Some Updates on, Well, Everything

The storm seems to be about over. Audible has fixed the truncated audio file, re-enabled Whispersync, and emailed customers about it. However, I’m still getting some reviews and comments about the “cliffhanger” nature of All These Worlds, so not everyone apparently reads their email. Or, more likely, they figured it was another marketing email and deleted it unread.

So what happened?

I’ve discussed it with Audible, and they don’t know. It’s never happened before, it shouldn’t happen at all, and the engineers can’t see how it could happen. Gotta love computers, right?

Anyway, the bottom line is that the audio file is uploaded to the server in chunks, and one chunk just. Didn’t. Arrive. This meant that the file served up to all the pre-orders and early sales was missing the last 13 chapters, 64 through 76. Needless to say, there was an immediate uproar about the “cliffhanger’ nature of the book. No kidding. I read chapter 63 while visualizing that being the last chapter in the book, and it made a Batman episode look like War and Peace.

As an aside, I’m impressed at how many people had listened right through to that point by the first morning.

By the time I’d gotten up, mainlined my first coffee, and read my social media (with a rising sense of panic), and contacted Audible, they were already all over it. They assured me they were rebuilding the file and would have it up by mid-day.

Audible delivered on their promise, and also sent emails (as earlier mentioned) to customers. Then they started working on the Whispersync function, which apparently requires its own processing to link up the audio and e-book files. That took a little longer, but got done.

By now the cataclysm has been fixed, and if you think All These Worlds is a cliffhanger book, please check your chapter count. If you only have 63, delete the file from your device and re-download it. You should end up with 76 chapters.


On another subject, I’ve been asked to say something about my future writing plans. As I’ve mentioned in other posts, I’m a full-time writer as of this summer. Honesty requires me to admit that this means afternoon naps more than anything else. But even with that, I should be able to be more productive.

Keep in mind, when I’m talking about my schedule, that I’m not self-published, so there’s a gap between when I finish a book and when it hits the market. And I have an ‘exclusive’ with Audible for the next five books, which means a book will be available from Audible for four months before it’s available in any other format. Sorry, they kept throwing money at me and I’m a weak, weak man.

Anyway, the Bobiverse trilogy is now complete. I’ve also almost finished Singularity Trap, except for possibly an editing round or two. ST will probably be published on Audible in early 2018.

I’m currently working on a short story, to be published in the Explorations anthology, in the Explorations: Colony edition. They’ve just released Explorations: War. It’s a shared universe and an ongoing story from edition to edition. Worth having a look at.

My next novel-length project will be a significant re-edit of Outland. Outland was my first novel, and although I have a soft spot for it, I freely admit that it’s not my best work. Stephen King says you have to write a million words before you’re an accomplished writer. Yes, I know, there’s some doubt as to who actually said it first. Don’t care. The important point is that, in writing, practice is critical to success.

So, with a few books under my belt, I’m going to go back and hit Outland with a very large hammer. There’s some question as to whether that will be considered a new edition, or whether I should re-release it under a new title. That will be a subject for discussion. In any case, it should be done by November or so, then there will be the usual six-month lead time for publication.

Next, I’m going to finish the sequel to Outland, which I’ve tentatively named Earthside. I’ve been promising a sequel to Outland since before I finished Legion, so I guess I’d better get on it. I’ll hope to have that finished by early 2018.

After that, things will slow down a little as I’ll be writing “net new” books. My intention is to write a Bobiverse book, which would be finished somewhere in summer 2018. As usual, add up to six months for publication.

The book after that? Not sure. It might be another Bobiverse book, or another Outland book, or something entirely new. It will depend on discussions with my agent and Audible and most importantly, on what the readers are demanding.

So that’s the scoop, seen from the point of view from my couch, today. Ooh. “The View From The Couch.” Dibs.



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    • Kay on August 10, 2017 at 2:10 pm
    • Reply

    I’m thrilled you’re planning another Bobiverse book. I can’t wait to read it.

      • David C Morrow on December 19, 2017 at 7:55 am
      • Reply

      YESSS….I needs more Bobiverse!!!!

        • Andy on February 5, 2018 at 1:42 am
        • Reply

        Me too.. I love it and would be great to see more of the universe.

          • Frank Elsinga on September 10, 2018 at 1:04 am
          • Reply

          Absolutely a must read.
          6 months is tough though

      • Josh on November 19, 2018 at 1:48 am
      • Reply

      please another bobiverse book there so good love to see the planets all around as you describe them and the universe is so large and with time flow ect so many cool things could happen

    • Joshua Brown on August 10, 2017 at 2:20 pm
    • Reply

    Thanks for sharing this. Finished *both* versions of the All These Worlds audiobook today. I’ll leave out my reaction to the first (mostly wordless anyways), but after listening to those last chapters, I’ll say “thank you.”

    So thank you for an amazing story. It was thoroughly enjoyable. I’m glad to see that your writing has allowed you to retire, and for mostly selfish reasons I happily wish you much success in your future works.

    Live long and prosper.

    Also, as a non-reverential tribute to Bob, some immaturity:


    • Kurt on August 10, 2017 at 5:30 pm
    • Reply

    We all need to know what happened to Bender (Bending Rodriguez). When you get back to the Bobiverse, I recommend something along those lines. Just finished book 3 and I was a little upset that he was still missing. 🙂

    1. Yes. Yes we do.

      1. Ooh, somebody is being cryptic.

        When I first realized one Bob was gone I though “well that’s clever. If I was the author I’d make sure to lose track of one Bob early, given their nature that could leave almost infinite flexibility down the line regardless what happens to the known Bobs.”

      • Ray Henderson on August 10, 2017 at 10:40 pm
      • Reply

      Bender obviously built his own theme park in the galactic core.
      With Blackjack and hookers.

      1. What? No no, the name is just– hmmmm….

          • Ray Henderson on August 12, 2017 at 11:27 pm
          • Reply

          Don’t panic, I’m sure Bender has left instructions to comp you the Phssthpok suite with a million stars credit line and all the Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters you can drink.

      • Pete on July 19, 2018 at 2:23 pm
      • Reply


      Bender, besides the glaring obvious hurricane of ideas that come from the character of bender, let alone futurama I too am a Bobiverse addict.

      I too am a recovering Bobiverse addict.

      and by recovering i mean currently listening to trilogy for 3rd time… in a row.. and taking notes this time..

      please please please pretty please continue giving Bob’s story more, well stories 🙂

    • Scott on August 11, 2017 at 5:26 am
    • Reply

    i’m 45 mins from finishing All These Worlds, and had started getting panicky that it was going to either have a lousy ending – or there was going to be a book 4 – and praying for the latter. Pre-ordered it and started listening at 0630 on 8/8. Thank heavens i found your website (yeah, i don’t read my email as often as I should).

