. In front of him the universe stretched to infinity in front of him. As he padded to the railing he sighed and looked briefly around the empty room. “Nobody wanted to join me eh?”. I am afraid not sir. He chuckled at the polite voice inside his head. “That’s interesting. We certainly didn’t communicate directly into our heads in my day”. A simple manipulation of the electrons in your head sir.
The old man stared into space. The stars seemed more faint. Distant. Crinkled eyes tried to pierce the darkness as he chuckled “I was afraid I’d miss it.” The would be quite impossible sir The computer chirped in his head. “Indeed, and how many do we have observing this show with us? And how long until the curtains close?”. We are the last two known sentient beings in the universe. The event will begin in five minutes and twenty-seven seconds. It will take exactly twenty seconds to reach our craft. The old man closed his eyes and gripped the wooden rail. “The last two? And what of humanity? Of artificial intelligence?” Sliding his hand along the rails polished surface “Of life…of trees?”.
The last biological human expired 17,988,123,875 earth years ago. From the time you identify as 3012ad much of humanity has transferred it’s consciousness to digital format. From there humanities existence and consciousness evolved to a point were all mysteries of the universe were revealed and existence had become, in a sense, futile. Once humanity had realized that it would be unable to prevent the collapse of this universe or transfer it’s intelligence to the new universe it ceased to be in 3521. Artificial intelligence had come to this conclusion 17 years before but choose to cease to function at the same time as humanity. The wood that you are resting upon is merely a manipulation of matter that would present as appealing to your limited senses.
His eyes swung up to the view again, “And me? Am I alive now or is this some copy of the body I had preserved?”. Your body remains your own as did the atmosphere inside the casket. Molecules have been replaced periodically through time on the casket itself to ensure it does not cease to function. A nod of the head and then he pointed to the screen in front of him “A timer please.”
4mins 1sec appeared on corner of the screen. Weaker. Weaker than he had ever felt before. And hopeless. Humanity had been somewhat certain of it’s fate when he had sealed himself in the casket. He had been diagnosed with a neuron degenerative disease that would eventually incapacitate him completely. The casket had been offered as a means to preserve himself until a cure could be found. Instead he had asked to be revived when humanity had either found out that the universe and by extension, humanity could be saved or six minutes before the end of the known universe. An intense loneliness jolted through him as he realised his insignificance. “To think no one else will see this…”. I’m afraid your senses are not suitable to viewing the event. If you wish I could enhance your senses and functioning so that you may witness it.
A withered hand waved away the suggestion. 2mins 11sec . “The countdown is fine.” He listened to his labored breathing. The thump of his heart. The silence. In front of him the universe was dying. All those wars. His children. Poverty. “Were humans happy in the end?” he asked. The question is somewhat open-ended. The humans that had come to understand the universe had discarded emotions as illogical. Other humans that had just pursued life in a digital reality had varying degrees of success with regards to finding true fulfillment. In terms of answering the question you may be more suited to answer the question. The corner of his mouth twitched and then raised slightly. 1min 12sec. As the smile formed a tear slid along the ridges of his wrinkles. 54sec.
He had been young, maybe five or six. He had been driving home from his grandmothers with his parents. The smile grew as more tears began to shed. 44sec. He had asked his mother if a star he saw was that of a dead relative, His mother said “yes”. 31sec. His father had laughed and explained to him that the relative wasn’t a star yet but one day would be. That we are all just a collection of matter. Of tiny ingredients. When we died those ingredients would dissolve and form into something new. That the earth would be swallowed by the sun as it died and all those buried would be consumed and used as ingredients for the sun. 20sec. That eventually we would all become that which makes the stars. The very essence of the universe. We would die but never cease to exist. We were all the same. Nothingness raced towards him. He raised his arms in embrace. 3sec . Mother, Father, Brother, my Children. We are all but one. 1sec.
I just want to say, I am *so* glad the wait will be such a short time (though I don’t mean to jinx you) til Bk 3. Picked up We Are Legion recently on a whim off of Audible, and waiting a couple weeks for For We Are Many was frustrating.
My brother does viking re-enactments in Ireland. At one gathering there was a group of them in a tent all sitting around in traditional dress etc… Anyway talk got to books and my brother went on a rant about George RR Martin and him deserting his loyal readers. After he finished and the last of his spittle settled into the dirt one of the girls closer to the tent flap started sobbing and then screamed “You don’t know how hard it’s been at home!” before running out of the tent..
