When the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts, it’s up to six university students and their experimental physics project to prevent the end of civilization.
When an experiment to study quantum uncertainty goes spectacularly wrong, physics student Richard and his friends find that they have accidentally created an inter-dimensional portal. They connect to an alternate Earth with identical geology, but where humans never evolved. They go panning for gold and become millionaires overnight, while fantasizing about Nobel Prizes and patents.
Then the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts on Earth in an explosion large enough to destroy civilization and kill half the planet. Richard and his friends have less than an afternoon to get as many people as possible across to Outland before Nebraska is covered in a lethal cloud of ash.
Now Richard finds himself in charge of a disorganized and frightened band of reluctant pioneers, on a world with none of the modern infrastructure that people have come to depend on. Richard has been a loner all his life, and has always wanted to be part of something bigger– but this is far more than he bargained for. If he doesn’t get this right, it’s not just the lives of the people in his care that could be lost– it may very well be the end of human civilization.
What happened to Outland?
In late 2017, I signed a contract with Audible.com to put Outland and the sequel onto audio. But before that can happen, I have to do a significant edit of Outland. It made more sense to un-publish the book first, because the new one will very likely be under a different ASIN (which means purchasers of the old edition won’t get the new edition).
So for now, Outland is off the market. I should have it finished by summer 2018, then it has to go through the audio publishing grind, which takes a few months.
Published: Jan 2, 2015
Un-published Jan 2018.
Release date on Audible is May 16, 2019. Text versions Sept 16, 2019.
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I’m listening to your book “We are legion” and am enjoying it so much that I decided i’d better see if you have anything else published. Luckily I found this site, and I just bought Outland on Amazon! Also, you REALLY need to get your names linked together on Amazon. it does not have these two books as being by the same person…. I’m sure i’m not the only one who wants to read more by you!!
Unfortunately, I don’t have any control over the account that Legion is published under. That belongs to the publisher. One of the disadvantages of trade-publishing, I guess.
You can drop icy comets on a (somewhat) barren world, yet Amazon (and others) can’t even figure out how to link names with different publishers?
Faith, suddenly seems more plausible… possibly sooner…
I can’t agree more… Chills running down my spine.
Have you looked into Amazon self publishing? Enough people love your work that you should be able to self publish, and ditch the label.
Huge agreement to self publishing. Can’t wait to read more of your work. 🙂
After gobbling up the Bobiverse books I was eager to find anything else you had written. Just finished Outland and looking forward to the sequel.
Love the references in your books – all things I relate to, Stargate, MacGuyver, Terry Pratchett.
Thank you for giving me new universes to disappear into.
To be honest i actually enjoyed Outland more then the Bobverse. And don’t really see much room for editing on Outland
I’m absolutely loving the Quantum Earth series. I just finished book #2 and went to hurry up and get the next one…. WHAM! Are there more? When? Where? I neeeeed them. In the meanwhile, please reply with a poster size image on Monica… for a friend. Thanks!
I’m almost done with Earthside on audible. I have loved these 2 books! I’m hooked! Please tell me there will be a 3rd soon?
Love your books, Mr Taylor!
Im on the final chapters on “Earthside” on Audible, and I’m wondering; if you’re planning to continue this exciting story?
I almost don’t want to finish it…, because I will miss the caracters so…
I’m hoping, hoping, hooooping….
Kindest Regards// EM
Loving the bobiverse series first two books down, one to go. Can’t wait for summer.. I just finished outland tonight. Outland is truly awesome– it’s the apocalypse, but it’s not so horribly dark like a lot of those books. The hope of us starting over on a fresh new world (and maybe building up civilization right this time), leaves the reader feeling hopeful not sad at the end.
So…it’s June 3 2017. I was looking up Outland to read more about it, and at the bottom of the page where it shows “Customers who bought this item also bought” , both Bob Books were listed, That’s probably because the Bobiverse has been expanding and now there are more references to Dennis E. Taylor.
Denis, is Outland coming to Audible?
Yes. I have a contract with Audible for Outland and the sequel. I’ll be working on both this summer.
Summer is over… any update on the audiobook for Outland?
Will Ray Porter be narrating?
Hope so.
Just zipped through the whole Bobiverse series on Audible and got the companion paperbacks to read when I couldn’t listen. Now day dreaming about where my replicant would explore 🙂 Can’t wait for Outland to be released! Thanks for putting such great work out into the world!
any more news on this audio books?
Still working on it
Try as I might, I can’t find even the name of the second Outland book. Is it out?, what’s its title?, and when will it be on audio?
Working title is “Earthside”, but no, it’s not out. It’s the next project after “The Search for Bender.”
I have just finished the audio book and cannot wait until “Earthside” is finished. Outland is now one of my favorite books.
I just finished Outland! That is one of the best books I’ve purchased on Audible! I only listen to books when I’m on the road for work (4 hours or more). However, I found myself listening to this whenever I could get a moment alone to find out what happens next! It’s a little far fetched, but sooooo much fun. I hope the second one comes out soon. Is there a date on the horizon?
I just got Outland and finished We are Legion. Thank You I loved We are legion and cant wait to finish Outland so far its great.Thanks again I hope to see more.
Just a heads up your Outland books and Legion books are listed under different accounts on http://www.goodreads.com.
After I finished Legion I went there to check for other books but Outland is listed under Dennis Taylor instead of Dennis E Taylor.
Sadly, that’s going to be an ongoing issue. I self-published Outland, which means it’s under my Author Central account. But Legion is trade-published, which means it’s done under an account that the publisher owns (and they get the proceeds, then distribute royalties). I’ve linked to the books in my Author Central account, which is the most I can do.
You can talk to Amazon support and ask to make a feature request. Ask them for the ability to link authors between publishers.
It seems a bit silly, given the advancement of a number of Amazon’s technologies that they can’t have a single extra column in their product DB table to allow for an author/publisher relation.
Is there a release date for the sequel to Outland?
Nothing firm, but I want to actually get it done by summer, this time. Instead of just talking about it. 🙁
Done by the end of winter you say?
Can’t wait will next fall!
Love we are legion..3/4 done and WOW…very low bow…Outland looks fun…better to be good than fast..
Well, better good than fast *within reason*, or else you end up in a nightmare Patrick Rothfuss or George R.R. Martin scenario.
Hey Dennis,
Listened to ‘Legions’ over the weekend. Great job! Tight story telling and big idea.
I had a draft 20 years ago: Extraordinary people are kept ‘alive’ post-death as software to be of eternal use for humanity etc. but I didn’t get it rolling.