    • Sarah on August 11, 2017 at 5:45 am
    • Reply

    I was wondering why the last book was so short when the hours were counting down. Lucky for me when I went to bed with an hour left of book three and woke up with the email that I had three more hours. I was thrilled. Wonderful series and I look forward to more of your writings.

    • Houston Baker on August 11, 2017 at 11:49 am
    • Reply

    Just wanted to say thanks and great job. The fam and I did a Griswoldesque road trip vacation from Houston to the Smoky Mountains this summer. The Bobiverse was a great companion. Pretty much book 1 on the way there and book 2 on the way back. My 9 year old son goes around saying “THE BOB” to everyone like a Deltan and his friends assume he’s crazy. Thanks for the satisfying ending, and it’s great to hear that you’ll be returning to this universe in the future.

    • Ignatz on August 11, 2017 at 12:17 pm
    • Reply

    I am almost finished with the Bobiverse trilogy. It’s an outstanding story, and I think Audible needs to throw all the money at you.

    Seriously, this has been great fun and you now rank up there with John Scalzi. I hope you are as prolific because I’ll read just about anything you care to write from here on out. Thanks!

  1. OK I am almost done with Bob3 and I got to say I love this series. I think this could go on forever because Space is never ending. Let me just say from the start of book one to the end of book three you simply had me at HELLO. The Bobs make you think of how we all are. The many faces of life. I think a book 4 is to far away. I am looking for your next book no matter what it is.

    I think you and Craig Alanson should hook up for a trilogy. You both are on my top 10 Authors list. This list includes Stephen King, Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis, Terry Goodkind, Jim Butcher, Douglas Adams, David McCullough and Erik Larson.

    Anyway i will end with this great quote from Douglas Adams to the Bobverse I say ” SO Long and Thanks for all the Fish”

      • Matt on May 1, 2018 at 6:51 am
      • Reply

      What if Bender found Skippy??

        • Jim on May 24, 2018 at 6:58 am
        • Reply

        What if Bender and all the Bob’s were the ancients?

    • jorge perez on August 11, 2017 at 5:48 pm
    • Reply

    I just finish all these worlds. A great series!!!!

    Is the is the third book the last one? Please say no

    I was looking to listen to Outland but is not on audible, when is the one coming out to audible?

    1. ATW is the last book in the trilogy but there will be more bobiverse books. Outland will be on audible sometime in 2018.

    • jacob on August 11, 2017 at 6:34 pm
    • Reply

    So you said Bobiverse trilogy is complete, then you say you want to work on another Bobiverse book? I really hope there’s more. I’m halfway done with Book 3 and gotta say this is my favorite book series of all time. In second place comes ExFor!

    Also: Craig Alanson collaboration? The BOBs vs Skippy the Magnificent???? lol

      • David C Morrow on December 19, 2017 at 8:02 am
      • Reply

      Skippy is AWESOME!!!!

    • Eric Tedj on August 11, 2017 at 9:17 pm
    • Reply

    I loved all three of the Bobiverse books. Glad to hear you are intend on revisiting it sometime next year.
    I think its awesome when authors are open like this with their schedules.
    I’ll definitely be adding Singularity Trap and Outland to my “to-reads” list.

  2. I had to stop reading comments before hitting spoilers because I am still an hour from the end.

    My heart sank when you said “Trilogy”, but then you held out a hand and said what sounded like “Hey, little buddy, did the mean author crush your hopes into the ground like a giant mosquito? Don’t worry, that was just the third-act twist.”

    Actually, my productivity could be helped by a year wait for another “page turner” like this series (or whatever you call it when it’s an audiobook).

    • Tim on August 11, 2017 at 11:49 pm
    • Reply

    I just finished all these worlds. Its a conclusive ending yet it does leave a few questions that could be a quite nice entrance to the next story. I hope you eventually continue the series. I will look into your other works in the meantime.

    • Austin on August 12, 2017 at 10:08 am
    • Reply

    Hey Dennis, if I may be so bold to call you by your first name.

    I was reading “All these world’s” and it inspired me with a cool small business/app/(not sure what idea, but it’s cool) and was wondering if I could have a couple minutes of your precious (nap) time to pick your brain about the authorship side of it, since it had to do with … well, authorship and you’re now somewhat experienced as well as a fellow engineer. Anyway, you have my email now (and from my other comments :)), so shoot me your number (or one of those burner lines of you’ve reached that level of fame) if you have a couple minutes. I’ll understand if you don’t, Hillary Duff never wrote me back either.


    1. Business apps and novels have very little to do with each other. If you have a specific question, I’ll try to answer it.

    • Mikey72 on August 12, 2017 at 12:54 pm
    • Reply

    Outland Shmoutland! You may want to do all sorts of things to expand your horizons, now that you are a full-time writer, but we only really care about the Bobs! Follow the money, Dude! Write more Bobiverse books! Do the other stuff, we don’t yet care about, in your spare time! So many possibilities in the Bobiverse and you have a fertile imagination. We want BOBS! 🙂

    1. What is this “spare time” of which you speak?

    • [REDACTED] [REDACTED] on August 12, 2017 at 6:10 pm
    • Reply

    Will the BOBS ever develop FTL?

    1. Possibly, but I’d have to be careful with a change like that.

        • [REDACTED] [REDACTED] on August 12, 2017 at 11:11 pm
        • Reply

        You can do something like the stargates from well Stargate except on a bigger scaleor the relays from mass Effect.

        • Guydudeman on October 25, 2017 at 4:03 am
        • Reply

        It will be called, Tele-a-bob ™

      • Rich Weil on January 16, 2018 at 6:10 pm
      • Reply

      The Bobs do have FTL, in effect, to be honest. I don’t want to post spoilers for those who haven’t finished, but SCUT gives folks a LOT of options. Can you tell I’m a Bobiverse geek? 😛

    • Gary on August 13, 2017 at 9:40 am
    • Reply

    Hi, Dennis
    Just finished the, All These Worlds well done I enjoyed the series.
    I wanted to let you know that Audible has had the same problem on other books, yours was not the first. And when you speak to customer service they try and tell you that the book may be abridged or even if it not abridged it may be different than the original including chapters in different orders or combined, that is all the excuse I got before I convinced them it was file problem.
    I look forward to reading you next books, I just hope that you are more like Michael J. “I crank out the books” Sullivan and less like Patrick “I can’t finish a series because I’m at a convention meeting my fans, Rothfuss.