Needless to say this left the majority in confusion until it was explained the girl is Georges partners daughter. Awkward.
Just finished it and loved it! I absolutely cannot wait till book 3. So glad Bill got a buddy or two. Felt like he was getting overworked in the research department.
Best of luck on book 3! Hope to hear more about it soon.
Well i started the second book, i have been trying to hold back cause when its done.. its done.. lol
so far its just as wonderful as the first book, i just have to comment on the audiobook narrator, Ray Porter.. i mean he does an amazing job overall and great with all the personalities but cant keep pronunciations straight. At least in the first book there were only one or two words he would always say wrong, primarily “Archimedes” (he would say “ar Kem a dees”), and he said it wrong every time. Now in the second book he says it correctly but seems to now be saying ever star name wrong.. he was properly saying Eridani correctly the whole first book, then the very start of book two now he cant pronounce it correctly anymore and its now “a Ridany” instead of “Air a Donnie” er whatever, you get the point lol
Anyways, so far im loving the book, if Ray Porter didn’t do such a great job overall it might bother me more, he really does good narration, but checking some of these things might have also been a good thing.
I started listening to “For We Are Many” today – I find these stories wonderfully character driven, and I love the Audible reader (he sounds like a Tom Hanks voice clone to me). I have one criticism of the audiobook – the pronunciation of “delta eridani” has changed from the first book to the second. Since I’ve listened to “We Are Bob” several times, I find this distracting. This does not seem to be unusual for series books I’ve heard, and I’m pretty sure that the act of recording an audiobook is generally out of the author’s hands, so I just want to vent. I’m also pretty sure that Audible doesn’t care unless the problem results in fewer book sales.
I can’t speak for the voice actor or the production folks, but the difference I believe is between the American and the British pronounciation of the word… It’s totally possible that the voice talent, since recording We Are Bob, heard an English person pronounce the word, went “Oh, crap, I did it wrong,” and changed it for the second book. Or just as easily, the director might be British, and may have instructed him to say it as he did.
We may never know, and really, it *is* a small thing.
I mean, look at how Marsters pronounced “sidhe” in the Dresden audiobooks – it felt like it took 5 novels before someone told him to say “shee”. (Love ya, Mr. Marsters!)
I just finished book two after re-listening to book one. Loved them both, and you can bet your bottom Bob that I’ll be listening again. These were the books that before, I could only dream of having the pleasure to read/ listen to! I really love them and hope to read more of your work in the future!
Hi. Just finished the audiobook of “For We Are Many” and it was great. Thank you. Do you know when “All These Worlds” will be out on audiobook? It’s not listed on Audible yet.
I started and finished this book (Audible) yesterday. I absolutely love the Bobiverse! Can’t wait for “All These Worlds.” “Singularity Trap” and “Outland” sound quite interesting, too. I need to check them out.
I’m curious what research you did on the maximum possible depth of an ocean when thinking about Eta Cassiopeiae 3. Eight hundred kilometers just an awesome idea.
You gave the surface gravity at about 8.5 m/s^2, and assuming a constant density for the water (probably a bad assumption) then the pressure down there would be well over 7 GPa. Wow! According to Wikipedia, liquid water at 0 degrees C gives way to solid ice-6 at about 0.7 GPa, so the “ocean” would be an order of magnitude less deep. *But* there is no way the temperature would stay so low. It would only have to be 250 C or so to still be liquid at 7 GPa, and 250 is easy to believe at 800 km depth. (Inside the earth it would be much hotter that deep.)
So, your planet is tantalizingly realistic, and just leaves me wanting to know more about it. This is possibly the coolest idea I’ve come across in Sci-Fi in a while; congratulations!
I would just like to say that Bob is now my favorite series. I know you have plans for 3 with possible others and I would eat them all up readily.
I enjoy the mixture of science and humor and the minimal swearing and sex. These are books I can let my kids read without fear of something their young minds shouldn’t read. Well, at least not too much.
Please keep these coming and I hope you win tons of awards for the series.
I just finished listening to For We Are Many and came here to pester you to write faster. Please, write faster. Also, my heart broke a little when I saw your post “Two down, one to go.” I was hoping more for a fifteen book series, but I would be willing to settle for a twenty four book series. Seriously, please write more books in this series and take my money.
Great sequel, congrats! I just love the approach to a scifi book about Von Neumann probes and the bobverse as whole. Been Brazilian, even more special, not about the idea of start a global war, but about the hope one day we could contribute shoulder to shoulder with others in the space exploration.
