Just a quick update:
Had some email discussions, and it looks like book 2 (For We Are Many) will be out in March. And Ray Porter is confirmed for narrator.
Oct 12
Just a quick update:
Had some email discussions, and it looks like book 2 (For We Are Many) will be out in March. And Ray Porter is confirmed for narrator.
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Any chance of a teaser chapter or two to come out between now and then?
Interesting thought. I will talk to my agent–there are so many in’s and out’s to the publishing business, I want to make sure I don’t step on someone’s toes or something.
wait, wait.. are we talking about the book or the audiobook? usually takes a while between the two UNLESS…your publisher is confident of the investment… that would be a very good sign.
Both coming out at the same time.
Well that is a complete shocker, in my eyes, it says your publisher is confident in how the book will perform. Congratulations, and i look forward to getting it for my bday
I am thrilled at this news, alleviates a fear that the Bobiverse isn’t going to be a ‘one hit wonder’.
I know I’m late to the comment party, but I can say that with how well the first book performed on Audible’s platform alone, a publisher would be foolish not to have full confidence in the sequel.
To Dennis E. Taylor, if he ever sees this: Well done, good sir! I’m finishing the audiobook now (Audible), and your story has been my favorite in a long time. Your dialogue is what I consider realistic for the characters created (thinking about the Bobs here), and it has been a very fun story. Looking forward to March, and reading (For We Are Many)!
At the same time?
You are my hero!
you think a pre-order might speed things up?
Yes, yes, PLEASE. I never devour books this fast. Excited for book 2.
Tried to make it slowly through the audio book, but it was so good it only took me 3 days… Story was fantastic and the narrator was clear and had a great personality! I can’t wait to buy your next book from Audible! The fact that they are getting released at the same time is exciting for someone like me who doesn’t have time to sit down and read a book!
Just finished the audio book myself, kudo’s to the author and an EXCELLENT choice for the voice actor. Eagerly awaiting the next installment.
So enjoying this audio book and glad the second book and the audio will come out at the same time. I missed the narrative in the audio as to what the acronym FAITH stands for. Can you let me know so I do not have to try and find it in the audio? Thanks
Free American Independent Theocratic Hegemony
Heck Yeah! i have told multiple people about this book. I am very excited to begin the next chapter. I really hope Bob and the Australian AI become pals and get into interstellar hijinks.
That’s totally Not soon enough! I almost wish I hadn’t gotten the book until the entire series was completed because I just wanna keep going on., FYI. This is my second sci-fi book in the 20 years and 1500 books Ives read and it’s fantastic! What an imagination and I love how it reads so well. I am fascinated by putter space & this book tells an otherworldly story within it that brings you right in. The way Bob is speaking to you and narrating his story, Wow! Keep the series going! Thx.
Hi Dennis!
I literally just finished your audiobook a few minutes ago, and it was excellent! I’m even more glad that the second book has a release date (and a fairly close one, too!) So just another quick question, do you plan on doing anything, or working on any projects in the future, that are not to do with the Bobiverse? And, hypothetically, would you relish in the idea of the Bobiverse being turned into a movie or TV show, or would you despise such a thing?
Anyways, keep up your fantastic work (and updates, please!)
Thanks, from a curious reader.
I am currently just finishing up a book called The Singularity Trap, which is not Bob-related. The Bobiverse is one of those open-ended ideas that can produce a large number of stories, but I’m not going to limit myself to that. Too many other ideas brewing.
I don’t mind the idea of a movie at all. Look at the success of The Martian — great movie based on a great book.
I think a TV series would do a lot better you would have to cut too much for a movie and it could be a big dissapointment
This. Double this actually. This is the first time I’ve been genuinely down that the next book in a series isn’t out yet since Terry Pratchett passed and we knew there world be no more discworld novels. Keep up the great work.
I enjoyed your first Bob book very much. It made me think of the Martian in several respects: a story with some hard but very accessible science and a pithy narrator who is thankfully more puckish than narcissistic (it’s too easy to make a “witty” narrator sound self-absorbed and overdone).