Later, I published three books on other topics under the name ‘Edward Bristol’. Also as audios. Two are free to stream under http://www.wildfishgems.com. (I’m a gem-trader)
Now, my idea: You’ve created the beginning of a story with endless possible branches (as you’ll know). One writer can’t possibly develop them all. I imagined a web-based ‘open-source’ fiction project with different writers taking different Bobs into multiple worlds.
Just an idea….
In any case, great writing. Congratulations. The action parts could be more thrilling (Bob wins too easily) but everybody has his style.
Thanks. The upload idea isn’t new by any means. I’ve read 2 books in the last couple of years that use it. I’d name them, but I’m still pre-coffee, and right now I can barely figure out the keyboard. 🙂
It’s a common discussion on absolutewrite.com that there are very few new ideas in fiction, just different implementations.
The second thing you mentioned sounds like fanfic. Or, alternatively, licensed ‘universe’ fiction like the endless supply of Star Wars universe novels.
As to the Bobs winning too easily, not to worry. Things don’t go so well in book 2…
Gah, they didn’t go nearly well enough in Book 1 and now you’re telling me Bob’s are going to have a rough time in Book 2. Buckle up. Bob’s should win easily. More flexible, more adaptable. Fine, I get it. No fun in that. see you in Book 2 and 3.
When will Outland be available on audible?
There are no immediate plans for that. However, when I get Outland #2 written, my agent may try to sell both to audible as a package deal.
Any updates on Audible versions if Outland?
No. I’m working on Singularity Trap edits right now. Outland comes after that.
Life has moved me into a place where almost all my reading is done via Audible. So far this year I think up to 50ish titles. The Bobiverse so far consists of 2 and soon to be 3 of those titles.
If you could get like, all your work on Audible I’ll buy ’em. Every one.
Just finished WE ARE LEGION and WOW – loved it. Keep it up!
On to Outland now!
Loved We are Legion! Glad to see stories where the AI (though Bob is not an “artificial” intelligence) is not the nemesis. Bob is very human and relatable – altogether human in some of his indecisions and resource constrained situations. However, I think it would be interesting to explore how a Bob might develop if he focused on improving his intellect/compute capability and really embraced the machine side of his nature. Maybe that’s what Bill’s up to…?
Any way – thanks for the great read, and looking forward to whatever you put out next!
In Legion, I have finally found a novel that is engaging, intriguing and humorous all at the same time. It’s very refreshing. I’ll definitely be reading Outland next while I want for Bob book 2.
Keep up the great work!
When will outland come to audible?
A good question. I’m going to get it re-edited in the new year (Jan-Feb), then submit to Audible. If they pick it up, it generally takes about 2-3 months to get it produced. So, by summer 2017 seems reasonable.
How’s summer 2017 looking? 2 new books on Audible perhaps?
I just finished outland… Super hungry for the sequel. Thank you
I finished Outland last night. While I thought the beginning was a bit slow, the book had a strong finish. The characters are developing nicely. I love to see the college student introducted to “adulting” and the positive way they are taking to it. I have watched “Primitive Technology” series on YouTube, which is quite fascinating, and wonder how far back our cast will have to go before they become self-sufficient. Hope our guys find a supply of Pri-G and Pri-D to stabilize their fuel, otherwise they are hosed in a year or so.
As you can see I am very excited about a follow-on.
I’ve been concerned about the fuel best-by issue, as well as the GPS degradation. The latter is probably unfixable; but you’ve given me another thing to look up for keeping the fuel good for a while longer.
Don’t forget bio fuel or an electric car dealership!
I just finished “We Are Bob” and loved it! I listened to the audiobook. The narrator is a hoot. Thanks for all your hard work in writing. I really enjoyed the hard core sci-fi with such a hopeful message (if you overlook the earth was destroyed) lol
I didn’t even realize you were the author of this as well! Fantastic book, I consume a book every week or so and sometimes I don’t pay attention when the same author has written more than one of my favorite books, this was awesome! A really fantastic read. We’d love to have an interview or something with you on our YT channel (we discuss We are Legion on our latest episode of our podcast-style video game playthrough), if you’re available at all, reach out to us and we’ll figure out how to make it happen!
Just discovered your book Outland, loved it now I find out it may not be put or even written until next summer. Hope I don’t forget about it I seem to do that with books that take a while to be published.
Join the mailing list. I’ll send out announcements when books come out.
I just finished Outland. It was the 259th book I’ve read since I purchased my Kindle but it’s easily one of the top ten.
I usually have a loosely set time of day where I can sit and enjoy a good read. Outland was so compelling I found myself picking up the kindle at odd times of the day just to get a quick read in. Unfortunately the book came to an end and the sequel hasn’t hit the streets yet. Please, please, please, get cracking on book two, summer is a long way off.
Biodiesel/vegetable oil be a good be a good fuel option. Vehicles that use diesel can also run on vegetable oil. Also, the transformers on the top of telephone poles have a considerable amount of oil in them that can be used as fuel for diesel vehicles.
Hey Dennis,
Just wanted to say that i loved Outland and an waiting for the sequel. Also that after reading all the positive feedback on legion I’m going to have to give it a read.
I loved Legion and then read Outland. Really good idea. I was wondering if you have read Bootstrap Colony by Christoher Hectl. Not quite the same story but has some good ideas. Anyway, great writing on both books. Thank you !!
Just finished Outland thought it was great. Looking forward to the second book. Going to give Legion a look now. Thanks for the great book.
Hey Dennis! Loved both Outland and Legion! Can’t wait for when the next two books get out here! Also some thoughts about the Outland scenario, so at the end (Not giving spoilers) will that be a major part of the next book? Or are there any plans about going through there and somehow accessing another Earth with humans? Possibly advanced? Just speculating and hope to see you keep up the amazing work!
The Outland universe is as open-ended as the bobiverse, in terms of future book opportunities. Dino world will definitely play a part in book 2, as will Greenhouse Earth.
Something very interesting I thought of would be if you somehow include a small crossover Easter egg between the World Lines and We are Bob series. Just a thought. I bet Kevin would completely flip. Like if in the We are Bob series it registers as like a small anomaly on the Deltan planet or something and either have the Deltans briefly encounter the G.O. or perhaps in the World Lines series they briefly see a Gorriloid or Deltan. These are just little ideas that would seem pretty cool and it would kind of make sense on the World Lines side.