Again, congratulations really fun book to read or listen.
I have a really REALLY silly question, because yeah I get it, this is fiction and it shouldn’t need to follow any rules…but even when I read fiction I am bothered by problems for which I see a solution that isn’t addressed by the characters.
So. I’m gonna ask it, go ahead and laugh.
Riker and Homer wrestled with the apparent inability to save everyone because of lack of food and other resources. They were unable to build ships fast enough to get all of the survivors off earth. Then Homer thought of his space donuts, and I thought, YEAH, they see the solution! But they didn’t. They used the space donuts to grow kudzu for people to eat.
SO. Why didn’t they just put shipbuilding on hold and build a few million stasis units and put the people in the space donuts until they could be moved to their new home? Since the people go into stasis anyway for the journey, it wouldn’t seem so awful for them to go into safe storage a few years early. And Bob is a computer! Surely an entity who is comfortable with the idea of ‘storage’ would see it as the solution to the problem?
I honestly thought Homer was going to say, ‘use the space donuts as storage for stasis units and put everyone to sleep for now’. But no. It was kudzu.
That’s a tribute to the story, by the way. The world-building is SO AMAZING here that I got that lost in it!
This question gets dealt with explicitly in book 3. It’s essentially a political one. In order to build fifteen million stasis pods, you have to pretty much stop building ships. Which means some people are doomed to spend the rest of their lives on Earth. Anyone who sees themselves as part of this group would rather build ships and have a chance of going out. It’s a variation on the Tragedy of the Commons. Truly altruistic behavior would advantage humanity as a whole, but might disadvantage individuals significantly. So it won’t happen.
Thanks for the answer! It does make sense, I guess. Sad that Bob has to let the politicians make the decisions, since we can already see how well that’s worked out so far (NOT). As a 67-year-old, I’d be one of those who would likely die on earth (assuming I had even survived this far), and I can say without reservation that I’d rather go to sleep NOW and hope to wake up on a new planet than live my life out on earth eating kudzu.
I assume Book 3 (and beyond, we hope) will deal with the question of how religious fundamentalists will deal with the idea of at least one new sentient species, though I fear for the ones who are still early in their evolution. Even in our ‘real’ world, the scariest people I see are the ones who believe they can do whatever nasty thing they want to and justify it by saying ‘god wanted me to do that’.
Gosh, this is a great series. Please give us more Bob!!!!
It’s weird that I now get pissed off when I can’t find a traffic jam, such is my addiction to your audio universe. Love the bobs, and sweet Homer. I recently finished listening to book 2 and now on my 3rd listening of book 1. Thanks for making the road a far better place.
I finished book two a week ago and thought it was another great book in the Bobiverse.
One question nags at me though.. If the Others cargo haulers had massive reactors not only for propulsion but to beam energy to all of the machines used to reap a system why did the Bob’s not exploit that? Was it stated they were heavily shielded and I missed it? Even so the systems used to direct the energy seems like it would also lend a weakness to the system the Bob’s could use against them.
Great reply thank you!!
I am a big fan of the universe! Love what you are doing with it!
Ya know I was about to write up all the things I would love to see happen with the Bobs and the universe you are crafting but I think I am just going to sit back and enjoy the story, no reason to suggest things to a cook that’s already making a superb meal!
This series has now become my favorite books to listen too., This series has helped me pass so much time on my daily commute to work, it makes me forget how long I have been driving. Thank you fro all your hard work and I look forward to book 3
Just finished the audio book yesterday and LOVED IT!! This truly is one of the most engaging story lines I’ve come across. Ray Porter does an outstanding job of narrating!! Now I start my wait for book 3. Ready to pre-order.
Sooo, Dennis.
First time caller, second time listener.
Thanks for creating something unique and engaging to read/listen to.
I’m grateful to know that not all the good ideas in sci fi are used up.
I was so pleased with both Bob books that I wanted to track down your website to give you a hearty
“well done”. And I think Ray Porter has done an excellent job.
Thank you.
Just finished listening to book 2. Oh my goodness, another few months before we find out what happens?
I hope the Bobs stop attacking the ‘worker bees’ and go looking for the ‘queen’. I’m thinking that if they kill ‘mom’, the remaining hive will be somewhat at a loss.
My heart is broken over what happened to that last planet…does anyone NOT think meercats are adorable???