    • [REDACTED] [REDACTED] on August 13, 2017 at 2:34 pm
    • Reply

    In for we are many mansions that Colonel Butterworth agrees to be replicated please explain this because he never shows up afterwards as a replicant.

    1. He ends his own life early in book 3 and revokes consent.

    • [REDACTED] [REDACTED] on August 13, 2017 at 3:52 pm
    • Reply


    • [REDACTED] [REDACTED] on August 13, 2017 at 4:43 pm
    • Reply

    Why did you kill Butterworth that way so that there would be no replicant I’m curious. I mean from an authors point of view why did you do it

    1. I couldn’t keep both Butterworth and Bridget. Book 3 was about the Bobs coming to terms with mortality and loss. The Bridget storyline had a lot more possibilities, while the Butterworth storyline would have actually reduced tension, since the Bobs would have military strategic advice available, something which they are mostly lacking.

        • Chris on August 28, 2017 at 11:01 am
        • Reply

        I was personally a bit upset that there wasn’t a Navy(?) of Butterworths to meet the Other’s crisis head on (all with their awesomely over the top British accent!), but I also thought that such an idea would leave open the idea of everyone cloning themselves. Glad you went with the Bridgette line instead, it leaves the cloning option closed through precedent. Which is nice.

  3. Absolutely love your series Bobverse\ currently reading lines\ have read virtually everything I can in print today and you are good! Thank you sir! Keep up the awesome amazing stellar work, and BTW, thank you!

    • Ken Burkhart on August 14, 2017 at 7:11 am
    • Reply

    I too got hit with the cliffhanger and was upset. I actually started searching online for a timeline on book 4 when I read about the audible error. I redownloaded and finished it out. Whew! But I should mention that even after searching my spam folder, I never got an email from audible. You may have a bunch of readers/liateners that have no idea that the story does finish out.

    • J. Beam on August 14, 2017 at 7:48 am
    • Reply

    Any chance that you could upload yourself as a replicant, clone yourself a couple of times, then do all three at the same time?

    • Paul on August 14, 2017 at 2:15 pm
    • Reply

    I LOVE the bobiverse series. So glad to hear you’re going to continue it. I just finished All These Worlds (audio) – superb ending to the trilogy by the way. So much…. humanity. Sci-fi is such a rich canvas for asking the big questions – the ones that really matter: love, loss, war, revolution, freedom, immortality, genocide, altruism…

    I’ll definitely be checking out Singularity Trap.

    • Anthony Kallhoff on August 15, 2017 at 10:53 am
    • Reply

    Love the Bobiverse books. Personable, thoughtful, and grand. All you can ask for in good science-fiction.
    I think the universe would translate well to a TV-series too, with some careful directing. I’ve even had fantasies of creating a civilization style game for the world, too. But that’d be years off.

    Anyway, just wanted to thank you for the great experience. Good luck with your future projects! Excited to check out Outland when it hits Audible.

    Take care.

    • Derek A Evans on August 15, 2017 at 11:47 am
    • Reply

    Thanks for letting us know there will be continuing stories coming out of the Bobiverse. Deeply enjoyed reading each book, and was pleasantly surprised when I found the 3rd had been released a few days ago (really, just a random search and voila!).

    Looking forward to checking out some of your other works in the near future, and good luck with that revisit of Outland. Won’t be easy I imagine, but few things worth doing are.


    • Craig on August 15, 2017 at 4:13 pm
    • Reply

    Clap, Clap, Clap….

    Well done on the trilogy! I really like how you ended book 3 and really felt the struggle with mortality. Some books that I have read just kinda end the main story line and you think… OK that wasn’t bad. But your ending does more and made me think if I was a Bob (which I’m not because I’m a Craig) how would I have felt about everything. And focusing back on the original Bob to close to book… pure genius.

    Like many followers of your blog, I am a fan for life and look forward to many more books. The Bob trilogy will also see a lot a play time too.


  4. It was all the die-hard fans that got hit by the botched release and most of them are understanding enough and diligent enough to reset their downloads. Kinda doubt it would put any of them off continuing to read the series. Kudos on the awesome book.

    • Ilovebobiverse on August 15, 2017 at 10:12 pm
    • Reply

    Do more bobiverse! It is my 2nd favorite book series ever (the first being the Undying Mercenary series). Seriously, the world you’ve created with the bobiverse is absolutely FASCINATING and has so much potential. I love it and I’ll keep buying if you keep writing !

    • Justin Bridwell on August 16, 2017 at 8:11 am
    • Reply

    One down?!… What the, that’s the end?!… How could you end such a great series on a huge cliffhanger like that?! oh, wait, sorry…

    *Puts down pitchfork and torch*

    On a more serious note though, I also (like Ken Burkhart above) did not receive any email regarding the truncated file issue from Audible. I went back through all my emails, and I have other emails from Audible around the same time, but nothing about the issue. I made sure to check the spam folder as well.

    I would highly recommend pushing Audible to go back and review who they sent an email to, and look for anyone that was possibly missed. You may have a certain subset of Bobiverse fans that are upset, but would never stumble on this page, or figure it out themselves without an email.

    Thanks for the delightful books. I’m looking forward to reading more in the Bobiverse!

    • KBeat on August 16, 2017 at 8:22 am
    • Reply

    Help me out. I listened to the book via Audible, and as usual loved it. The entire series is so much fun and narrated impeccably. However, I usually listen while driving to and from work, and can on occasion, depending on what’s happening with traffic, miss a moment or two. So…

    Did I somehow miss the Madeiros storyline wrapping up? **SPOILERS TO FOLLOW**


    They had the surprise encounter with Madeiros when Marcus was hit, but then they recovered. However, they were unable to isolate where he came from and last I recall it was supposed he may have a cloaked auto factory that may be impossible to find given the size of space.


    Was that were it was left? Was this resolved beyond that?


    1. That is not resolved. They beat off this Medeiros, but they may be still out there. Fodder for future books.

        • KBeat on August 23, 2017 at 11:55 am
        • Reply

        Thank you! I for one look forward to any book you may choose to write in Bobverse.

    • L Ko on August 16, 2017 at 4:40 pm
    • Reply

    I just finished All These Worlds, and realized that I was tearing up a bit. I am not a teary guy.
    I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed this trilogy. Credible science, engaging characters, adventure, broad imagination and hundreds of references that are meaningful (and humorous) to the geeky side of my life. Even a very insightful examination of humanity.
    I don’t know if you’ve achieved a million words on your keyboard yet, but I am fully willing to state that you have more than arrived as an author.
    I can assure you that I will read anything you produce in the Bobiverse.

    And lest I forget, Ray Porter was phenomenal and should never be replaced.