The nicely-balanced levity and wit of The Martian is what made it such a good translation to screen, and I think your book strikes those same chords.
I’m very interested in mind-uploading and the wealth of difficulties facing interstellar explorers, so this book ticked off several boxes in my good SF list.
I listened to Ray Porter narrate your book over the holidays and could not have asked for a better traveling companion int he car (excepting my wife, of course, but she likes to sleep on long car rides).
I’m looking forward to the release of For We Are Many on Audible!
Thank you for the update!
Not soon enough. Damn you Dennis E. Taylor for getting me hooked.
As much as I love your first book of the Bobiverse, and cannot wait for the next one, I would hate to see it as a movie. I don’t think a movie could do it justice and there is so much to cover with the book that a movie would be so lacking. I would rather see a really well done TV series, maybe even on a premium network like Showtime or HBO. They would have the budget to do it justice and would have the screen time to make it fulfilling. Just my opinion.
I think it’d be a nightmare, all those rights to characters that would need to be worked out, Riker, homer, kalvin and goku, the list goes on and it’s only just started.
The characters are copyrighted, not the names pretty ideas of them.
I just finished your book and loved it. You have a format that could go on asking “What if” for a very long time. You keep writting them and I’l keep buying them
kinda hoping that eventually the bobs will spawn a female bob, sounds wierd but i think eventually it’ll happen
Maybe a Trans bob?
I was *just* thinking this!
Before any of that happens I’d like to see a deeper exploration into what causes the variation between Bobs. The answer to that question could be very scary. To not explore the differentiation between the Bobs would be to accept (sortof as an article of faith) that Bob is a new species with individual “souls”.
We already know that there was an astronomical failure rate for creating the AI matrix from the original. Is each copy of Bob a flawed version of the “original”?
Is each successive copy of a copy of Bob, more corrupt than the last? Does that mean that Bob replication is finite? Does that mean Bob replication will produce Bob’s that are mentally ill? Psyco-Bob, Serial-Killer-Bob?
How vulnerable are the networked Bobs to attacks from within? Could mental illness become a communicable disease?
{side-bar} If Bob replication DOES introduce corruption and mental illness… making a version of Bob that is female as a result of that process could make the Bob-iverse touch a political third rail, which is not a reason to avoid the topic altogether, but it is one to be aware of. Also, technically, Bob is already trans-gendered since his actual gender is none and the gender he self-identifies as is currently male
As Bob distances himself from humanity, does he retain the need to keep himself within a strictly human frame of reference? Male/Female Bi-pedal… those are features now of his VR simulation, and Bob has already violated the strictly human context of that by adopting the Homer persona. What if an iteration of Bob decides that representing himself as a tree, or a water droplet, or geometric shape better helps him to contextualize how he interacts with GUPI and his machine world?
Any plans on doing a signing tour. The Book People in Austin TX has authors in all the time and I love meeting them and getting copies signed, never read physical book, I am more an audiobook Guy and its hard to sign 1’s and 0’s
Nothing but NET. Wow am I glad I found you and Bob. It so often gets really frustrating to find books I will like. I had finished the Hard Luck Hank series, and then 4 in a row were full of misery, stiff narration, like forgetting that narrating audiobooks means taking the time to immerse and not just go UP at the end of a line. Ray is a magician, but it takes great freedom and imagination and feeling in the writing, if he’s going to have something he can get us lost in.You are giving us exactly that, real from the feeling of life.
FYI I’m 65 with life long ADHD issues, so reading for entertainment was not doable. Now with Audible I am preferring my books over tv. Keep’em coming, I need your books
Awesome! I just tore through the audio book and feeling the end of the current story keenly. Need more Bob!
I loved your choice of Ray Porter as narrator for Bobiverse: Book 1. I hope we remain with him moving forward. He’s so good with portraying the difference in outward versus inner monologues so close together. I can really keep track of everything happening. I think he and Wil Wheaton have that skill down to a science. I began with a suggestion to try “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline and that led me to you.
Also, I have so much fun with all the Bob’s in my head while listening to this and driving down the road. You give my imagination the room to really paint a grand world… well, Universe really.