Oh, man, Earthside is becoming like the poor relative. Stuff just keeps happening. At least now I have a contract to finish it, so I have to cough it up.
My wife and I discovered We Are Legion, We Are Bob on Audible during a recent road trip and wow, it was just great!! Love all the popular culture references. I have also now listened to We Are Many, Finished it off in less than a week. I am eagerly awaiting Book 3 to see how the Bobs deal with the Others. Thoroughly enjoyed Ray Porter’s performances
Had to share this article about the Other’s home system… It’s really there!
I might have missed it in the book, but how is the creator of the replicant matrix still alive during the time frame book 2 takes place in? Did some people go into stasis after Bob 1 left earth?
It’s 45 years between when Bob wakes up and when Riker drops a rock on Vickers. Add 10 years for the time before Bob woke up, say Vickers was 25 when he invented the matrix, and he’d be 80 in the chapter. Old, but not unreasonable, especially in a couple hundred years when presumably health care has improved some.
Thank you for answering. I guess I was thinking such a breakthrough would have been near middle or old age, but of course, Isaac Newton had his “Annus Mirablis” when 22. I think at 22 I was still learning to tie my shoelaces…
BTW, I have hooked one of my friends on your books. He loves them as much as I do!
When I got the Bobieverse book 1 and 2 on audible I just had to find out if I could find your website .
Book one got me chuckling and book two had the Girlfriend telling me to” shut up” , as I was saying stuff like “Nooo they got to homer” the bastards! She has now banished me to the study (shack) when I start to “read” it . I don’t think there are many authors that have got me that involved in there work , Congratulations Dennis you have slipped right in there along with Terry P, J,RR and Asimov. MY heart went out to Howard , as I have been in that situation , talk about didn’t see it coming . I think Ray Porter also put some work into his narration of it , I could tell when Stuff was affecting the Bob’s These are Gripping books. I am just going to pre -order book 3 and then whilst I wait for that I am off to read OUTLAND. . Hmm I wonder who you could shove the film rights to…..he he I would love to see this as a “MAJOR MOTION PICTURE”. Anyways keep up the good work .
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Great book! I am about half way through now. I like it a lot so far.
Do you have any plans on translating the Books? My german friends and family would very much like to read it, too
We’ve signed a deal for a German translation.
Hello Dennis,
is it finished already? What is/will be the title of the german version?
thank you for any feedback
br Uwe
Just finished it (I am a resident on nights right now and had some extra “free time”) and it was AWESOME! it’s a tough month for me thanks for the making it a little easier with this great book.
I sincerely hope this is only the end of the trilogy and not the Bob’s or their universe. I doth need my fill and three nary do come close to quenching my thirst. You’ve created something on par with Iain M. Banks universe. If anything I like to picture your novels as the beginning of the culture.
And it’s exceptional. Already finished it on Audible. Good job. Looking forward to the next one.
When is the 3rd book comming our, I have already finished the 2nd
Darn, finished it in less than a day. Now I have to wait for book 3. Thank you for another fun book. If you ever get into book signing I’d love to know. I’d love to add a signed book one to my collection. Maybe one day it will be setting on the shelf in my VR lol.
Been looking forward to this for awhile now…. BUT WHY has the pronunciation for some words changed! Err-ee-darn-ee is now Er-rid-en-nee for example. I don’t care what the correct version is, I just want consistency between books, its very frustrating.
Ugggggh right I kept getting confused. It may be bias at this point but the book 1 pronunciation sounded cooler to my ear.
Ditto. My only criticism of book 2 on audible.
A really wonderful book, listened to the audiobook all in one go. Love the Bobbiverse and the character interactions with the iffemerals.
Stand alone stasis pods could be used to solve the Earth food problem, the climate problem while waiting for transport and could be moved on to a colony/transport ships.
Seems like if you used the local power grid it wouldn’t affect the schedule badly.
Heck you might even be able to launch them through a rail gun towards a destination and catch them at the other side.
Also, that Dyson sphere looks to be a good target for a rouge moon (using the surge drive plates). I mean a moon would be easier than a planet and the star’s gravity would give a nice pull at the end.
I bet this will solve the problem with Others! What else would be Bill’s invention for? Killing the Prime with some big rock should affect the whole hive significantly.

Knowing how Bobs are fond of redundancy – multiple rocks will be in use
Let me place another bet: they simply must mention Bruce Willis/Armageddon movie during the execution of this plan!