Scratch that, I just remembered that they would have had to travel to the same location in their world… Oh well it was nice to believe it could happen.
Dennis – Was your book inspired by Wildside by Steven Gould? If not, you may be interested in taking a look, as there is a portal to an alt-earth without humans, and the protagonist gets the idea to pan-mine for gold. I can easily be believe this came to you independently, but it isn’t a crime to be inspired by another work in any event. Just thought you might be interested if you haven’t read Wildside.
I have read Wildside. I even take a poke at it in Outland.
The thing about the gold-panning is this–it’s such an obvious thing to do, if the characters didn’t immediately think of that, it would be a huge plot hole. Even Pratchett’s The Long Earth goes there.
Yeah, pan mining is surely the first thing that would be considered, especially to raise capital for something more ambitious. I’m not sure if it would actually be what one would pick with a geologist on board, as I believe precious gems were very accessible in certain places as well. There was a story maybe 5-10 years ago about a farmer that had a “vision” and dug in his backyard, finding a rich vein of emeralds. Granted I think he used a backhoe. There are also wilder ideas, like selling fossils or meteors, both of which go for millions at times. As long as you don’t try to sell one of the rarer/more unique looking ones it would probably be ok. Agree with Gould that extinct wildlife wouldn’t be a great idea lol.
Does your poke at his book manifest in yours as accidentally blasting Passenger Pigeons out of the sky? Lol
I found your books by looking for a story with a plot and not fantasy sex every other page. I loved Wildside and wish Mr. Gould had written a couple of sequels. I like your story Outland very much and hope to see sequels. Lots of sequels.
Outland sounds very similar to ‘The Long Earth’ books by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter. have you had a look at them at all?
I’m coming to the end of your first Bobiverse book, really REALLY good. Very much looking forward to the second one. Though, you might want to include a spoiler warning in the book 2 description. sorta ruined the end of book 1 for me, but sure I will enjoy it anyway.
Cheers, P.
This book was Majestic! I like your form of creativity been a while since I read something rather than just going for an Audio book but I will need to keep my eye on you for future books.
Do you have ideas on other series or are you going to be sticking to Bobiverse and outland?
P.S. I read Wildside because of this book I like it as well but IMHO this book was better. Have you read The Neanderthal Parallax by Robert J. Sawyer?
Yes, Sawyer is one of my favorite authors. I met him at the Surrey Int’l Writer’s Conference last fall at a Blue Pencil event. He critiqued the first 5 pages of Singularity Trap for me.
That’s awesome, how did he like it, if you don’t mind me asking?
Also in regards to the audible version of Otherside have you considered Luke Daniels as a narrator?
He gave me some suggestions for publishers to send it to, so I guess he liked it.
Generally speaking, Audible decides on narrators. They picked Ray Porter (although I’m overjoyed with the choice).
I agree totally. Ray Porter was perfect for the Bobs!
Okay sweet so they have already chosen the Narrator of Outland. That means that I can look forward to a new audiobook just around the corner. Just curious but I seem to enjoy your books to a healthy degree, and was hoping you might have some suggestions on some descent books to read. I would never have found wild side if not for your website and I liked it.
Can you explain the bit about “irate reader” in your website title, I’m super curious and haven’t seen any pasts about it in your Fourm/blog?
What got me started on the idea of writing was a spectacularly unsatisfactory book that I’d bought on Amazon. I was irate and yelling something about “I could do better than that.” My wife dared me to put up or shut up.
Nice! That is awesome. So you didn’t originally plan to become a writer then. I guess I’ll have to owe my hours of enjoyment to your wife haha. I want to become a Science Fiction writer so I figured the best way for me to do book research would be to join the Navy so here I am in Japan it is awesome and I have gotten a lot of good ideas. If you need any insight about ships, military, or inner office naval politics just let me know.
-IT2 Persyn
Seventh Fleet FCISWO
Military SF is a huge sub-genre, and the readers are very picky about realism. Or at least plausibility. Get a weapon wrong, or mess up a description involving chain of command, and you can have an angry mob parked on your blog. So having military experience is a huge plus, if that’s the area you want to write in.
I mainly joined to see how a fully staffed naval vessel worked together than an actual military. I want to do something with the overplayed ark idea. I figured that many of the staff on such a huge ship would be prior military. So it isn’t really a military sci-fi. Being in the military also gave me a better idea on political science. Yeah I have felt that way a few times reading about unrealistic space officers. Working as an IT in the navy is great because I get to do RadioComms, cryptology, and IT work, lots of fun.
What was your carrier before writing books?
My what?
Oops career sorry my phone has some pretty dumb auto correct… I know you are a programmer, what sourt of programs do you work on for your day job? Do your fellow office mates know of your writing?
Thought that might have been the case. Autocorrect is a meme for a reason.
I’m a Programmer Analyst at a large insurance company. For a few more months, anyway. And yes, my avocation is public knowledge.
I can’t hardly wait to finish my first novel although I’m not so sure I would want my shipmates to know about my “hobby”, my wife is very encouraging but I suppose that’s what spouses are for. Have you ever been to Japan? I have been to a lot of different countries and that gives me lots of inspiration. What sort of Alien cultures do you imagine?
Have not been to Japan. I haven’t travelled much, actually. I may be able to change that, now.
You noted above you will be a programmer for a few more months…. does this imply you are going to be move into a full time writing career or did the Bobiverse bring you early retirement 🙂
Yes. 🙂
Well if you need a place to crash to make your trip cheaper just let me know I got a guest bedroom.
Enjoyed Outland,, anxious to read next volume. When is it expected?
No delivery date yet. We have a couple of contracts in process, and the agreed-upon delivery dates will determine in what order I do my next few books.
Dennis, you brilliant so-n-so.
As a human and fellow computer scientist I absolutely love your books. Outland was even better than We Are Legion. What I like the most so far are the stories themselves – the outcomes and events are interesting and fun and in several cases fairly realistic. Let’s be real though, if I were fighting pleistocene animals, the bare minimum I would bring for semi-auto rifles would be something in 308 :).
I wish I had discovered you 5 years from now, so I didn’t have to wait so long before reading a second book of either series.
Have read both We Are Legion and Outland. Loved them both can’t wait for the sequels.
Ditto. Any ideas on when?
Listened to we are legion on audible and it absolutely blew me away which lead me here. Outland isn’t on audible so iv sent a request asking if they’ll be getting it any time soon Fingers crossed . At least I don’t have long to wait for we many.