Looking forward to exploring more of your works. Thanks and keep up the great work!
I’m with Wade, This and “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline are the 2 best audio books I have listened too.
Ready Player One led to We Are Legion, as well, and Ray Porter’s performance was just as masterful as Wil Wheaton’s. I’ve listened to both twice now. It amazes me just how much a narrator can make or break an audiobook. Kevin Free did an outstanding job narrating The Accidental Time Machine. Jonathan Davis, on the other hand, couldn’t quite get me there enough to enjoy Snow Crash, and I stopped listening about a third of the way through. I imagine the author’s writing style must factor in to some degree, too, though. Dennis E. Taylor and Ernest Cline are now my two favorite authors, for sure.
Keep up the good work, Dennis. I can’t wait until March rolls around. For now, I’m really enjoying Armada, by Cline.
P.S. I know the VR medium is still in the early days, but I think it would be awesome to watch or play, any or all, of the Bobiverse on my Oculus Rift or HTC Vive.
Just finished the audio and your book was fantastic. You got me hooked and I will be looking forward to the next one.
That’s great news, looking forward to listening to it when it’s released next year. I’m hooked on Bob!
I now walk through my day with Ray Porters voice narrating my own inner Bob dialogue. Thanks, I think….
Can’t wait for book two.
I feel like a mother who just had her son come back from combat on r and r. Now I have to wait till March to see my sweet boy again
1st book is really really good, but Ray Porter narration takes it at least one level up, to “awesome”
Can’t wait for 2nd book, series already looks like a classic (no pressure there. But 2nd book has to be equal or better than the 1st one, FYI:)
I stumbled upon the first book on Audible when I found myself unable to sleep, and rest assured: I didn’t get any sleep since my purchase, because I am pretty much addicted.
I love the pacing, the characters, the overall nerdyness! Thank you, and keep up the good work!
(Now, if I could just crank up my frame rate until March…
Just finished the first audiobook, I started it this morning and couldn’t put it down! I can’t wait for the next one!
Wow. Just wow. Douglas Adams is one my favorite authors of all time.
I would say this book captured a lot of the same spirit(albeit, your books is slightly more serious), but I deff got that adventure of the galaxy feel. I couldn’t read this book fast enough! I just absorbed it.
Now I am sitting here having withdrawals.
Last night, I very literally had a dream that I was Bob, in the bobiverse trying to solve some of the same issues, and having lots of conversations with myself. (My First name is Robert/bob also btw).
Are you going to do any appearances? Is there a way I can get an autographed copy of your book?
I live in the San Francisco Bay area.
I can not wait for more. I am just in awe.
Wow, I haven’t even begun to think at that level. Still working in the “let’s write it and get it out” mode.
I need a pre-order for book 2 as my Christmas present this year…
No relation to Bob.
I don’t think it’s going to be ready quite that quickly.
I just got your book We are Legion (We are Bob) read by Ray Porter Audible. I have to say Wow, just Wow. I loved every bit of the BOB universe and I actually listened to it twice in 3 days. Now I am having withdraws and want more of BOB now haha! Cant wait for your second book and Ray was spot on with the reading and how he managed to bring the personalities of all the bob clone across was so amazing. I just wish it was longer and I kept wanting more so better start on book 3 for us BOB fans!
Awesome! I really look forward to it, just finished the audiobook today, I “devoured” it.
It had been a long time since something got me so hooked, keep it up! =)
Keep up the great work! One of the best books in recent years for the genre, I’ll be buying the second edition on launch date.
Just one question: what happens when bob and the bobiverse expands exponentially? Holding on to a narrative will almost certainly be almost impossible.
Just finished WE ARE LEGION this morning.
Loved it and can’t wait for FOR WE ARE MANY – Book 2 of the bobiverse.
Thanks for the great read.
(not James T. Kirk)
Just saw this update! Thanks for keeping your readers updated. So stoked for March!