    • [REDACTED] [REDACTED] on August 16, 2017 at 11:07 pm
    • Reply

    Do a spin off where Bridget and Butterworth switch just a thought

    • francesco on August 17, 2017 at 1:53 am
    • Reply

    ok I finished the bobiverse vol 3. And now I m super sad 🙁
    I just want more more more. Pls consider to add more books in the serie, after all Universe is a big place and Bobs are not ephemerals.
    Thx for the great job.

    • [REDACTED] [REDACTED] on August 17, 2017 at 12:59 pm
    • Reply

    Did Bob replicate Archimedes?!

    1. No. Different biology, immature technology, and not his area of expertise. Plus no permission.

        • [REDACTED] [REDACTED] on August 17, 2017 at 7:12 pm
        • Reply

        What did Bob do then?

        1. He buried a drone with Archimedes. Kind of a grave gift.

    • Ray Henderson on August 17, 2017 at 9:50 pm
    • Reply

    It appears serious congratulations are in order.
    All These Worlds is #1 on the most sold list on Amazon. Awesome for you!
    Your book is even at #4 on the most read list over a frickin’ Harry Potter book!

  5. More Bobiverse! Am well pleased. 🙂

    • Pete on August 19, 2017 at 11:23 pm
    • Reply

    Thanks for posting, I really appreciate the update.

    • Zz on August 21, 2017 at 1:08 am
    • Reply

    I was distraught at the ‘cliffhanger’ ending of the initial audible download and it did kinda ruin my day for me. I was almost about to give it a low rating for how badly the ball had been dropped after 2 stellar bobiverse books, if not for the nagging thought that something might have gone wrong with the release. I’m glad I came back to revisit it and download the corrected version…

    It was surprising how much my opinion of the entire book changed with the addition of the last chapters, giving proper closure to the various storylines. – I even had an emotional reaction and gave a mental fist pump when Icarus and Daedalus finally delivered their cargo.

    5 stars

    • Etaoin Shrdlu on August 21, 2017 at 6:07 am
    • Reply

    Yo dude, does this Audible deal mean that we can’t even buy ebook copies for four months after the audiobooks get released!?!?? Or is that just for paper publications?!?!?!?

    1. No e-book or paperback. It’s an experiment from my point of view. If reader reaction is too negative, I won’t agree to it in the future.

        • Etaoin Shrdlu on August 25, 2017 at 4:03 pm
        • Reply

        Boooooooooo! Meesa gonna file an ADA lawsuit!

        I realize a lot of people are into audiobooks (surprising to me, but a LOT of the discussion I’ve seen has been about how great a reader Ray Porter is), but I just don’t understand the attraction. Oh well. What’s the sales ratio? I guess if most people are buying audiobooks anyway, it’s basically free money to have Audible throw more at ya.

        I’ll still buy the books when they come out (took me years to get used to reading on a screen instead of paper — being able to jack up the font size is a huge plus now), but it’s going to be frustrating avoiding all the online discussion until I can finally read them for myself. 🙁

          • Patrick Ford on September 3, 2017 at 4:36 pm
          • Reply

          Funny enough i think book 2 explains it in one sentence. Just like VR the real world can surprize you. The voices the inflections. The subtle changes can enhance instead of take away. Like the reactions of the Bob’s to the new people in VR that arent Bob. Its no long the same old voices in your head.

          As for me I’m a truck driver. I’m either driving or sleeping with only XM radio. And now this. I will admit that my first audiobook was Star Wars: Thrawn (the new one btw i reommend) *side note Dennis really no Bobs picked an Empire themed VR command deck? Anyway the bobivese was my 2nd 3rd and 4th pick. Pretty much after the first book i bought the others just to have a backlog so i could contiune the story without delay.

          But with the audiobook i could do something other than listen to music some for the 15th time. Or listen to news which repeated itseld every 30-60 mins. So thats why i like audiobooks you can b doing something else but still ‘read’

          Anyway glad you are making more books in the bobverse. Would love to see a minor crossover of expditionary force with a Skippy like AI. Would be funny to see the interactions.

          Also loved loved loved book 2 when ryker took out vemint. Had me say out loud “F*** yeah!” And had me grinning.

    • Tasha on August 21, 2017 at 10:00 am
    • Reply

    Bummer about no ebook/paperback till 4 months after the audiobook. I’ve learned to read the book first, as when I’m listening my mind sometimes wanders and I miss detail. This doesn’t happen with a real book, as I have to be concentrating on it fully! Guess I’ll just pretend nothing’s released until the book release date.

    Finished All These Worlds (great reference) in written form right after it came out, now listening to the full trilogy in order. I do love these books. It’s so refreshing to have competent characters. I admit, I have a prurient interest in whether Howard and Bridget ever consummated their relationship, and I really want to know what happened to Bender. And I would love if another (female) person decided to be a Von Neumann machine and not just a replicant… ok,. enough demands from me! Honestly, it’s just a wonderful series of books and I really appreciate it.

    • Chris on August 28, 2017 at 10:55 am
    • Reply

    Great update. Really concise, and I’m super glad to know what sorts of projects you’ll be working on. Definitely going to be anticipating the re-release of Outlanders.

    Do you have any idea what sort of time you’re going to let pass (in the bobiverse bookiverse) before taking up the story again? With Bender gone and Medieros not completely accounted for, I’m guessing it’s not going to be a couple hundred years or anything, but I’m curious if you’ve worked out that time yet.

    Other than that, any idea if there’s going to be a hardcover release for the original trilogy? I think that was mentioned at some point, but couldn’t say when. If it’s still in the cards, I’m going to be super happy.

    1. Because of the distances and the opportunity for independent storylines, there’s no reason for me to stick to sequential chronology. I can tell a story of Bender in one book, and Ick and Dae’s ongoing travels in another, then back to Howard, etc. As long as my overall timeline remains consistent.

      The hardcover project continues. I think we’re down to 2 possible printers, and we’re working on the cover art.

    • Mary Jo DiBella on August 30, 2017 at 9:02 am
    • Reply

    Hey, check this out! Seriously, this is absolutely legit…look at book 2 on the list! I’ve been recommending this series to everyone I know, and every single person has gone nuts over it…YAY BOBS!

    • Inquisitor80 on September 1, 2017 at 7:27 am
    • Reply

    Love the Bob Series. as a fellow irate reader can i make a minor suggestion?

    in book 1 the AMI is spoken by the narrator as A. M. I.
    in book 2 and 3 AMI is spoken as AMY as in the female name.
    if it is anywhere in your power as an author please make sure changes like this don’t happen. I have listen/read book 1 three times, book 2 twice and book 3 once now, and it’s jarring every time.

    maybe a minor complaint, but it in theory should be an easy fix for the future ??