My friends have complained about aspects but just a sample of my imagination and why yours appeals so much to me.
“The end into the beginning”.
No dreams, and fresh. His two first thoughts in billions of years. Old hands gripped the sides of the metal casket and eased him from his resting place. A stretch of old tired muscles and he rubbed his eyes. Neither was necessary but habit was hard to shake. The old man gazed around at the observation deck were he had been placed. In front of him the universe stretched to infinity in front of him. As he padded to the railing he sighed and looked briefly around the empty room. “Nobody wanted to join me eh?”. I am afraid not sir. He chuckled at the polite voice inside his head. “That’s interesting. We certainly didn’t communicate directly into our heads in my day”. A simple manipulation of the electrons in your head sir.
The old man stared into space. The stars seemed more faint. Distant. Crinkled eyes tried to pierce the darkness as he chuckled “I was afraid I’d miss it.” The would be quite impossible sir The computer chirped in his head. “Indeed, and how many do we have observing this show with us? And how long until the curtains close?”. We are the last two known sentient beings in the universe. The event will begin in five minutes and twenty-seven seconds. It will take exactly twenty seconds to reach our craft. The old man closed his eyes and gripped the wooden rail. “The last two? And what of humanity? Of artificial intelligence?” Sliding his hand along the rails polished surface “Of life…of trees?”.
The last biological human expired 17,988,123,875 earth years ago. From the time you identify as 3012ad much of humanity has transferred it’s consciousness to digital format. From there humanities existence and consciousness evolved to a point were all mysteries of the universe were revealed and existence had become, in a sense, futile. Once humanity had realized that it would be unable to prevent the collapse of this universe or transfer it’s intelligence to the new universe it ceased to be in 3521. Artificial intelligence had come to this conclusion 17 years before but choose to cease to function at the same time as humanity. The wood that you are resting upon is merely a manipulation of matter that would present as appealing to your limited senses.
His eyes swung up to the view again, “And me? Am I alive now or is this some copy of the body I had preserved?”. Your body remains your own as did the atmosphere inside the casket. Molecules have been replaced periodically through time on the casket itself to ensure it does not cease to function. A nod of the head and then he pointed to the screen in front of him “A timer please.”
4mins 1sec appeared on corner of the screen. Weaker. Weaker than he had ever felt before. And hopeless. Humanity had been somewhat certain of it’s fate when he had sealed himself in the casket. He had been diagnosed with a neuron degenerative disease that would eventually incapacitate him completely. The casket had been offered as a means to preserve himself until a cure could be found. Instead he had asked to be revived when humanity had either found out that the universe and by extension, humanity could be saved or six minutes before the end of the known universe. An intense loneliness jolted through him as he realised his insignificance. “To think no one else will see this…”. I’m afraid your senses are not suitable to viewing the event. If you wish I could enhance your senses and functioning so that you may witness it.
A withered hand waved away the suggestion. 2mins 11sec . “The countdown is fine.” He listened to his labored breathing. The thump of his heart. The silence. In front of him the universe was dying. All those wars. His children. Poverty. “Were humans happy in the end?” he asked. The question is somewhat open-ended. The humans that had come to understand the universe had discarded emotions as illogical. Other humans that had just pursued life in a digital reality had varying degrees of success with regards to finding true fulfillment. In terms of answering the question you may be more suited to answer the question. The corner of his mouth twitched and then raised slightly. 1min 12sec. As the smile formed a tear slid along the ridges of his wrinkles. 54sec.
He had been young, maybe five or six. He had been driving home from his grandmothers with his parents. The smile grew as more tears began to shed. 44sec. He had asked his mother if a star he saw was that of a dead relative, His mother said “yes”. 31sec. His father had laughed and explained to him that the relative wasn’t a star yet but one day would be. That we are all just a collection of matter. Of tiny ingredients. When we died those ingredients would dissolve and form into something new. That the earth would be swallowed by the sun as it died and all those buried would be consumed and used as ingredients for the sun. 20sec. That eventually we would all become that which makes the stars. The very essence of the universe. We would die but never cease to exist. We were all the same. Nothingness raced towards him. He raised his arms in embrace. 3sec . Mother, Father, Brother, my Children. We are all but one. 1sec.
I just want to say, I am *so* glad the wait will be such a short time (though I don’t mean to jinx you) til Bk 3. Picked up We Are Legion recently on a whim off of Audible, and waiting a couple weeks for For We Are Many was frustrating.
Great work!