I loved We Are Legion! I remember reading The Martian when it was first out and thinking how big it was going to be when other people started reading it. This one was even better! I look forward to your next book in March and am glad Rob Porter is confirmed as narrator. I really do hope there is work with future TV/ Movie/ Videogame makers as this story is fantastic!
“We are Legions” was one of the best books that I ever read. Believe me I read a lot
Dear Dennis, keep it up – looking forward to number 2 !!! best regards from Munich Germany
I read a lot of science fiction and “We are Bob” is right up in the top of the list with Niven and Bova (in fact it reminded me a bit of Niven’s World out of Time). I am really looking forward to the next book in the series.
But what I really want is the video game! This universe is perfect for a space opera videogame. The opening sequences have the player waking up in the lab where you learn how to control your new environment, you get integrated with a starship, you travel to new star systems where you can explore, deploy factories make more Bobs. You also get to design VR rooms to live in, have space battles, create new technologies as the game progresses.
It could even be multi player with all players being from the original Bob.
If you die, you just restore from backup. I would certainly spend $60 to buy this game!
Just finished the first book and I am ready for more. This has been by far one of the most entertaining books I have read over the last couple years. Looked forward to the next installment.
Just finished the book 1 audiobook.
Absolutely amazing, as a New Zealander, the first encounter with Australian probe had me pissing myself laughing I almost crashed my motorcycle (audio books make the work travel seem faster).
Cannot wait for the second one.
I liked the Aussie too. I hope his mental wounds can be healed. He is not real builder like the Bob’s. Doesn’t seem to have the background for it . Having a different AI person could give totally different viewpoints for the Bob’s. Also the south American AI, when he starts building more of himself, maybe some won’t be has warlike.
Just finished book 1 and cant wait for the next! love the characters, love the conflict and REALLY love the tech!
Book 1was a fantastic read,and I’ll definitely be recommending it. Thoroughly enjoyable (even the part where the earth is poisoned and most of humanity wiped out by our vicious stupidity). I’ve been on a sci-fi kick for the last year, or so, and of everything I’ve read, this one seemed the most realistic. I read the whole thing in about 8 hours
I’ll add my voice to the chorus, great book, and I can’t wait to see what you write in the future.
I’ve been reading SF since I stumbled across “Have Space Suit Will Travel” in the 60’s and have read thousands of books. I bought the audiobook on a whim, mostly based on the title (how can you not love “We are Bob”?) and I’d put it up with any of the authours I’ve really loved over the years.
Good luck with your future as a writer, and I’m looking forward to what comes next!
In an age of binge-watching entire seasons of hit shows over a long weekend, being required to wait a few more months for Book 2 is inhumane! … Love da Bobs.
I enjoyed to book. Looking forward to book 2 and finding out how Archimedes is fairing. Anyway you can push up the release date?
How do I preorder book #2?
Please take my money, now!
Read thru the first book twice. Its a great read. Cannot wait till the 2nd book!!
Wow, what a wonderful book We are Legion is, Dennis! Thank you! My wife and I had a 9 hr trip and your book was the perfect listen. We’re half way through our trip and the book and just love it so far. So many interesting ideas! Can’t wait to see book #2.
I do have 1 question: it’s 2130ish and it seems like they are starting out with very little exploritory planet data. Wouldn’t they have more exoplanet research available to them by then on earth like planets from space telescopes in the current queue like the James Webb Telescope, wFirst and Luvoir?
One of the reasons I threw FAITH into the mix was to have a reason for not a lot of scientific progress, and a turning away from astronomy. The book makes reference several times to the lack of progress in science in general and astronomy in particular for most of that hundred years.
In reality, the tools continue to improve, and the moment we put a large multiple mirror scope into space, we’ll probably be able to resolve individual planets within fifty light-years. But where’s the fun in that?
Hi Dennis,
Looking forward to book 2 of the bobibverse. Thoroughly enjoyed book 1.
Wow I just got done listening to the audiobook! Great work, I absolutely love Bob’s attitude on everything! I want a hard copy for my shelf. <3
Lynda J
Wowser! Just finished listening to the Bobs. My son and daughter recommended it. Read and listen to books all the time, some good, some ok, some awful(one chapter and done) but this was great from the first sentence. Thank you!