  6. On Poseidon, you’re able to use the surge drives to create flying cities. When it’s unveiled someone asks, “Are these going to be freefall cities?” It makes sense to limit the gravity effects to just the platform in that situation.
    I was expecting you to use that technology to ameliorate the high gravity on Jotunheim. Is there a theoretical reason why that didn’t happen that I missed?

    1. The Bobs haven’t actually tried doing a partial gravity adjustment. Right now it’s all or nothing– inside the field (as in the Belerophon), there is no gravity, even in Earth’s gravity well. On the flying cities, since the city proper sits outside the field, there is normal gravity.

      Partial gravity and artificial gravity will come up in the future, though.

    • RabbitPirate on September 13, 2017 at 4:20 am
    • Reply

    I have just finished listening to all three Bobiverse books back to back and loved every minute of them. I am very pleased to hear you have plans to write more, as I for one am completely hooked. I also look forward to any other projects you release. Wishing you all the best and thanks for the many hours of enjoyment thus far.

    • Tom Jones on September 16, 2017 at 8:02 pm
    • Reply

    I just finished the third Bobiverse book and was a little bummed that it sounded like the last. (When you call something a trilogy, that means there’s three books; except for Asimov’s Foundation trilogy . . .) I’m glad to hear you have more planned.

    Many times for books or movies it’s good to stop after one (or two or three). They often just rehash stuff from the first book/movie. That certainly wasn’t true of the Bob books. Each book was consistent with the previous books yet explored new concepts.

    With that in mind I’d like to share some ideas to include in future Bobiverse books:

    1. FTL. I think this is obvious and already planned, but you have to settle some questions like will FTL be instantaneous (a la Battestar Galactica) or just multiple of the speed of light (a la Star Trek). I would encourage instantaneous as it avoids the time synchronization problems that Warp factors include.

    2. Formation of some sort of protectorate. Currently the Bobs (and ephemerals) are acting mostly ad hoc. Perhaps they could realize the advantages of developing a more formal organization. I like to call it a protectorate as that’s consistent with how the Bobs are acting now.

    3. Encountering a friendly space-faring species. So far all the space-faring species have been mean to Bob.

    4. In addition to a Bob protectorate, normalize and formalize relations between the human colonies. Do the colonies talk to each other? (it’s not clear) Do they have SCUT (also not clear)

    5. Bringing more beings into the realm of the immortals. So far that’s only Henry and Brigid. Maybe there could be an application and training process with only a few being accepted. I said beings instead of humans because maybe the Pav and Deltans and other intelligent species to be determined could be included in this process. I don’t know how you would make this work. How do you take Deltans from stone knives and gorilloid skins into that universe?

    Just some thoughts. All in all, I think there could easily be two or three more Bobiverse books

    • Wallace Berry on September 21, 2017 at 10:34 am
    • Reply

    The Bobiverse is the best thing to happen to science fiction in quite a long time. I usually despise series, but I happily anticipate the next book in the Bobiverse. Thank you!

    • Ted on September 22, 2017 at 8:41 am
    • Reply

    Movie! Movie! Movie!

    I have only read the first book but has been a lot of fun!

    • Hugh S. on September 24, 2017 at 11:59 am
    • Reply

    Hi Dennis,
    I am a newly minted Bobiverse fan. Currently reading book two. Very fun read. Well supported concept. Best sci-if read for me since Expanse. Congratulations.
    Hugh S.

    • Thomas Moylan on September 24, 2017 at 10:01 pm
    • Reply

    Hey, Dennis! Thanks for some great reads, though I’m panicked there is no sequel to OUTLAND. There is so much rich material that could come out of your earth-line idea, as well as the whole idea of parallel earths. And when all is said and done, I can identify better with 100% USA Human characters. I also feel kinda sorry for the androids, in the end. They’re kind of melancholy, if you ask me. Love the romances you’ve filled your books with, too! Keep up the great writing. You certainly have the ideas and the talent to go full time! Tom M., San Francisco

    • Richard Eneff on October 5, 2017 at 12:55 pm
    • Reply

    Throwing out my two cents on the Bobiverse books. Unless you have another multibook story arc, I’d leave it at just one book. I really like the way you ended the series, and as sad as I am about the series coming to an end, I think it’s perfectly ok. Bob essentially rode off into the sunset which is a perfect way to end it. I’m never a fan of series that continue on with no real closure for the sake of making money. Some things are just meant to be experienced once.

    That being said, I think a follow up to OG Bob coming back after a thousand years of being cut off from Bobnet would be an interesting read. Imagine OG Bob coming back to find that he is being treated like the sky god by everyone and being expected to fix a problem that he’s not really qualified to fix. But hey, I’m not a writer, only a reader.

    • Infected By Eli on October 5, 2017 at 5:26 pm
    • Reply

    Is it wrong that I read this in Ray Porter’s voice?

    So happy to hear we’re getting more Bobiverse stories, I am totally hooked.

    • Bad Penny on October 13, 2017 at 10:33 pm
    • Reply

    I dont want to Wait a year for the next bob book : (

    • James Spencer on October 15, 2017 at 3:58 pm
    • Reply

    Thank you Dennis,

    I do a lot of listening to podcasts and audiobooks whilst at work and stumbled on ‘We are Bob’ in the summer. I have just finished ‘For we are many’ and enjoyed the trilogy immensely. Great plot development and a universe I now want to explore. Hopefully there are plenty of miles in further threads. Any thoughts on an ephemeral take on the whole thing?



    1. I have a couple of ideas for books that would look at the whole thing from points of view other than Bobs.

        • Mitchell H on August 26, 2018 at 2:19 pm
        • Reply

        Would there be any chance of a 2nd Trilogy or a 4th book?

    • Corey on October 16, 2017 at 1:24 pm
    • Reply

    It has been months and I just found out I don’t know what happens and need to re-download the book. good grief…

    • Clement on October 19, 2017 at 6:30 am
    • Reply

    Umm about when is Outland 2 coming out?

    1. Probably late 2018. I know it keeps getting pushed back, but I’m discovering how much longer things take than expected.

        • Tor Magnus Bording on November 13, 2017 at 4:00 am
        • Reply

        Ouch.. Loved Outland and the Bobiverse books! Waiting for late 2018 seems like forever…

    • Bastien on October 22, 2017 at 1:17 pm
    • Reply

    Very happy to know that you are considering a new Bobiverse book… I would selfishly urge you to consider moving this at the top of your list as it is my understanding (and it certainly is my point of view) that this is the favorite work among your fans. Great job on this series! B

    • Yonatan Rivera on October 24, 2017 at 9:35 am
    • Reply

    Just finished the Bobiverse, probably will read Outland, sounds similar to a not very good novel called Wildside by Steven Gould, only with an exploding supervolcano to spice it up. Singularity Trap sounds super interesting, hope it comes soon. Cheers!