My brother does viking re-enactments in Ireland. At one gathering there was a group of them in a tent all sitting around in traditional dress etc… Anyway talk got to books and my brother went on a rant about George RR Martin and him deserting his loyal readers. After he finished and the last of his spittle settled into the dirt one of the girls closer to the tent flap started sobbing and then screamed “You don’t know how hard it’s been at home!” before running out of the tent..
Needless to say this left the majority in confusion until it was explained the girl is Georges partners daughter. Awkward.
Wow. Three days released. Number 86 in paid kindle books and number one in three seperate kindle science fiction categories. Kudos.
How many books/audio books did you sell in the first day?
Just finished it – Made it in one long read for 8 hours, GREAT BOOK!
When is the next one will be published?
Just finished it and loved it! I absolutely cannot wait till book 3. So glad Bill got a buddy or two. Felt like he was getting overworked in the research department.
Best of luck on book 3! Hope to hear more about it soon.
Well i started the second book, i have been trying to hold back cause when its done.. its done.. lol
so far its just as wonderful as the first book, i just have to comment on the audiobook narrator, Ray Porter.. i mean he does an amazing job overall and great with all the personalities but cant keep pronunciations straight. At least in the first book there were only one or two words he would always say wrong, primarily “Archimedes” (he would say “ar Kem a dees”), and he said it wrong every time. Now in the second book he says it correctly but seems to now be saying ever star name wrong.. he was properly saying Eridani correctly the whole first book, then the very start of book two now he cant pronounce it correctly anymore and its now “a Ridany” instead of “Air a Donnie” er whatever, you get the point lol
Anyways, so far im loving the book, if Ray Porter didn’t do such a great job overall it might bother me more, he really does good narration, but checking some of these things might have also been a good thing.
I started listening to “For We Are Many” today – I find these stories wonderfully character driven, and I love the Audible reader (he sounds like a Tom Hanks voice clone to me). I have one criticism of the audiobook – the pronunciation of “delta eridani” has changed from the first book to the second. Since I’ve listened to “We Are Bob” several times, I find this distracting. This does not seem to be unusual for series books I’ve heard, and I’m pretty sure that the act of recording an audiobook is generally out of the author’s hands, so I just want to vent. I’m also pretty sure that Audible doesn’t care unless the problem results in fewer book sales.
Thanks for the stories!
I can’t speak for the voice actor or the production folks, but the difference I believe is between the American and the British pronounciation of the word… It’s totally possible that the voice talent, since recording We Are Bob, heard an English person pronounce the word, went “Oh, crap, I did it wrong,” and changed it for the second book. Or just as easily, the director might be British, and may have instructed him to say it as he did.
We may never know, and really, it *is* a small thing.
I mean, look at how Marsters pronounced “sidhe” in the Dresden audiobooks – it felt like it took 5 novels before someone told him to say “shee”. (Love ya, Mr. Marsters!)
Enjoy these books immensely. I am curious if there are any other examples in science fiction with AI suicide. Are you aware of any?
Thanks for the great books. Kind of wish you had plans for more than three.
Oh, I do. Just different storylines.
OMG more BOB this makes my day still waiting for book 3 tour 100.
I just finished book two after re-listening to book one. Loved them both, and you can bet your bottom Bob that I’ll be listening again. These were the books that before, I could only dream of having the pleasure to read/ listen to! I really love them and hope to read more of your work in the future!
– Dan
Your going to throw relativistic asteroids at the Others’ home world and Dyson Sphere aren’t you?
There’s been a lot of speculation. None of it has hit the nail, yet. I will say no more.
That was my thought, too – I mean, they can build those ‘roid movers.
Maybe we’re thinking too small, though. Build a big enough system, you could fly it in there and kidnap their whole homeworld, just fly it away.
Not that the Others would sit still for it…
No, relativistic STAR
Hi. Just finished the audiobook of “For We Are Many” and it was great. Thank you. Do you know when “All These Worlds” will be out on audiobook? It’s not listed on Audible yet.
Audible is working it out right now. Probably August.
I started and finished this book (Audible) yesterday. I absolutely love the Bobiverse! Can’t wait for “All These Worlds.” “Singularity Trap” and “Outland” sound quite interesting, too. I need to check them out.
Hey Dennis
I’ve read both.. loved every second of it.
Heinlein would be proud.
Eager for vol 3..
I’m curious what research you did on the maximum possible depth of an ocean when thinking about Eta Cassiopeiae 3. Eight hundred kilometers just an awesome idea.