So many great ideas to think about! I bought the audio book and been pushing everyone I know to get it. We should all thank our lucky starts that such an original, enthralling book was performed by an equally talented narrator, Ray Porter. I listen to a LOT of audio books, and, frankly, most narrators are a detraction from the story. Ray Porter made the Bobs come to life (or at least, AI sentience). I see people are asking if a movie might be in the future, however, with the vastness of the BOBiVERSE I’d much rather see a TV mini-series to do all the moving parts (Replicants) and their stories justice. A 2 hour movie just isn’t a big enough platform, as I’d hate to see any of the Bobs left out.
As an Engineer and highly detail-oriented reader, I found a couple of flaws/contradictions in the book. If you would like to discuss them, just let me know so they or others like them don’t show up in the final edition of Book 2.
Just finished “We are Legion” audiobook. It blew me away. I require the second book immediately if not sooner.
My first SyFy audio book and what a pick! Just had to find out what “We are Bob” was all about. I only have time to listen when in my car and when arriving home have sat there listening to this story sometimes for an hour or two. What an imagination you have. While the kid in me can not wait for book 2 to be out, the adult in me wants you to take please, take your time and give us another masterpiece. Thank you!
Just finished book 1. I got it this morning and didon’t stop listening til now. My ears hurt but damn it was worth it. This is a great book, thank you for creating it! I can’t wait for book 2!
Best SyFy I have read in years I loaned it to a friend and wound up buying a new one letting them keep the old one as a gift they loved it just as much as I did. Can’t wait for the next book.
While you must get a lot of posts like this, I just finished your book a few minutes ago and was truly blown away by the whole story!! Starting the book I had no idea it was the start to a series but, as soon as I finished it I had to know when the next edition would be released! Thank you for creating this series and I hope to see a sneak peak of “For We Are Many” in the near future to satiate my hunger for more of the Bobiverse!
Im very picky when it comes to books, and had originally purchased Game of Thrones over this one out of skepticism (on audible that is),and i have to say i was wrong. I haven’t really read that much since middleschool, but this is the best book i’ve “read” pretty much ever. You seemed to encapsulate all of the current ‘still believable’ sci-fi trends, and created am amazing story out of it.
The story was perfect – i couldn’t stop listening, and will probably listen again. I even had to keep switching which was my favorite bob throughout the story, because everyone kept pushing what i thought was possible even further. I image your setting up some sort of parallels between the Deltoids and the Faith, bob possible realizing (too late) that he created a potentially dangerous religious cult that could hamper the civilizations progress, just like the faith (or something like that).
Anyways, very much interested in seeing where things go, and can’t wait for more! Also, i’de love some book recommendations if you ever read this lol.
This book was one of the best sci-fi books I’ve read/listened to. I’m a major fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs and books of that style and I believe that your book will survive the test of time as a great classic just like his books have. The theorys and science behind your books were plausible and is what make it truly enjoyable, because at no point did I think that ‘oh that wouldn’t work’ or ‘that was stupid’. The characters were great and actually intelligent. That last part is quite refreshing to not be yelling at a book over how obviously stupid someone was. Thank you for your delightful book! It was brilliant!
Looking at my bookshelf (OK Kindle) I have to admit that I’m a sci-fi junkie. From Jules Vern to Asimov right on into Douglas Adams and most recently a mess of indie and up and coming authors. Your book stands out as something different; the perspectives are just something never really done before.
I’m addicted.
I’m not sure what an author has to do to get a book available on preorder, but let’s do that.
Thanks for a great book.
Just finished the first book today and came here for a pleasant surprise. I’ll get the next one as soon as the preorder shows up.
Holy crap! Thank you for the most interesting read in a while. I have not enjoyed a premice so much in years. You have a new fan.
I burn through audiobooks (somewhere around 50 last year), and as I was digging through audible for something new I thought “you know, I really just want to listen to Bob again…” So I am. Your book is the first in years that I’ve gone through more than once. Can’t wait for the next installment.