I have a contract to produce Outland and the sequel on Audible. Just a matter of putting fingers (and possibly forehead) to keyboard.
Dude, you need to quit the day job, and stick to writing. you are killing us, having to wait for your next best seller (my opinion). Love your books
Just finished this book, after having read the other two. I do hope you will write a few sequels to this one, as well as the others. Could you please write faster?
Is Outland available as an audio-book? Can’t find it on Audible and as I am about to finish “For We Are Many” I am mindful of needing something to prevent withdrawal symptoms!
Outland will be out on Audible, probably this year, but maybe not soon enough for you.
OH well something to look forwards to. Deferred gratification and all!
After jumping into the Bobiverse with both feet, none of your upcoming books will come out soon enough for me.
I picked up legion based on a random rec I found in goodreads. Had no idea how new it was at the time and that I would love it so much and then have to wait for the following books. Really would like to read Outland as well, but think I will wait to start till the main story line is done.
Like people do with netflix I prefer to bing read my books and not wait for the next release.
Personally I would rather either books be epic large volumes (not an issue with digital format) or released all at once again like netflix is doing their tv shows.
Just finished outland. Had a definite “tunnel in the sky” vibe to it. Looking forward to the sequel!
Loved the bobiverse book 1 and 2. I know 2 was just released but any word on 3 yet?
Audible is still talking early August. We make a point of releasing the audio and e-book at the same time.
Observation: The gates require computer boards that aren’t likely to be manufactured ever again as the world slides into a twilight age. Yes, they have some spares, but this is A Problem.
Also, the previous version of the gate led to worlds that were “close enough” that there were alternate versions of Our Heroes running the same experiments (hence seeing two flipped coins). Now, in their current implentation of the design, all their gates wind up hitting the same worlds to “left” or “right” (Greenhouse Earth and Wildside and presumably Dinosaur Earth). It would be in their best interest to get to “tuning” at least one gate so that they could dial in an Earth that is close enough to home without Yellowstone happening. Perhaps even getting assistance from their alternate selves?
“Here’s those spare boards you needed. As well as a bunch of other stuff.”
“Cool! Here’s a sack of gold. By the way, watch out for these guys, they’re trouble, and there’s smarter ways of cashing in that gold. As a matter of fact, try this: forget about the gold. Buy a quickpick lottery ticket and put that in your small gate, and interate through realities until you get a winner. Since that ticket is probably a loser in that reality they won’t mind you taking it, and your ticket probably matches some other reality’s winning numbers, so they’ll take yours. Everybody wins.”
Also… Winter Is Coming. For real. I know they’re still reeling from the eruption and scrambling for survival, but they don’t seem sufficiently worried about the impending winter yet. Will this be brought up in the next book?
The “infinite variations” trope is why I structured the parallel universes the way I did. You won’t get almost-identical worlds (or a small number of them, anyway).
Outland 2???????
It’s getting closer. At least it’s on a definite schedule now. Finish editing Singularity Trap, re-edit Outland, finish Earthside (Outland 2).
Let’s hope that definite schedule is real short . . looking forward to Outland 2 and Bobiverse 3 . . Tremendously enjoyed both Outland and the first Bobiverse books – although I’ve lost count on the number of Bob’s . .
Lot’s of remarks on audible “books” here. Can’t get the fascination of readers in the US with those. My first association with that is “War of the Worlds” somewhere “last century” ;). If I would go audible I strongly feel I would fall asleep within a couple of minutes and not remember the last part I heard . .
That’s actually happened to me, and it’s not a reflection of the book I was listening to. I’ve discovered that there are circumstances where audio books are ideal, like while running or exercising. Listening at bed-time, maybe not such a good idea.
If you are going on a long drive or just routinely commuting and you can’t read but you can listen to a book it can be an option some take and this is a situation that is more common in the USA then in most other areas.
That said. I found myself wanting to listen to the audio version of the bob books just because of how well done it was and it brought so much more life to the story and made it easier to separate and distinguish the different bobs. Usually the audio versions of books I have done in the past have only been when my eyeballs where taken by other activities, but with the bob books I was doing the audio and switching back to reading only when I was in a position where I couldn’t keep listening (needed my ears). I couldn’t just stick with audio because I didn’t want to wait to continue the story.
Yes listening to audio books, bed time or on a plane is not really a good thing mainly because you end up having to figure out where you left off.
I just had to comment. After 20 years in corporate America, I decided to drive a truck for a living. Audio books are what makes that possible.
Love your books. I can’t find Earthside (Outland 2) on Audible. Is it published there?
Not out until Jan / 2023 on Audible
Awesome Reads, I am nearly done listening to Book 2 ” For We Are Many”. Thank you for writing these book, it has become the topic of several discussing groups now for me. Excellent, Thought Provoking, Hilariously Entertaining are just some of the adjectives I use to describe your books. I am looking forward to Book 3 later this year and hopefully Outland will be available on Audible soon.
Hi Dennis! I wanted to say: thank you for your writing, which I LOVE and I see that you are on a path to greater and greater success. You’re awesome and I’m excited for you to quit your day job, you deserve it!
Just finished “Outland 2: Cretaceous Warriors” and I have to say that I loved it! A few notes though:
1) it was pretty hard to believe when Bill lost both legs and both arms and still survived, maybe you should have kept it to just a few fingers or a hand?
2) Micronesia taking over the whole of Alaska was also hard to swallow, especially considering the attackers were all under the age of 6.
3) While funny, I never really followed how McDonald’s had set up a presence in the Cretaceous so quickly.
Thanks! Great book!
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Haha, sorry, just finished bobiverse book 2 and loved it. As I once again found myself void of Dennis E. Taylor books to read, I figured I’d show my appreciation via a trolling comment. Excited for your next pieces of literature, keep up the great work!
🙂 I actually went looking for the title, thinking maybe someone was selling some unauthorized fanfic or something.
Someday I will have enough of a backlist to keep people reading between releases.
What can I say, I was in a rush that day and didn’t have enough time to think of subject matter sufficiently ridiculous to remove doubt that it was a joke, I’ll do better next time.
As for your speed, I wouldn’t worry about it, man. You’re actually pumping these things out at an impressive pace and it’s not like I can afford to spend any more time at work contemplating the bobiverse :D.
I found your Bob books first and absolutely LOVED them. They are the perfect and unique blend of all I love about Sci-fi. I then went looking for more of your work and found Outland. I am a geologist (yay volcano apocalypse!) and you are now officially on a very short list of my most favorite authors. So happy to hear that a sequel is in the works for this world as well as the Bobiverse. You have created two universes with almost infinite possibilities for stories and I look forward to following your career. I am excited to hear you will soon be able to make writing your full-time job.