    • Guydudeman on October 25, 2017 at 4:07 am
    • Reply

    Would you allow consent for me to write and progress the plot myself?
    ( for personal enjoyment)

    I had a bunch of ways I wanted it to go but didn’t.

    Still, goddamn fantastic book.

    1. I forwarded this to my agent for comment. Allow me to paraphrase his response:

      OH HELL NO!

      The problem appears to be that word “consent.” It opens up a whole can of worms, legally. Anyway, I had to peel my agent off the ceiling, so I’m thinking it’s not a good idea from my POV.

        • Ray Jackson on February 18, 2025 at 3:11 am
        • Reply

        Hi Dennis,

        First time commenting and I just have to say I absolutely love all of your works. I bought your signed bobiverse collection and it’s my prized possession on my bookshelf.

        I wanted to say I agree with your agent and fully understand their response. To my knowledge giving consent would likely mean that you would be approving their stories. Which in turn may allow them to legally sell them and make a profit off of your hard work and extraordinary imagination. They can already expand on your stories for their own enjoyment and create fan stories, they just can’t legally sell they to anyone or make any money off of them. Giving consent, would open this up to litigation. Be careful and protect our Bobs from inferior writing 😉

  7. I just spent the last 3 days listening to all 3 Bobiverse books on Audible. I did one per day, and I just finished the third. I didn’t plan to do this, but after listening to the first one I could not stop myself. It’s like you scanned my brain and wrote them just for me. Thank you Dennis!

    • Frank on November 13, 2017 at 3:41 pm
    • Reply

    Just a quick Thank you, for writing the Bobiverse books.
    I’ve listened to the 3 books back-to-back about 5 times.
    Fantastic story! Looking forward to more.

    1. HAHAHA! Me too! My final count is Book 1: 18, books 2&3: 8! This is BY FAR my favorite SF series in over three decades!

  8. The bobiverse books are my absolute favorite since the culture books.

    Just wanted to tell you that! Keep up the great work

    • Corey Hughes on November 23, 2017 at 6:25 pm
    • Reply

    I’m really looking forward to the next one!!!

    • Corey Hughes on November 23, 2017 at 6:33 pm
    • Reply

    Hi Dennis,

    This may not be the correct forum, but, could you tell me how many legs the deltans stand on? As I was reading I imagined them with four legs and two arms, just based on the other life on delta eridani; just wanted to put that question to rest…… it’s keeping me up at night :).
    Thanks for the Great series man! I love it!


    1. You and me both!

      TBH, I never did specify. I mentioned six limbs (small hippogryphs), but I also mentioned that some animals seemed to have lost a pair (at least the original draft of Legion said that. I wonder if it got cut in edits). When I was writing the books, I visualized the Deltans having two legs, and didn’t realize that I’d left it open until someone did some fan-art with four legs.

      However, the behavior of the Deltans during the hunt at the beginning of book 2 would seem to indicate 2 legs, since the injured Deltan sits down (not easy for a centauroid) and I never say anything like “rear leg” or “foreleg”. So I’m probably going to have to come down on the side of 2 legs.

    • Russ Vanderpool on November 25, 2017 at 4:55 pm
    • Reply

    So enjoyed your series – just finished. Thank you. Coming here provided relief that future series are in the works!

    This by far has been my favorite sci. fi. series in a long time.

    Echoing past comments, so glad each book invoked new thoughts/characters/technologies, while referring to past story-lines (family, etc.).

    It will be so exciting to see which direction you take this series. Bob had the best mental makeup to become the protector of the universe: a smart, inquisitive, innocent, and doing-what’s-right type of personality – with a streak of individuality. Which contrasts greatly with some of the ephemeral personalities (like those who seek power by controlling others). God know what would happen if a Pav became an immortal 🙂

    Alas we are all ephemerals. The universe is unimaginatively expansive. Here’s hoping some of this tech becomes reality.

  9. After months (and months) I’ve finally got Dennis’ books out of my system… I think… maybe… I listen to audio books in my car; I drive A LOT to client sites. Every time I finished book 3, I just restarted book 1.

    I’m listening to the new Expanse novel… when I’m done it will take and effort of will not to restart Bob book 1.

    If Dennis releases a short Bob side-story, I’m doomed…

    • Rosalyn on December 17, 2017 at 2:54 pm
    • Reply

    Ok, I’ve just got to put this out there, I’ve listened to this series, at least 10 times all the way through. I love most it because hilarious intelligence is a dream come true and you’ve executed it incredibly. Ryker (Riker?) is just great with his Trekkie self and the basis of Howard and Bridget’s relationship is absolutely wonderful.
    Ok, ok, I love them all, all I tell you. I can relate to being excited when Bob was told it would be a long trip alone as well.
    As soon as they make a Bobiverse shirt, I’ll make sure to wear it so much that it makes me dinner and showers with me.
    I keep feeling like I’ve heard a Discworld reference in here but I can’t find it. Is there one?
    I just wanted to give you a hello from San Diego and to tell you to keep being weak and taking the money just as long as you keep enjoying the work.
    One more question if I may, is there a source for fan art that you know of, that anyone here knows of? I’d love to see other’s interpretations of this incredible Bobiverse you’ve created.
    Continued success and paid afternoon naps, Rosalyn W

    1. There’s no discworld reference, at least not one that I consciously put in.

      As for t-shirts, they’re on . Pretty pricey, but I of course bought one of each, including the mugs.

      I’ve seen a couple of individual pieces of fan art, which might be referenced on my facebook page if not here. But there’s nothing organized.

        • TTM on March 18, 2018 at 1:18 pm
        • Reply

        Re: Discworld, IIRC one of the Bobs refers to an aging Butterworth as a Pak Protector

          • TTM on March 18, 2018 at 1:22 pm
          • Reply

          Oops, wrong world. Ring, Disc, who can keep them straight…

    • Paul on December 22, 2017 at 1:54 am
    • Reply

    Many many more Bobiverse books – pretty please! Thank you for such a great series and makes my Audible subscription worth while.

    • Robert on December 23, 2017 at 3:46 pm
    • Reply

    I’ve only just finished the second Bobiverse book and you might have become my favourite author. now i need to spend even more money on the rest of your books.

