Many, many things.

It has been a freakishly busy couple of months. Actually, the whole year has been insane. I’ve been to New York for the Singularity Trap launch, to San Jose for Worldcon, to St. John NB for FogLit, and to Los Angeles for the Visioneering summit. I think I may be travelled out.

The Visioneering invitation came out of the blue, and of course I jumped at it. Terranea is a beautiful location, and this is a significant event with real-world effects.

I was invited to host a table for a “Jeffersonian Lunch” event. There were, I think, five different tables with different SF authors hosting each. That evening, I was part of an “Ask Me Anything” event, where each author showed a favorite clip from movie or TV, then answered questions (not necessarily related to the clip). I showed the clip from Forbidden Planet where Morbius is showing Adams and Ostrow around the Krell facility. “Twenty miles; twenty miles. Listen–circuits opening and closing. And they never rest.”

Here’s the AMA part, which immediately followed the clip:

The Visioneering conference is large-scale. Really, the XPRIZE foundation behind it is large-scale. They don’t just talk–they actually do things. While I was there, they announced they had disbursed one of their prizes for a device design that can extract water right out of the air.

I’ve also been placed on the Science Fiction Advisory Board:

I’m having a major bout of Imposter Syndrome right now.

Oh, and I met David Brin, Hugh Howey, and Robert Picardo at the summit. Pretty good week, all in all.

Here are some random pix:


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    • Ivor on October 28, 2018 at 12:25 pm
    • Reply

    Congratulations on being on the same board as Larry Niven

  1. Congrats! also… Can’t wait for The Search for Bender!

    • Corndog on November 28, 2018 at 2:19 am
    • Reply

    Stop doing cool stuff and work on Bender book.

    • Joxo on November 28, 2018 at 1:17 pm
    • Reply

    you don’t know how desperate I am for more bobiverse!

    • Csaba T on December 12, 2018 at 1:30 am
    • Reply

    Regarding the 1 billion people in VR, has anyone seen the CBS 60 Minutes episode on what smartphones do to kids’ brains?

    The way this interactive technology is changing children’s minds, causing addiction, anxiety and depression is just scary.

    I wonder if we should put a lower age limit on VR and other potentially addictive technologies, like on gambling or porn.

    • travis c on December 14, 2018 at 3:44 pm
    • Reply

    Utopian sci-fi can still be recieved well, but probably moreso as light novels and manga in japan. can think of Aria the Natural and Eve no Jinkan off the top of my head. Though they are also a slice of life genre hybrid.

    • William M. on December 19, 2018 at 7:56 am
    • Reply

    Hey Mr Taylor!
    Thanks for writing such engrossing SF novels! The first Bobiverse book really hooked me, I haven’t yet read the follow-up, but I’m greatly looking forward to getting to them! Currently reading The Singularity Trap. Excellent story, good characters. Again, thank you for writing my evening entertainment.

    • Peter Harrington-Stone on March 18, 2019 at 12:02 pm
    • Reply

    Hey Dennis,
    Please keep writing Bobiverse books!

    • Spencer Miller on March 29, 2019 at 4:32 pm
    • Reply

    I’m just popping in to say that I love your work, having read pretty much all of it. Congrats on being on the board, too! I think you do deserve it.
    And that’s what you should try to remember in avoiding imposter syndrome: it is not up to you whether or not you are an imposter. It is up to those who decide on the titles. As such, if you believe in the integrity of the board, believe they see something in you.
    That said, keep working hard! I’m not going to insist you write more Bobi-verses, but I’d certainly enjoy it!

    P.S. Bill = Best Bob

    • Jon Davis on November 21, 2019 at 4:09 pm
    • Reply

    Your Bobiverse books have hooked me big time. Please keep working to keep them coming your work is awesome it actually makes me feel emotional at timesas you seem to be an excellent writer thank you very much and please keep them coming specially the Bob books.

    • Gavin on April 19, 2021 at 1:30 pm
    • Reply

    Mr. Taylor,

    Just wanted to say thanks for the great books. My whole family sat on our dock during covid and listened to the bobiverse books. Like living in 1930 with radio! Awesome!

    • Samantha on August 29, 2024 at 7:56 am
    • Reply

    This world needs more brain candy fun like Roadkill… more snark like Sheldon and generally just more…please!

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