I am currently recommending your books to everyone I know and my husband is already hooked. He doesn’t read much but I ordered the audible version for him and I have to give kudos to the narrator who has done an outstanding job of bringing Bob to life.
Anyways, just thought I would let you know you have a couple of new fans, keep up the great work!
Sheila S.
Okay Dennis, great work on your books. Just finished Outland hoping this blog could give hope for a sequel. Great pacing and easy to like characters, thanks for your efforts. BTW-Bobverse was an excellent follow on to Sapiens and Homo Deus (Harari) which follows the concept of what is next in our evolving nature? Thanks for the good reads! Al
Dennis, despite 55 years of reading science fiction, I rarely write reviews or fan letters. BUT … reading the Bobiverse books and Outland, I found so many echoes of past masters (Heinlein, Asimov, Pohl, etc), but put together in new ways and following new inspirations. Superb! You are a 21st century example of the best of mid-20th century hard sf – find an intriguing real concept and spin it out and see where it leads. Your books just bring back memories of discovering my favorite authors decades ago. Please keep pondering scientific mysteries and new big ideas — please keep writing — and please spend a little time pursuing the Outland universe. Your take on a classic sf idea is spot on.
Thanks for the enjoyment.
I’ve been reading science fiction for 30 years now and I can say hand on heart that your BOB series has been the most enjoyable series of books I’ve read to date. Absolutely genius!!!!!!!.
Douglas Adams would be a massive fan !!
Give up your day job and write more BOBs please I cant get enough.
Best wishes for the future
Really enjoyed the book, also looking forward to the next in the series. Depending on how much power the gadget uses, I wonder what other ways it might be used beyond the established transport/surveillance/interdimensional target-shooting.
For folks stuck on Earth Prime facing an ice age, would it be possible to mass-produce gadgets designed to hook into the greenhouse world for hot air to feed into the pipes for heating buildings? Or even gigantic radiators for both adding heat to the atmosphere and (long term) terraforming the world nextdoor?
Connecting portals to regions that are submerged in other worlds to run hydroelectric turbines without needing rivers? Finding pressure-tight rooms that can be made habitable in the greenhouse world so they can serve as a halfway point to seeing what world is on the other side of THAT?
So much possibility in this genre, and your writing style is darn enjoyable. Glad you made the leap.
I want to buy this book but in epub format, not kindle. How do I go about doing that? Right now, the only way for me to read this (and your other books) is to pirate it, which I do not want.
So, please, can you provide me a way to buy an epub file?
Thank you,
The books are only available on Amazon. KU requires exclusivity.
Love your Bobiverse books! Listening to book 3 on audible now. I’ll definitely have to check out this Outland book. Looks like a great story!
Just as an FYI: Some of the themes and even story events (the mention of the Yellowstone eruption) in this Outland book bare a striking resemblance to some of the ideas and events from the Long Earth series by Terry Pratchett and Steven Baxter. If you haven’t read it, you should really check it out. It explores the idea of parallel or “stepwise” worlds and explores some similar ideas. Also, in the end of book 2 and transitioning into the beginning of book 3 (SPOILER alert) the same Yellowstone event happens necessitating a mass exodus from original Earth to the other “stepwise” aka parallel Earths. The resemblance of story event and theme caught me by surprise.
I’m looking forward to seeing how you explore these ideas and concepts in Outworld and love your writing! I also appreciate the ratio of “hard science” to flowing humorous narrative; I think you’ve hit a magic balance there. There was another comment on another thread on your site about many themes being revisited over and over again in sci-fi and I can’t remember where I saw it… but yes… themes and story ideas can pop up in different places repeatedly and that’s all right; I’m curious to see where your writing takes these ideas in Outland. Maybe because it was a 5 book series, but I found the Long Earth series to be a little rushed in places… the pacing seemed to just wisk through big events… but probably because it covered so much intellectual ground. It will be nice to mentally unpack a narrative about a mass exodus from Earth to a parallel Earth due to a Yellowstone eruption in a single book written in your style instead of this just being a minor plot event in a long epic. Sorry for the stupid long comment. Love your work. I can spend ALL DAY reading comment threads on your site.
I still don’t see Outland in audio book. Any new word on when it will be released or who the narrator is? I’m being forced to listen to books that aren’t up to BOB standards. 🙂
Sorry, still editing Singularity Trap. Outland is next.
Waiting for Outland #2… Legion was great, and outland so needs a sequel. Had it borrowed by a friend, bought it. Keep up the great work
why is Outland not on audible?!? Do you not like money or something? COMEON!!!
Working on it.
I’ve listened to all the Bobiverse series and then I found Outland. I love the premise and build up but now I’m waiting for the next book.
It doesn’t have to be Audible, I can read it; just get it out. PLEASE.
Hi. I just finished Outland, having only started it yesterday–but what a great way to spend a long, holiday weekend. I found it wonderfully entertaining. I can’t wait for the sequel, but I will “make do” with the Bobverse. Thanks for the wonderful entertainment.
Dear Dennis,
I am reading the first in the Bobiverse series and wonder if you put women in more powerful positions in future books? Thanks.
Will Outland be available again in the uk? The kindle version isnt an option anymore, and the print is out of stock.
Thanks for bringing that up. I posted about this on my FB page, but really should have put it on my web page here as well.
Essentially, I’ve taken Outland out of publication for the moment. It’s being re-edited, and will be republished sometime by summer or thereabouts.
Lincoln NEB has over 8 hospitals, I don’t think all the doctors would leave, over 8 colleges ditto, and a large train s complex where after the ashfall rescue trains could go East looking for survivors. A few days after the ashfall hundreds could have been rescued from the hospitals and college complexes. Just my opinion on your redo.
Jon F Sonnenleiter
I’ll take that into account. Thanks. It doesn’t affect the main arc, but it’s worth referencing.
Outland would make a cool base-building mobile game. Something like clash of clans meets 7 Days to Die.
Hey again! Just got back from deployment and finished the 3rd book of ‘Devine dungeon’ series it had a reference to your ‘bobiverse’ In it. Have you ever read/listened to it?
No, but I think the reference was mentioned in the “Fans of the Bobiverse” FB group.
Hey just finished a reread of Outland and now I find myself wanting more. I’m sure you are sick of hearing that so… I look forward to any book you have to release and promise to devour what ever you put out. I would likely visit your site more often if you had a percentage tracker like Brandon Sanderson just a thought.