    • Jason B. on December 27, 2017 at 11:02 am
    • Reply

    Ok, I’ve just binge-listened to all 3 audiobooks in the last 5 days. I can’t stress how much I absolutely love the series, but I don’t think enough credit has been given to Ray Porter also. I have listened to a couple of other books he’s narrated. I can NOT imagine a better pairing to your works. Your writing style coupled with his very animated narration style was a solid hit as far as I’m concerned. His pronunciation of “THE BOB” of the Deltans cracked me up! I hope that all of the future Bobiverse books are narrated by Ray! Have you ever talked with him? It sounds like the two of you would get along famously lol.

    My wife, who wasn’t listening to the series, laughed out loud several times while I was listening without headphones. The balance of humor and irony, as well as the overall attitude of The Bobs, placed this series as my all time favorite. I’m typically a hard-scifi fan, leaning towards Niven and such, and I found that you’ve perfectly sprinkled in enough tech to keep that sense of wonder satisfied, all the while being very human. Thank you so much for creating a world worth investing time in, and thank you to Ray for helping bring it to life!

    I’ve seen a comment or two chanting “movie…movie…”. I can’t disagree more! I’ve sat through several movies made from great book series’ and they’ve missed the mark in one way or the other, sometimes severely. You’ve done such a monumental job populating this world with detail and nuance, that would simply be lost in the conversion to silver screen. I would absolutely be enthralled by watching the story unfold, but I’d hope for a series. **Hello Netflix- Investment opportunity here ;-)** Seriously though, each book could easily fill a season, or even two. I’m glad the Expanse series is getting a TV series, but I’ve read the books, and they’re still changing things, glossing over things, and losing so much of what made the books incredible. There is so much subtlety and detail, such vast concepts of the human condition, all so rightly placed. I’d hate to see all of that effort lost in a 2 hr long Hollywood sensory overload. Don’t get me wrong, I love action blockbuster sci-fi movies, but just not this.
    I eagerly await more Bobs and shenanigans in the bobiverse. Thank you for the book series, and thank you for talking with your fans.

    Thank you sir!

    1. I’ve sometimes thought that an anime series would serve the Bobiverse well. Some of the anime I’ve seen really captures the scope and vastness of SF in ways that live action can’t, even with special effects.

    • Kelly Leigh Sinclair on January 19, 2018 at 11:45 am
    • Reply

    Love the series, and am looking forward to them coming out in hardcover.

    • Florian on January 27, 2018 at 5:18 am
    • Reply

    I just wanted to thank you. Terry Pratchett’s death has left a huge gap in my reading behaviour and I wondered whether I would ever enjoy something as much as discworld. Then I met the bobiverse. Mr Taylor, you’re doing an excellent job. Characterwise, in terms of philosophy, humor, intertextuality and story. Please keep up the good work and take care

    • Salim Bloutif on January 27, 2018 at 5:04 pm
    • Reply

    Listening the third audiobook.
    What a fantastic TV show Bobiverse would make !

    • Matt on February 15, 2018 at 10:49 am
    • Reply

    More Bobiverse please!

    • LukeInDC on February 17, 2018 at 8:42 pm
    • Reply

    Let’s see, audio file missing parts…. hmm. Sounds like audible is using the same back up system as the bobs.

    • Alan Goodwin on February 21, 2018 at 5:08 pm
    • Reply

    Wow, You had me hooked. I know all good things need “The End” But, sometimes a “Meanwhile” can be sprouted and flourish.
    Lost myself in the Bobiverse. Would hope to be able to loose my self in another universe of yours
    Thank you.

    • [REDACTED] [REDACTED] on February 23, 2018 at 7:54 pm
    • Reply

    Do you have an ETA on that next bobiverse book?

    1. Nothing specific, but I’m hoping to it done by the end of 2018.

    • Ty Joyce on March 6, 2018 at 11:01 pm
    • Reply

    Yass!!!! Just finished “All These Worlds”, and I need more Bob! So pleased to see that is in the future plans. In the meantime I plan to check out some of these other books you’ve written.

    • Leslie in Alaska on March 12, 2018 at 4:33 pm
    • Reply

    We want more Bobs, more Bobs NOW! Why put an epic story on the shelf? If you wait too long people will start writing fan fiction and take over the Bobiverse!! This is the best story I’ve read/heard in a long time. Absolutely enthralled with it. I’ve had a hard time adjusting to Audible books. My mind tends to wander when I listen to narration but I listened to all three books in succession with undying attention. Well done! The Bobiverse is REAL! Bobs! Bobs! Bobs! Bobs!

    I suppose in order to achieve true immortality on earth one must start having Bob-Cons and figure out How DOES one cosplay a Bob? A cube? A drone? A huge box as a VR room? I sign which reads “I am Bob” or “Bob 1?”

    Well great for you, writing non-Bobs. I feel a sense of betrayal. Couldn’t you just alternate days? Day 1 a Bob book, day 2 whatever, day 3 a Bob book, day 4 whaaaatever. If you were a really good programmer you’d write some Bob code to write the books since you clearly don’t seem that interested anymore. 🙂

    • Tim McClure on March 13, 2018 at 6:06 am
    • Reply

    Excited for another Bobiverse… we need a lot more Bobs!

    • Craig on March 15, 2018 at 12:12 pm
    • Reply

    Has anyone else noticed the company Nectome in the tech news recently? I saw it earlier this week and it’s a company that will freeze your brain so it can digitize the person’s memories to load into a computer or an andriod body once the technology becomes available. Sounds a like like the start of the Bob trilogy…. spooky

    • Sardashay on May 11, 2018 at 11:12 pm
    • Reply

    Damn you and your fine fiction. I’ve just finished “All These Worlds” and I’ve got nowhere else to go. Heck, I’d read fan fiction if I could find it.

    I need you to stop what your doing, pull yourself away from reruns of Deep Space 9 and the self-loathing of coming 2nd to Andy Weir on Goodreads ;-). Materialize yourself a coffee and start tapping the keys to another string of Bobiverse books. You’re our only hope.

    This Bawbe junkie needs his fix. Beat the Martian and make it so number one!

    • Janice Martinez on May 17, 2018 at 10:56 am
    • Reply

    I have to tell you this has been one of the most enjoyable series that I have read. I have just listened at every available moment. I hope you continue to add to the Bobiverse.

    • Thomas F. on June 11, 2018 at 11:25 am
    • Reply

    Just finished All these worlds and cant wait the next book. As a brazilian i find very amusing see my nation portraid as villains through the trilogy. Also I like how Bill took the role of “main” Bob while the fist Bob stay reclused and now with the Deltans arc closed he could return to be more active on Bob society. Hit me up if there is help needed to name brazilian stuff. Thanks for the great work.