Love love love the book. Excellent pacing, engaging story, and the narrator chosen fit the role perfectly. You have me and my sister salivating for book 2
There a few books that really speak to me, brilliant story and impeccable narration. Last year it was The Martian, both book and narration were incredible. My choice, HANDS DOWN, for 2016 is Bob! Thank you Dennis for creating such an interest and entertaining story. I love the blend of science and fiction with character and personality – and by the way, Ray Porter is PERFECT!!!
Please, Please, Please keep writing
My co-worker and I are really looking forward to book two.
Fixed the link.
Best book I’ve heard/read in years!! I am 3/4’s the way through and was discussing with the friend who turned me on to it that I can’t wait to finish and start book 2. That’s how I found out that book 2 is not out yet. gonna start over from the beginning before I finish and sop it all up more slowly.
I just finished the first book. And all I have to say is yes! Yes! Yes! Keep that shit coming!
Why cant I pre-order book 2 yet? I got this one last credit I wanna use (and I want an exact date >_<)
My agent and his contact at Audible are actively working on the pre-order and release date. The holdup right now is getting the narration completed. The book and audio will be released at the same time. But Ray is in the process of narrating, so it’s in progress.
okay :sad face:
I’m really confused how this stuff works to be honest. Why is it that some books you can preorder 6 months in advanced, but others (mostly the series I like) I can only preorder like 1 week in advanced or not at all… There are several book series that I missed the sequels to for months because it was never on their “coming soon” list. and I wont have noticed it until it pops in my head “hey? I wonder what ever happen to that series?” Books like yours where I have enjoyed listening to them a lot I like to get pre-ordered (even without a firm release date) just so, if it slips my mind, it will pop up on my phone when I’m browsing my library.
That’s entirely up to the publisher. Choice of preorder date (or even whether to have one) is arbitrary. If you wish, though, you can join the mailing list on this site. I can guarantee I’ll be announcing book releases.
I hope that the bob net becomes a kind of unifying virtual reality. While bob can embody androids, people can join him in the vr and help him develop science and exploration. The possibilities occupy my mind! Love the book.
I just want to say that this book is the best one i have ever read. Well in my case listened to it is extremely well written and ray porter does a very good job aswell. I m not just saying that i m 100% serious and I havent read/listened to a book in about 3 years (i did read some for school but never finished them) i could not stop with this book. And i want to thank you very much for this it was a nice experience because i never really got caught up in a book like this one and i m only 15 (almost i have my birthday in 1 week) and enjoyed the book like no other it makes me happy and i cant say it enough times. I m doing a presentation on the book in my english class and i really hope that my classmates think the book is as good as i do it would make me kind of sad if not. (i m very sorry for any spelling mistakes i made english is my second language and i m german so they are bound to happen. I did listen to the book in english though)
if you liked this series, I recommend “14” and “The Fold” also expertly narrated by Ray Porter
How many books do you plan on making in this series?
The story arc is three books, but there is room for any number of singleton books in the bobiverse. I guess after the 3, it’ll depend on what I want to write next at any particular time.
I just want to say that I really enjoyed the first book, and if the second book comes out late in march, I’m happy, because thats a nice birthday present for me. Just keep the books coming, and thank you for a very good story
Is there a way to get your signature on a book?
I’ve been asked this question several times. The problem is that I’m in Canada, so you’d have to ship a book up, then arrange to ship it back, with all the paperwork involved in crossing the border twice. Because I have a publisher, I don’t have a supply of books. If I was self-pubbed, I could just put a purchase link on my website or some such.
I’ve asked my agent about what other authors do, and he said that most only do signings on book tours and appearances.
ok. makes sense thanks for the fast answer. I would like to know if you plan on doing a tour and if yes will it be in europe germany
No plans yet, but I’m still early in my “career.” My wife insists that we go to Italy for “research”, though.
ok thanks. Is there any site where i can find a bit of informationabout you? (that sounds worse than it is i m trying to do a presentation about book 1 and i cant find anything about you) And would we be able to get We are many earlier through pre-order?