Happily. Stuck. On. Outland rereads. Want. Need. MORE on that story line. What a wunnerful first book ***bows***
Previously read We Are Bob books I &II and liked them. Haven’t got to III yet, but will soon. I have had Outland in my Kindle file for a while now and just got around to reading it. All I can say is, I should have read it sooner. I love this story! And being a sci-fi geek from waaaay back, I got most of Bill’s references. I’m hoping there will be second (maybe even a third) book.
Your Bobiverse books are awesome. When is your audiobook being released ?? I need more !!
Loved you’re Bobiverse books! I tried to get this book but the link doesn’t work. Also when searching Amazon, it says the book isn’t available. ??? Help
I guess I’m going to have to put up a post and modify the Outland page.
What happened is that I got a contract from Audible to put Outland and the sequel onto audio. Before that can happen, I have to do a significant edit of Outland then re-release it. It made more sense to un-publish the book first, because the new one will very likely be under a different ASIN (which means purchasers of the old edition won’t get the new edition).
So for now, Outland is off the market. I should have it finished by summer, then it has to go through the audio publishing grind, which takes a few months.
Awesome! I look forward to it and have no issue with re purchasing the new edition. Already have the singularity on preorder.
Thanks for the update!
I’m on my 4th read of the bob series.
Dear Dennis,
Just checking in to say hi – and to pester you. It’s been months since I last pestered you to write more books. I re-read Outland today and loved it again. Shooting bad guys, stockpiling supplies, and inter-dimensional portals are always easy ways to get me hooked.
Anyway, I see from your last response on this page that you’re still doing things, so that’s good and it saves me the trouble of writing my own sequel “OUTLAND: A Planet Ruled by Apes” and publishing it in another country under the pseudonym “Denise E. Taylor”.
Hope things are well, if you’re in LA at any point I’d love to go to a book signing.
man this sounds like it was influenced quite a bit by the long earth. can’t wait to read this.
I read outlands a while back on kindle came back today to see if you had put out a new book to only find that I can get it any more when will it be back so I can read it on my kindle I’ll give you all the golds
It’s been unpublished so it can be extensively edited. I’ll be republishing it on amazon and audible somewhere around spring of 2019. You’ll still recognize the story, but the characters are much more well-developed now.
A few things, they could in the beginning go to the first parallel Universe, let’s call it A, ( The original universe is Origin) they found, their are fire protection suits that would compatible with 200 degrees Fahrenheit, sinxe they already know that universe is similar to their own other than the temp, building structures are similar, they would know where high value items are to get. The second universe (B side) they could have an almost limitless power source, the Yellow Stone Caldera (Origin), use small portals protested by titanium and insert titanium rods through the portals into the caldera and instant steam heat for steam generators, would probably last a few decades at least. Same type of thing could be used to apply heat to Origin side from the A side universe while the origin universe is going through an ice age, only 200 degrees, but better than freezing, be able to explore and scavenge origin side. Things to consider, will they know where major supply areas on origin are to raid? Can a moving portal, say on tracks or a large truck surround equipment and push/pull it through? Could you use that technique to pull in a building, a factory, houses, a green house, a zoo?
Even better creat Stirling engines on Origin powered from heat on A side and cable it through a portal to B side from Origin, power everywhere and portable.
Any updates on the re-release date?
May 16th
I am NOT happy!
I have deliberately avoided the Bobiverse as an attempt to metaphysically encourage the appearance of the promised Outland sequel.
Last month I caved and have now read all three Bobibooks. I enjoyed them damnit!
Though I still consider myself more of a Outie than a Bobiphile
Obviously my attempt to influence the lititary universe has failed. But from now on I will be re-reading Outland only once a month and using my telescoping tree saw for it’s intended purpose not wandering the neighborhood pretending to peek through into the multiverse.
Listening to Outland. Living the dream.
Really enjoying Outland. Started listening soon as it downloaded. Going to finish reading the Bobiverse boxed set even though I still put the audio book versions on while driving. Ready to see how Bender is doing these days.
Is Outland going to be released again as an actual book, or only as audio?
Will there be a Book 2 for Outland?
I am about 90mins from the end and do not want it to End.
I have all 3 Bobiverse and await Bender
Just found this page and just wanted to say: Thank you for the Bobiverse-series, it’s shared first place among books I have read all time.
I keep recommending it to people and a friend of mine who doesn’t even like books loved it.
Just finished Outland on audiable, saw that you had a contract for book two aswell. Do you have a timeline for when it will be released?
Eagerly waiting for the what ever you have coming next. Until then i’ll just pick up Singularity Trap 😀
will outland also be in kindle store
Yes, on Sept 16th
I finally got to read Outland.
I regretfully did not make it a priority earlier. What an amazing story. I love these types of sci-fi paths.
Excellent Job.
Just listened to Outland. Thumbs up and five stars.
I liked the premise of having a supergizmo and a supercrisis – while in similar stories a group of people would just enjoy the endless power of the said gizmo and the author will frantically try to explain why everything they do, be it opening a portal in Fort Knox to get some gold bars, killing first a lot of bad people through gunning them through portals, then “humanely” separate brain stems of innocent but smart people that “can become dangerous to the case” with portal closing, as well as steal submarines and put them in subsurface Moon bases as generators as something ‘good’ that can be justified by something they call “meritocracy”
Now that brings me to some questions: as a experimental device, its potential is probably not fully tapped yet – can the portal be ‘projected’ in a different place in same dimension?
What if the portal can be adjusted in size and shape, if you science it hard enough? How can such portals be used in transportation, mining operations, surgical medicine, construction, state-of-the-art composite material production, space flight, decontamination procedures, logistics and last not least, nonlethal law enforcement?
And the last question: what would happen, if the world explorer party finds a world, that is being indirectly controlled by power-crazed selfproclaimed group of post-communistic demigods, that can control portals worldwide in their dimension who suddenly gets aware of “competition”?
Just finished Outland. Great work!
I hope your wrong about how humanity would react in a global crisis but I fear it could be very realistic.
We listened to Outland on Audible as we drove through Alaska. Loved it. Can’t wait for new editions of Bill, Matt, Monica and the gang!
I came to your stories by the bobbyverse series, then listened to the singularity trap and now outland. You are going to be one of the worlds most successful scifi authors of all time.