You gave the surface gravity at about 8.5 m/s^2, and assuming a constant density for the water (probably a bad assumption) then the pressure down there would be well over 7 GPa. Wow! According to Wikipedia, liquid water at 0 degrees C gives way to solid ice-6 at about 0.7 GPa, so the “ocean” would be an order of magnitude less deep. *But* there is no way the temperature would stay so low. It would only have to be 250 C or so to still be liquid at 7 GPa, and 250 is easy to believe at 800 km depth. (Inside the earth it would be much hotter that deep.)
So, your planet is tantalizingly realistic, and just leaves me wanting to know more about it. This is possibly the coolest idea I’ve come across in Sci-Fi in a while; congratulations!
Bring us book 3.
I would just like to say that Bob is now my favorite series. I know you have plans for 3 with possible others and I would eat them all up readily.
I enjoy the mixture of science and humor and the minimal swearing and sex. These are books I can let my kids read without fear of something their young minds shouldn’t read. Well, at least not too much.
Please keep these coming and I hope you win tons of awards for the series.
Until August.
Thank you,
I just finished listening to For We Are Many and came here to pester you to write faster. Please, write faster. Also, my heart broke a little when I saw your post “Two down, one to go.” I was hoping more for a fifteen book series, but I would be willing to settle for a twenty four book series. Seriously, please write more books in this series and take my money.
Great sequel, congrats! I just love the approach to a scifi book about Von Neumann probes and the bobverse as whole. Been Brazilian, even more special, not about the idea of start a global war, but about the hope one day we could contribute shoulder to shoulder with others in the space exploration.
Again, congratulations really fun book to read or listen.
Congrats on “For We Are Many” being listed in Audibles this month’s Five Star Faves! Very worthy indeed!
I have a really REALLY silly question, because yeah I get it, this is fiction and it shouldn’t need to follow any rules…but even when I read fiction I am bothered by problems for which I see a solution that isn’t addressed by the characters.
So. I’m gonna ask it, go ahead and laugh.
Riker and Homer wrestled with the apparent inability to save everyone because of lack of food and other resources. They were unable to build ships fast enough to get all of the survivors off earth. Then Homer thought of his space donuts, and I thought, YEAH, they see the solution! But they didn’t. They used the space donuts to grow kudzu for people to eat.
SO. Why didn’t they just put shipbuilding on hold and build a few million stasis units and put the people in the space donuts until they could be moved to their new home? Since the people go into stasis anyway for the journey, it wouldn’t seem so awful for them to go into safe storage a few years early. And Bob is a computer! Surely an entity who is comfortable with the idea of ‘storage’ would see it as the solution to the problem?
I honestly thought Homer was going to say, ‘use the space donuts as storage for stasis units and put everyone to sleep for now’. But no. It was kudzu.
That’s a tribute to the story, by the way. The world-building is SO AMAZING here that I got that lost in it!
This question gets dealt with explicitly in book 3. It’s essentially a political one. In order to build fifteen million stasis pods, you have to pretty much stop building ships. Which means some people are doomed to spend the rest of their lives on Earth. Anyone who sees themselves as part of this group would rather build ships and have a chance of going out. It’s a variation on the Tragedy of the Commons. Truly altruistic behavior would advantage humanity as a whole, but might disadvantage individuals significantly. So it won’t happen.
Thanks for the answer! It does make sense, I guess. Sad that Bob has to let the politicians make the decisions, since we can already see how well that’s worked out so far (NOT). As a 67-year-old, I’d be one of those who would likely die on earth (assuming I had even survived this far), and I can say without reservation that I’d rather go to sleep NOW and hope to wake up on a new planet than live my life out on earth eating kudzu.
I assume Book 3 (and beyond, we hope) will deal with the question of how religious fundamentalists will deal with the idea of at least one new sentient species, though I fear for the ones who are still early in their evolution. Even in our ‘real’ world, the scariest people I see are the ones who believe they can do whatever nasty thing they want to and justify it by saying ‘god wanted me to do that’.
Gosh, this is a great series. Please give us more Bob!!!!
It’s weird that I now get pissed off when I can’t find a traffic jam, such is my addiction to your audio universe. Love the bobs, and sweet Homer. I recently finished listening to book 2 and now on my 3rd listening of book 1. Thanks for making the road a far better place.
I finished book two a week ago and thought it was another great book in the Bobiverse.