    • Arwyn Z. on June 15, 2018 at 8:27 pm
    • Reply

    BOBIVERSE!!!! This is the 1st book I got my husband to “read”, i.e. Audible.

    We just love these books, characters, and universe. Sitting next to the fire, drinking wine in our wingback chairs, listening to these books was the best part of winter. We can’t wait for the next installment!

    • Peter S on June 17, 2018 at 6:12 am
    • Reply

    Bobiverse. Thank you.

    • Michael W Feddersen on June 22, 2018 at 3:35 pm
    • Reply

    “Your Highness…”
    Ditto pretty much what everyone of your adoring fans said above.
    I was one of those that threw things and cried for my mommy with the abrupt chapter 63 ending. Craig Alanson’s Expeditionary Force’s weird book segmentation had predisposed me to authors here for just the money.

    I listened to ATW back on the release date, withdrawals had me listening again today. Then in hopeful idolatry I went looking for book 4, where I found this page. Deleted original, reloaded. Satisfaction? No… I am a Bobiverse junky.

    Your series is destined for cult status, “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” has nothing on “The Bobbbbb”.

    • Ben Cole on June 27, 2018 at 11:31 am
    • Reply

    We’re rapidly approaching summer 2018, and my excitement levels are growing for a fourth Bobiverse novel! Any news since Mr Taylor posted “roadmap?”

    • Jasmine Eisner on July 11, 2018 at 1:12 pm
    • Reply

    Wow I was really upset with the dramatic cliffhanger ending but figured that the books were coming out quickly and I would just have to wait patiently. Now in frustration a year later I finally hit the message boards to see when the cliffhanger will be resolved and discover that it was there all along I just didn’t get the memo. I’m so excited to actually finish the book now!!

  10. Thank you for your Trilogy. It is genius! I got a ton of Audible books to listen to, but I binge listened to Bobiverse. Hope you get around to writing a 4th book in that series. BTW, the Singularity is near!! I have a Facebook Group entitled “The Miracle of Exponential Production.”

    One last item: it is expected that in about ten years an immortal human cell will be engineered, then another decade to incorporate it into an adult gene therapy. I figure another decade for the treatment to become ubiquitous. That means if you can last thirty years (there will be half-@ssed treatments to deliver a longer life before then, for instance senolytics), you might be able to live thousands of years. A virus delivered to a 90 years old will eventually turn them into a 30 year old (once the new genes express themselves) forever.

    1. I’m kinda depending on it.

    • Tom Duncan on July 26, 2018 at 5:28 am
    • Reply

    I just blew through all of my accumulated Audible credits to experience the Bobiverse trilogy without interruption. It was the best science fiction experience of my life. My frame of reference: I grew up reading Asimov, Heinlein and Clarke, and watching original Star Trek. Then I spent the last forty years of my life as a “rocket scientist” at Cape Canaveral. I’m now an aging ephemeral looking for a stasis pod to inhabit while you write the next Bob adventure. Kindly decant me when it is ready. Thank you. -Tom

    PS: Hope you can retain Ray Porter as your Audible narrator. His delivery is perfect. Recommend experiencing Audible on the Amazon Echo. Alexa does a fine job bringing Ray Porter to your Tiki bar or whatever VR you prefer.

    • Keith K on July 26, 2018 at 8:37 am
    • Reply

    Please Please give us more Bobiverse soon. I’ll even listen to it if its crap (but Ray Porter is a must). I need my fix PLEASE! I would even settle for more Singularity (which I may have an equal addiction problem).

    Look what you’ve done to us.

    • francesco on September 3, 2018 at 12:35 pm
    • Reply

    bobiverse 4
    bobiverse 4
    bobiverse 4
    bobiverse 4

    sorry for that, just I cannot wait for it.
    thank you in advance.

    • Alex on September 25, 2018 at 11:39 am
    • Reply

    Don’t let Ernest Cline know this but Bobiverse is what I hoped Ready Player One would be. But seriously, I haven’t been this engrossed by a series in a long time. Wore out the batteries on my headphones and the wait for them to recharge every 5 hours is killing me.

    Never stop doing what you’re doing because you’re great at it.

    Also WHERE IS BENDER? Since that seems to be a theme here.

    • Merritt on November 14, 2018 at 6:27 am
    • Reply

    I have not read the bobiverse, just listen to it on Audible. I have a question about how they communicate across the Universe. I have searched the web site but I’m not able to locate the term “Tau”. It has to do with how fast one bob is moveing vs the distance the other one is?

    1. ‘Tau’ was popularized in Tau Zero by Poul Anderson. It refers to the ratio between the rate of passage of time for someone in transit vs someone at rest. It’s an actual physics term, as I understand it, although I got it backwards (actual values should be the inverse of what I use). But if I can mis-remember it, Bob can mis-remember it. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. 🙂

    • Iojima on January 7, 2019 at 1:37 pm
    • Reply

    So I don’t know if this will be replied to, but I was wondering if there was a map of earth (preferably before everyone died. Like, the world when Bob-1 woke up)
    Also I love your books

    1. No, I’ve never put anything like that together.

    • Iojima on January 11, 2019 at 7:21 am
    • Reply

    Ah, sorry. I love the universe and like to think about what geopolitics would be like in a situation like that, and what nations and buffer states there are. And what happened to India.
    Sorry but thanks for replying!

    • Craig Towse on March 19, 2019 at 9:21 am
    • Reply

    Hi all.

    Only discovered the Bobiverse couple of months ago and eagerly devoured them. Really did enjoy them, and a lot of fanboy nods to different universes. Especially enjoyed the Red Dwarf nods and one that I never expected yet was delighted – Protector (a not often mentioned novel) reference: think it was the phrase “Breeder’.

    Anyway, you are now on my author watch list. Thanks for a quite brilliant ride, this ephemeral salutes you, sir.

    • Jason on May 13, 2019 at 5:23 am
    • Reply

    Love you bobiverse books. Keep them coming!

  11. Your Books are rocking, Great…

    • Marina on July 1, 2022 at 5:47 am
    • Reply

    I have a whole lot of books in my Audible library and repeatedly listened to many of them. Believe me that Audible is really good in breaking things, and that things like this happen all the time, even though they say it did “never happen before”. I once had a file that was suddenly almost twice its original size. They had doubled more than ten chapters in the midst of the book, which I had to skip to continue with the story. I have another book where the last chapter is doubled, and yet another one where a doubled chapter is actually another take (different pronounciation and such). I also have books where I constantly have to adjust the volume, when a new chapter starts. This is not caused by computers but sloppy editors.

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