Thanks very much for Outland. I especially appreciate the flavor of your writing. I liked it that many refugees expressed a preference for their new home. I liked the comment about not clearcutting, not making the same mistakes that were made Earthside. I also liked that many prefer and will work for a society that keeps hierarchy to a minimum. Maybe enough Outlanders understand the “Geography of Nowhere”, have worked or lived in cooperatives, will forward “A Pattern Language” and understand some human ecology – like Paul Shepard’s “Nature and Madness”.
Please, Please, Please make Outland into a series.
The characters are fun, real and I’d like to see their stories continue.
Hi, Dennis
I am listening to Outland again and re-admiring how terrific it is! Long been a fan of science fiction (Heinlein, Clark, Asimov, etc.) as well as “Oh s**t … it’s the end of the world as we know it” books, “The Stand”, “Earth Abides” Lucifer’s Hammer”, “The Road”, etc. so this is a perfect meld of two of my favourite genres. Having said that …. when is the second book coming out?
When will Outland 2 come out on audio? I thoroughly enjoyed the first. And, like the others who posted before me, can’t wait to see what the group gets into next. The Bobiverse is also very entertaining. Can’t wait to hear “Searching for Bender!”
Just finished the audiobook of ‘Outland.’
I thought it was fantastic, well written. Can’t wait (but I suppose I have to, unfortunately) for the sequel.
I just finished Outland and enjoyed it immensely. I was wondering when you did your research for the book did you happen to check out Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park http://ashfall.unl.edu/. ? It is run by UNL and it sounds like something both Monica and Erin would definitely know about.
Can’t wait for the sequel whenever it comes out.
Just finished another one of your books and I’m starting to think you have a fetish for coffee. Lol all your characters have a huge desire for it.
This book was great! Is there a a sequel? I’m having a difficult time finding and name or reference to the sequel. But the end credits to mention that this is a series.
The sequel is the next book I’ll be writing.
I finished reading outland book 1, however I cannot find any info on a release date, title ect. for book 2. Can you provide any info?
Latest info at Status of Things
OMG About to finish Outland awesome book. you said that your working on the sequel,. So… is Outland in the Quantum Earth series? Really love your stuff.
I’m waiting still for sequel to outlander.. any clue when and if? I love audiobooks the best, but I’ll do Kindle if I have to. I’ve become obsessed with your writing.. loved Bob’s verse.. and everything else you’ve written..
I’ve read all the Bobiverse books, Singularly Trap and Outland.. Can’t wait for the sequel for Outland! Also looking forward to more books!
Is Outland part of a series. If so? Name please
Really love your work. Bobiverse has gotten me through long commutes, Singularity Trap as well. Just finished 2019 version of Outland over a long break. NEED MORE SOON!!!!! Do not ever change your narrator. Ray Porter is excellent and allows me to visualize each character. Even though some of the supporting characters sound the same, his delivery and inflection gives them that special something.
Can’t wait for the second in the Quantum Earth Series. Velociraptors???? 🙂
Also want to know what is up with Bender. What has he gotten into way out there in the black ocean?
Apparently I’m jumping on the bandwagon late. Incredible writing! It is very much appreciated what goes into writing. So thanks.
As another person who has become obsessive over your writing, you are encouraged to push on with the release of QE#2. Outlander was amazing. And the others who posted above are correct. The books being in Ray Porters voice makes all the difference. Audiobooks are the difference between having to live through work and enjoy it.
Keep up the awesome writing in any form.
Please, please, please include a visit to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in Book 2 and the addition of a couple of botanists and maybe some Mennonites or Amish settlers that could teach the current inhabitants how to get a barn up! 🙂
And, of course, I’m hoping for more people and live stock. Anyways – really looking forward to the continuation, there’s so much potential – even without Planet Four! 🙂
When can we expect the sequel to Outland? I’m waiting (impatiently) for its release.
I can see:
LT. Collins knowing he has to move fast he’s worried about some people he knows are still alive who refused to leave their homes when he did rescues. He knows thousands are nearby dying every day; their water will be running out before food.
I can see:
LT. Collins Setting up a base for his troops on the Outland side near the Lincoln Railroad complex. He knows rails are connected to hundreds of small towns and large cities and are the only clear route if the rails weren’t damaged by the Yellowstone earthquake. All major roads were clogged with cars.
I can see:
LT. Collins restoring 3 train engines and sending out rescue teams, blowing their horns for attention when the train stops at each community near the rails; dropping off water and food on a folding table with the message: More to come, why don’t you visit us?
I can see:
LT Collins setting Omaha as his main Target. Strategy Air Command was there and he knew SAC had flown their planes north to Alaska, and some airports in Canada but SAC had a Nuclear bombs arsenal that they wouldn’t leave unguarded. Also, a field office of the Army Core of Engineers is there along with the Union Pacific railhead HQ’s. Omaha would probable end up as Outlands new Capital.
I can see:
LT. Collins sending out rescue vehicles to nonresponding towns, visiting the best possible spots that there might be people. Such as churches and homes that had cleared the ash.
Just read outland. Please tell me the next book has them domesticating dire wolves and mammas.
Hi Denis
I just finished Outland …I absolutely loved it . It has been a long time since I have listened to a book that has captured my attention and imagination.
I’m sure you get bugged about this all the time. When is the second book coming out?
Again I loved Outland so great. Thank you so much.
really enjoyed Outland! unless i’m reading these posts wrong it’s looking like you have sequels written but not in Audible. how i can buy hard copies of the others (looks like it was 4 books in the series?) so i can keep reading the series until they appear on Audible?
Those aren’t Outland sequels. Those are the Bobiverse series of books. There are three, with a fourth coming out in September, plus Singularity Trap which is a standalone novel.
Thanks so much for keeping us apprised of your summer activities and for surviving the virus. I look forward to “MoreLand” not sure what the working title is for Outland2 but its a great story and I like your crafting! I have listened to most of your books via Audible and Ray Porter does a fine job voice acting your books.
Loved the updated outland…I was captured and now wanting more…where is outland 2?
hi, thank you for writing Outland. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Please carry on with the series. I enjoy using Audible as i work all over England and so spend a lot of travel time listening as I drive – cant stand monotonous music or the drivel that most radio DJ’s put out, so thank you again.
I very much liked the Audio Version of Outland. do you know when the squeal will be published on Audio Book?
Hi, i absolutely adore everything written by you.
I don’t want you to feel pressured, but is there any news at all that you can please share about upcoming books in this series?
So good!!
Thank you
Did you mean to write something? The comment looks empty.