I’m in I.T. so I’ve always had a realistic understanding about how and why to keep my internet footprint small. Of course, with the new avocation, that’s going out the window. Still, my entire internet presence consists of this blog, my twitter account @Dennis_E_Taylor (grand total of 2 tweets), my facebook page, my Amazon Author page, and my snowboarding blog (http://www.snowboardingforum.com/blogs/donutz/ , if you’re into that).
I m not into snowboarding but I´ll read it all anyway immight find some informatiom you dropped along the way. anyway thanks for the fast replys and i guess I´ll just need to cut the part where I talk about you a bit shorter and talk more about the book
(sorry for any spelling mistakes I made I m from germany and English is my second language)
too bad I’m an audiobook person, or I would love to have a signed copy too… hmmm I wonder if I can get you to sign a clear plastic sticker, then ill stick it on my book(phone)
Hey Dennis, I’m a huge fan of Bobiverse.
Are you going to be doing any readings/signings in Vancouver?
I’d love to meet ya’ and get a hardcopy signed.
All my best,
Nothing planned yet, but it’s not out of the question.
If only you could create a self replicating signature machine that could travel around the world signing books for you!
Awesome book, the best I have listened too this year! and I listen to a lot of books!
I have been listening to this and not wanting to get where i´m going because I want to hear more!!! gutted I only have an hour left.
I can not wait for more of the bobiverse! And also to see how the Deltas further progress. Will they play a larger role in the story?? Keep up the amazing work!
Am listening to ‘Bob 1’ audio book at this very moment. What a hoot! Am trying to parcel it out in order to make it last. It’s a losing battle. Most enjoyable book discovery since I found Robert Heinlein when I was 13. 63 now so that is saying something. Thank you for your wonderful story. I look forward to many more, hopefully.
Me too. Found A.E van Vogt and a 3 book edition of ‘World of Null A, Slan, and Voyage of the Space Beagle as a young teen and have never turned back.
Enjoyed the heck out of your book! If Hollywood isn’t beating your door down to put this on the big screen… idiots!
Will the next book be longer!! (Hopefully)
Just finished book 1, damn it, Bob is awesome. I was looking for something to hold me over until Expeditionary Force book 2 is available on Audible, now I need something to hold me over until Bobiverse book 2. Great story, favorite AI so far.
Greetings, Just have to say, this first book of Bob is really good, I have the audio version and have listened to it at least 5 times (I listen to it while I drive). Great story line, interesting character and concept. I am looking forward to the next (clone? copy?) of Bob and his exploits.
Keep up the good work.
It would be really cool if (I know this is pretty late for you to change stuff in your book and all but maybe in like the third [just thought it was a cool idea]) if the bobs put some solar sail/and the gravity drives ships outside of a supernova to launch them far away into space while possible gaining tons of energy from some kind of solar panels (I know that would probably breaky the panels and sail but hey Sci-fi right?)
Read Bob late last year and it was my favourite book along with Dawn of Wonder. Looking forward to boo 2 for both.
I am listening right now to the audiobook and i was hooked by the third sentence. It remind me a lot about the Black mirror episode “white christmas” mixed with the game portal. If you dont know those, stop what you re doing and go watch White Christmas (on Netflix). Anyway, I am very glad that the next book is out so soon, and I will definitly get it. Refreshing idea well written and funny.. what else do i need?
Dennis, you now have another fanboy that will buy your future works without hesitation. Also, please keep Ray Porter narrating if you have a choice.
Mr. Taylor, I just wanted to congratulate you on creating the Bobiverse. I don’t have much time to read any more so audio books are my escape. I tend to read all different types of books and there’s only 2 books so far that I have ever read (listened to) again immediately after finishing it the first time. The first was Ready Player One and now yours.
Between what you wrote and the voice acting of Ray Porter I actually laughed out loud more than a few times while listening and I can’t wait till your next book is out.
In for updates. Loved the audible version. Thinking I need to get a physical copy to have around the house. I’ve already hooked one of my friends on the universe and will continue to recommend it left and right!
Audiobook is perfect. Great story. Please write faster.