One question nags at me though.. If the Others cargo haulers had massive reactors not only for propulsion but to beam energy to all of the machines used to reap a system why did the Bob’s not exploit that? Was it stated they were heavily shielded and I missed it? Even so the systems used to direct the energy seems like it would also lend a weakness to the system the Bob’s could use against them.
The system would require both transmitter and receiver technology. And I’d imagine the Others would have a way to control who was receiving it.
Great reply thank you!!
I am a big fan of the universe! Love what you are doing with it!
Ya know I was about to write up all the things I would love to see happen with the Bobs and the universe you are crafting but I think I am just going to sit back and enjoy the story, no reason to suggest things to a cook that’s already making a superb meal!
This series has now become my favorite books to listen too., This series has helped me pass so much time on my daily commute to work, it makes me forget how long I have been driving. Thank you fro all your hard work and I look forward to book 3
Shouldn’t this say:
‘All Hail Bawbe!’
Just finished the audio book yesterday and LOVED IT!! This truly is one of the most engaging story lines I’ve come across. Ray Porter does an outstanding job of narrating!! Now I start my wait for book 3. Ready to pre-order.
Hopelessly hooked….Stumbled across the first book, Burned through the second book…Jonesing for the third book real bad.
Sooo, Dennis.
First time caller, second time listener.
Thanks for creating something unique and engaging to read/listen to.
I’m grateful to know that not all the good ideas in sci fi are used up.
I was so pleased with both Bob books that I wanted to track down your website to give you a hearty
“well done”. And I think Ray Porter has done an excellent job.
Thank you.
Just started to read (listen) to it. Amusing and exciting just as the first book.
How many Bobiverse books can we look forward to?
Just finished listening to book 2. Oh my goodness, another few months before we find out what happens?
I hope the Bobs stop attacking the ‘worker bees’ and go looking for the ‘queen’. I’m thinking that if they kill ‘mom’, the remaining hive will be somewhat at a loss.
My heart is broken over what happened to that last planet…does anyone NOT think meercats are adorable???
:Ahem….Earthside will be ready when ????? Also love all that is bobverse!!!
Oh, man, Earthside is becoming like the poor relative. Stuff just keeps happening. At least now I have a contract to finish it, so I have to cough it up.
My wife and I discovered We Are Legion, We Are Bob on Audible during a recent road trip and wow, it was just great!! Love all the popular culture references. I have also now listened to We Are Many, Finished it off in less than a week. I am eagerly awaiting Book 3 to see how the Bobs deal with the Others. Thoroughly enjoyed Ray Porter’s performances
Had to share this article about the Other’s home system… It’s really there!
Dyson Sphere at PDS 110?
Do the Bobs use GIT via SCUT to manage their VR code and OBJ printer files?
I might have missed it in the book, but how is the creator of the replicant matrix still alive during the time frame book 2 takes place in? Did some people go into stasis after Bob 1 left earth?
It’s 45 years between when Bob wakes up and when Riker drops a rock on Vickers. Add 10 years for the time before Bob woke up, say Vickers was 25 when he invented the matrix, and he’d be 80 in the chapter. Old, but not unreasonable, especially in a couple hundred years when presumably health care has improved some.
Thank you for answering. I guess I was thinking such a breakthrough would have been near middle or old age, but of course, Isaac Newton had his “Annus Mirablis” when 22. I think at 22 I was still learning to tie my shoelaces…
BTW, I have hooked one of my friends on your books. He loves them as much as I do!
When I got the Bobieverse book 1 and 2 on audible I just had to find out if I could find your website .
Book one got me chuckling and book two had the Girlfriend telling me to” shut up” , as I was saying stuff like “Nooo they got to homer” the bastards! She has now banished me to the study (shack) when I start to “read” it . I don’t think there are many authors that have got me that involved in there work , Congratulations Dennis you have slipped right in there along with Terry P, J,RR and Asimov. MY heart went out to Howard , as I have been in that situation , talk about didn’t see it coming . I think Ray Porter also put some work into his narration of it , I could tell when Stuff was affecting the Bob’s These are Gripping books. I am just going to pre -order book 3 and then whilst I wait for that I am off to read OUTLAND. . Hmm I wonder who you could shove the film rights to…..he he I would love to see this as a “MAJOR MOTION PICTURE”. Anyways keep up the good work .
I thought you would find this funny…
Alex Jones warns of pig/gorilla/human hybrids who can talk