Hi Dennis,
Fellow Canadian here. Thanks for the many hours of fun listening. I’m on my second listen of “Outland” after finishing “Heaven’s River.” Just wondering if the sequel to “Outland” is on it’s way soon?
Can’t wait for the second book. Any idea when this will be available on audible?
Just finished Outland and am anxiously awaiting the sequel.
Actually, you’ve inspired me to finally start writing on my own.
I’ve also finished the Bob series and The Singularity Trap, and I had a great time with them all. Can’t wait to see what comes next!
Are you going to make a sequel to Outland?
Here to register my interest in the second book!
I was just here to check in on a sequel to Outland. It looks like it is still on in the “to do” pile. Guess I will have to keep making up stories in my head. It will be so confusing when the real version eventually comes out. The characters seem to forget everything I taught them!
Gotta say, I have to add my voice to those others clamoring for Book #2 of the Quantum Earth series and hope that you can retain Ray Porter as the narrator.
I’m a truck driver and I’ve listened to all of the we are Bob and I also listened to Outland 1 but I can’t find book 2 on audible has it been put on hold
There’s no book 2 yet. One of those projects that keeps getting pushed back.
I am almost done with Outland and am really bummed the next book isn’t out. Finished the Bobavers series, it was awesome
While waiting for the Outland sequal I had to listen to all the entire Bobiverse series again. No bad thing but hope it comes out soon or I’ll have to have a third listen!
The search for Bender? is this part of a series or a stand alone book?
When is Outland sequel due on audible?
Loved Outland, waiting for the 2nd book !
PS. The Bobverse series is outstanding.
I need the 2nd book of Outland, I loved the 1st. Would make a good movie so far have JJ Abrams make it.
Patiently waiting, sorry I meant to say impatiently waiting for OUTLAND Book 2, such a great story.
Do you have any plans to revisit the world of Outland in the near future? I loved the premise of the book and enjoyed listening to it as well. My hope is that you’ll expand on the team’s survival in the parallel or alternate universe.
Earthside comes out in January.
Excellent!! Thank you!
Is there a map somewhere for Outland? I’m listening to Earthside and loving it. But it would be nice to see a map of the damage done by the eruption.
Nothing specific, but if you look up previous Yellowstone eruptions, I used those as guides for where the ash would go.
Thanks. I’ll check it out. And maybe a fan will make one.
I just finished listening to Earthside. Shoot, I want to know what happens next. When’s the next book?
Your books, the Bobiverse and Earthside/Outland have got me thinking about writing again. I absolutely love your style and your imagination. One of my favorite authors and I give your books as gifts.
My only hangup is that I’m not super thrilled with how you write women. As a woman myself, I find myself rolling my eyes a lot, especially re: Monica. But, you’re a man, so I also find it pretty normal that you don’t write women as well as do write men.
Do you have any advice for women writers on how to write male characters? I’m asking because, well, you’re a man and I’m not! Also because I love Richard.
Earthside is a fantastic book, I’m just about to finish and honestly I am now going to be checking this page every week for book 3 updates. Bobiverse and Outland are genuinely the best book series I’ve ever had the pleasure of stumbling across!
I’m not at all fond of electronic books and I tend to tune out audio books. Do you have a print date for Earthside yet?
Always 4 months. See here
AMAZING book (actually I listened to the audiobook, probably a dozen times now) and enjoying Earthside (4th listen).
Unsure if we’ll ever see a movie adaptation, how about a multi-part graphic novel? That would be absolutely amazing!!!
Just finished Earthside. Pleeeease tell me there will be more books to come in the Quantum Earth series. I have a few difficulties with Outland. The initial chapters were a little haphazard for me. And no, that is not a criticism, just a personal observation to hand on to others so they know if they have a similar experience that if they persevere they will be rewarded. I was so thrilled to find the moment I finished Outland, oh joy of joys, Earthside was right there just waiting for me to part with an Audible credit. Earthside felt way too short. (We readers are greedy sods aren’t we?) Anyhoo, thanks Dennis and I really hope we get to hear more from this intriguing world. Loving it SO much!
This is a really good book that I hope someday will get made into a movie or tv show as it would make a great one
I thoroughly enjoyed books 1 & 2, even if I fall into the group that didn’t particularly enjoy the politics of book 2 🙂 When can we expect book 3?
I’m listening to the audiobook of outland and I’m VERY ADHD and I have trouble with names. I was wondering if there happened to be a list of the main characters with a tiny bio about each I could read and get the names straight
No such item, sorry.
Looking forward to book 3 :).
Well while Ray is taking a strike break (love you Ray) perhaps you can crank out a third book in the Quantum Earth series (Book 3)!
Love your books! thanks!
Ray PorTer is great too LOL (Very Hard T)
Again Thanks!
Out of curiosity did you consider you have a great potential electricity generator. One portal connected to Green House Earth and one to vacuum Earth with a turbine in the middle.
Quantum universe 3!!!
Really want to read quantum earth 3
100% Agree. I love your work and have listened to everything available on Audible. From some reason, Outland has been incredibly refreshing. I enjoy the characters, the settings and challenges. Please write more soon.
Hi Dennis, I absolutely love your work! You have quickly become one of my favourite authors. I found both the Bobiverse and the Quantum Earth books absolutely riveting, and I can’t wait for more.
I noticed in Earthside that in the opening chapter, there was a scene where Monica and Bill are having banter over the possibility of a T. rex being in Dino world. Monica tells Bill that the Tyrannosaurus Rex was a Jurassic Dinosaur and was extinct by the time the Chicxulub the extinction event happened.
This is incorrect. The T. rex was late Cretaceous period, 68 to 66 million years ago in the fossil record, so it absolutely could have been around when the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction occurred.
I just found the scene very jarring considering Monica’s background as a zoologist. Perhaps we could get a scene in book 3 where Bill smugly proves he was right after all?
I can’t wait for Not Till We Are Lost and Quantum Earth book 3!
All the best, James 🙂
P.S reposting here as I think I accidentally posted this as a reply to someone on the front page.
I have read all your books multiple times but the Outland series is the most fun I have had in a long time. I hope you become a zillionair selling that excellent story to a studio. More please! Ray Porter is the best. Write fast, I’m not getting any younger and can not wait for more!!
Me too! I neeeed more quantum earth stories..so good..bobiverse too! Great writing Dennis!!!! its 2024 .. I’m 77 ….I need the quantum earth series for my good health
Dennis my hero
I have now listened to all yor bobiverse and outland offerings