Just finished the first audiobook. I enjoyed it very much.
To me is reads like a Rob Grant book which I think is a very good thing. I always wished Rob Grant would do another Colony book which had a human “mind” put into a machine in the future. The Bobiverse takes the idea even further. Very enjoyable.
Glad I don’t have to wait long for the second instalment.
Hello Dennis, all the Bobs and everyone else,
I have just read and simultaneously listened too ‘WAL/WAB’ and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved all the science fiction references as I too am a avid sf junky.
The narrator on the audible did a fantastic job of bringing to life all the different versions of bob and in keeping with their individual name choices.
Very much looking forward to the release of your next book in the trilogy and beyond.
Oh! And a very well done…
Hi, all the excitement for the second book as audio is well and nice, but where can i get the one made of actual letters and words? Is there an Ebook yet?
There will be. It’s hard to coordinate the audio and print/ebook versions, so they can be a couple of days off. But it should be up this week.
Dennis – I picked up your book Monday 2/6/16, read 50 pages and thought this is good. Life intervened Tuesday and can happy say I just finished your novel 2/9/16. Kudos! An extremely well written book and fascinating!
Thank you for time spent with Boooobs :-). Waiting for next chapter of their/your story!
Alex ( Bob’s fen )
Hello Mr. Taylor, What a wonderful story is the ‘We Are Legion (We Are Bob): Bobiverse, Book 1’
I have an audible version and Ray Porter’s performance elevated it to a dream like level for me.
Really looking forward to getting book #2 and so glad Ray Porter is doing this one for you again.
I’ll be looking for other the scifi novels from you as well.
On my 3rd listening of your imagination, I always find something I missed due to driving. Please take as much time as you need to make #2 and #3 as great as #1.
After reading all these replies to you, I know I am not the only one looking forward to exploring and populating this universe (and maybe repopulating Earth) with you and you’re Bobs.
Just a side note, my middle name is Robert and it’s nick name is Bob. I always wanted to be called Bob, don’t know why. Now at 65 I am comfortable with Robert. Not a clue why you choose Bob, but this Bob, I mean Robert thanks you.
“I dont usually pre order Audiobooks, but when I do its a Dennis E. Taylor Audiobook.”
I loved the first and I do rarely preorder.
This story was brilliant, i loved the time compression and tha ages rolling by.
Also the story is totally going to be brought to life on day, as humans insist on building machines that will perform better that them.
Looking forward to part dew.
I have not seen a sci fi this interesting since The Foundation Series. This is great SciFi. Preordering “For We Are Many”. Thanks, Dennis!
Hey, so… March came and went. The April 14th date came and went… What’s up? “For we are many” and we all pre-ordered. I need my fix, man!
18th. Tuesday.
About to finish the book and so far I love it!
P.S. I noticed that in Chap. 40 “Gotcha” it said that Riker was in the Vulcan system and not the Earth System, was it just a typo or am i just misreading it?
Typo. Bad Gaffe. Thanks for pointing it out.
Just finished book 2. I wanted to say thanks, and to lob an idle threat that you had better use Ray Porter for narration on book 3, or else. That’s a nice Bobiverse you’ve got there. Would be a shame if something happened to it…
Dennis I loved every bit of both of your bob books, I just finished listening to the second one and I wish I could skip a few years to read the next one. Thank you for such a fantastic set of stories. I’ll be getting myself a little fish to discuss bugs and features while I work.
Also just finished Book 2. Great work. And want to agree with Brandon, pleas use Ray Porter for book 3. I hate it when they change narrators, it truely will ruin the audiobook to hear it in anyone elses voice.
Keep up the great work.
Just finished book 2 … any update on book 3 ?
Have currently gone through the first two books, twice. Love the series so far. Cannot wait for the third book to be released. Excellent work.
The concept of a digital immortality has always been a favorite of mine. I’ve wished, for over a decade, to live until the time we are able to upload ourselves to a digital copy. For close to 20 years, I’ve been creating virtual gardens, parks, and housings online for fun. I started to joke.. that if we could be upload, there would already be housing setup for myself.